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That God may be Glorified
‘If any man serveth, let him serve as of the strength which God supplieth: that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, whose is the glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.’—1 Pet. 4:11.
Work is not done for its own sake.
Its value consists in the object it attains. The purpose of him who
commands or performs the work gives it its real worth. And the
clearer a man’s insight into the purpose, the better fitted will
he be to take charge of the higher parts of the work. In the
erection of some splendid building, the purpose of the day-labourer
may simply be as a hireling to earn his wages. The trained
stone-cutter has a higher object: be thinks of the beauty and
perfection of the work he does. The master mason has a wider range
of thought: his aim is that all the masonry shall be true and good.
The contractor for the whole building has a higher aim—that the
whole building shall perfectly correspond to the plan he has
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Peter tells us what our aim ought to
be in all Christian service—‘that in all things God may be
glorified through Jesus Christ.’ In the work of God, a work not
to be done for wages but for love, the humblest labourer is
admitted to a share in God’s plans, and to an insight into the
great purpose which God is working out. That purpose is nothing
less than this: that God may be glorified. This is the one purpose
of God, the great worker in heaven, the source and master of all
work, that the glory of His love and power and blessing may be
shown. This is the one purpose of Christ, the great worker on earth
in human nature, the example and leader of all our work. This is
the great purpose of the
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‘That in all things God may be glorified.’ What does this mean? The glory of God is this, that He alone is the Living One, who has life in Himself. Yet not for Himself alone, but, because His life is love, for the creatures as much as for Himself. This is the glory of God, that He is the alone and ever-flowing fountain of all life and goodness and happiness, and that His creatures can have all this only as He gives it and works it in them. His working all in all, this is His glory. And the only glory His creature, His child, can give Him is this—receiving all He is willing to give, yielding to Him to let Him work, and then acknowledging that He has done it. Thus God Himself shows forth His glory in us; in our willing surrender to Him, and our joyful acknowledgment that He does all, we glorify Him. And so our life and work is glorified, as it has one purpose with all God’s own work, ‘that in all things God may be glorified, whose is the glory for ever and ever.’
See here now the spirit that
ennobles and
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‘Let him serve as of the strength
which God supplieth, that in all things God may be glorified
through Jesus Christ.’ The more you depend on God alone for
your strength, the more will He be glorified. The more you seek to
make God’s purpose your purpose, the more will you be led to give
way to His working and His strength and love. Oh! that every, the
feeblest, worker might see what a nobility it gives to work, what a
new glory to life, what a new
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1. The glory of God as Creator was seen in His making man in His own image. The glory of God as Redeemer is seen in the work He carries on for saving men, and bringing them to Himself.
2. This glory is the glory of His holy love, casting sin out of the heart, and dwelling there.
3. The only glory we can bring to God is to yield ourselves to His redeeming love to take possession of us, to fill us with love to others, and so through us to show forth His glory.
4. Let this be the one end of our lives—to glorify God; in living to work for Him, ‘as of the strength which God supplieth’; and winning souls to know and live for His glory.
5. Lord! teach us to serve in the strength which God supplieth, that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, whose is the glory for ever and ever. Amen.