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The Work of Soul-Saving
‘My brethren, if any of you do err
from the truth, and one convert him, let him know that he which
converteth a sinner from the error of his ways shall save a
soul from death, and shall cover a multitude of
We sometimes hesitate to speak of men being converted and saved by men. Scripture here twice uses the expression of one man converting another, and once of his saving him. Let us not hesitate to accept it as part of our work, of our high prerogative as the sons of God, to convert and to save men. ‘For it is God who worketh in us.’
‘Shall save a soul from
death.’ Every workman studies the material in which he works:
the carpenter the wood, the goldsmith the gold. ‘Our works are
wrought in God.’ In our good works we deal with souls. Even when
we can at first do no more than reach and help their bodies, our
aim is the soul. For these Christ came to die. For these God
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In that training the Church with its
ministers has a part to take.. The daily experience of ordinary
life and teaching prove how often there exist in a man unsuspected
powers, which must be called out by training before they are known
to be there. When a man thus becomes conscious and master of the
power there is in himself he is, as it were, a new creature; the
power and enjoyment of life is doubled. Every believer has bidden
within himself the power of saving souls. The Kingdom of Heaven is
within us as a seed, and every one of the gifts and graces of the
spirit are each also a hidden seed. The highest aim of the ministry
is to waken the consciousness of this hidden seed of power to save
souls. A depressing sense of ignorance or impotence keeps many
back. James writes: ‘Let him who converts another know
that he has saved a soul from death.’ Every believer needs to be
taught to know and
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‘He shall save a soul.’ Our Lord bears the name of Jesus, Saviour. He is the embodiment of God’s saving love. Saving souls is His own great work, is His work alone. As our faith in Him grows to know and receive all there is in Him, as He lives in us, and dwells in our heart and disposition, saving souls will become the great work to which our life will be given. We shall be the willing and intelligent instruments through whom He will do His mighty work.
‘If any err, and one convert
him he which converteth a sinner shall save a soul.’
The words suggest personal work. We chiefly think
of large gatherings to whom the Gospel is preached; the thought
here is of one who has erred and is sought after. We increasingly
do our work through associations and organisations. ‘If
one convert him, he saveth a soul;’ it is the
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‘Know that he which converteth a sinner shall save a soul.’ ‘If ye know these things, happy are ye if you do them.’ Let me translate these Scripture truths into action; let me give these thoughts shape and substance in daily life; let me prove their power over me, and my faith in them, by work. Is there not more than one Christian around me wandering from the way, needing loving help and not unwilling to receive it? Are there not some whom I could take by the hand, and encourage to begin again? Are there not many who have never been in the right way, for some of whom Christ Jesus would use me, if I were truly at His disposal?
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If I feel afraid—oh! let me believe that the love of God as a seed dwells within me, not only calling but enabling me actually to do the work. Let me yield myself to the Holy Spirit to fill my heart with that love, and fit me for its service. Jesus the Saviour lives to save; He dwells in me; He will do His saving work through me. ‘Know that he which converteth a sinner shall save a soul from death, and cover a multitude of sins.’
1. More love to souls, born out of fervent love to the Lord Jesus—is not this our great need?
2. Let us pray for love, and begin to love, in the faith that as we exercise the little we have more will be given.
3. Lord! open our eyes to see Thee doing Thy great work of saving men, and waiting to give Thy love and strength into the heart of every willing one. Make each one of Thy redeemed a soul-winner.