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kathlqeV en toiV katwtatoiV.
Into the dim earth's lowest parts descending, And bursting by Thy might the infernal chain That bound the prisoners, Thou, at three days' ending, As Jonah from the whale, hast risen again. |
Thou brakest not the seal, Thy surety's token, Arising from the Tomb Who left'st in Birth The portals of Virginity unbroken, Opening the gates of heaven to sons of earth. |
Thou, Sacrifice ineffable and living, Didst to the FATHER by Thyself atone As GOD eternal: resurrection giving To Adam, general parent, by Thine own. |
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O paidaV ek kaminou.
Who from the fiery furnace saved the Three, Suffers as mortal; that, His Passion o'er, This mortal, triumphing o'er death, might be Vested with immortality once more: He Whom our fathers still confest GOD over all, for ever blest. | |
The women with their ointment seek the Tomb: And Whom they mourned as dead, with many a tear, They worship now, joy dawning on their gloom, As Living GOD, as mystic Passover; Then to the LORD's Disciples gave The tidings of the vanquished grave. | |
We keep the festal of the death of death Of hell overthrown: the first-fruits pure and bright, Of life eternal; and with joyous breath Praise Him that won the victory by His might: Him Whom our fathers still confest GOD over all, for ever blest. | |
All hallowed festival, in splendour born! Night of salvation and of glory! Night Fore-heralding the Resurrection morn! When from the tomb the everlasting Light, A glorious frame once more his own, Upon the world in splendour shone. |