What is Catechism?
- by Zacharias Ursinus (1534-1583)
- Zacharias Ursinus was one of the primary authors of the Heidelberg
catechism. This article is found at the beginning of his commentary on this
Reformed catechism under the heading, "Special prolegomena with
reference to the catechism". The electronic edition of this preface was
scanned and edited by Shane Rosenthal. It is in the public domain and may be
freely copied and distributed.
I. What is catechising, or the system of
- II. Has it always been
practiced in the church, or what is its origin?
- III. What are the
principal parts thereof?
- IV. Why is it
- V. What is its
- The Greek words from which "catechism" is
derived, according to their common signification, mean to sound, to resound,
to instruct by word of mouth, and to repeat the sayings of another. More
properly, however, [greek characters
omitted] means to teach the first principles and
rudiments of some particular doctrine. As applied to the doctrine of the
church and as understood when thus used, it means to teach the first
principles of the Christian religion, in which sense it occurs in Luke 1. 4,
Acts 18. 25, Gal. 6. 6, etc. Hence, catechisation in its most general and
comprehensive sense, means the first brief and elementary instruction which
is given by word of mouth in relation to the rudiments of any particular
doctrine; but, as used by the church, it signifies a system of instruction
relating to the first principles of the Christian religion, designed for the
ignorant and unlearned.
- The system of catechising, therefore, includes a short,
simple, and plain exposition and rehearsal of the Christian doctrine,
deduced from the writings of the prophets and apostles, and arranged in the
form of questions and answers, adapted to the capacity and comprehension of
the ignorant and unlearned; or it is a brief summary of the doctrine of the
prophets and apostles, communicated orally to such as are unlearned, which
they again are required to repeat.
- In the primitive church, those who learned the catechism
were called Catechumens; by which it was meant that they were already in the
church, and were instructed in the first principles of the Christian
religion. There were two classes of these Catechumens. The first were those
of adult age, who were converts to Christianity from the Jews and Gentiles,
but were not as yet baptized. Persons of this description were first
instructed in the catechism, after which they were baptized and admitted to
the Lord's Supper. Such a catechumen was Augustin after his conversion to
Christianity from Manicheism, and wrote many books while he was a
Catechumen, and before he was baptized by Ambrose. Ambrose was also a
Catechumen of this sort when he was chosen Bishop, the urgent necessity of
which arose from the peculiar state and condition of the church of Milan,
upon which the Arians were making inroads. Under other and ordinary
circumstances the apostle Paul forbids a novice or Catechumen to be chosen
to the office of a Bishop. (1 Tim. 3. 6.) The [greek
characters omitted] spoken of by Paul, were those
Catechumens who were not yet, or very lately had been baptized; for the
Greek word, which in our translation is rendered a novice, according to its
literal signification means a new plant; that is, a new hearer and disciple
of the church. The other class of Catechumens included the small children of
the church, or the children of Christian parents. These children, very soon
after their birth were baptized, being regarded as members of the church,
and after they had grown a little older they were instructed in the
catechism, which having learned, they were confirmed by the laying on of
hands and were dismissed from the class of Catechumens, and were then
permitted, with those of riper years, to celebrate the Lord's Supper. Those
who are desirous of seeing more in regard to these Catechumens, are referred
to the Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius, the tenth book, and latter part
of the fourth chapter. Those who taught the catechism, or instructed these
Catechumens, were called Catechists.
- The same thing may be said of the origin of catechisation
which is said of the whole economy or service of the church, that it was
instituted by God himself, and has always been practiced in the church. For,
since from the very beginning of the world God has been the God, not only of
those of adult age, but also of those of young and tender years, according
to the covenant which he made with Abraham, saying, " I will be a God
unto thee and thy seed after thee; " (Gen. 17. 7.) he has also ordained
that both classes should be instructed in the doctrine of salvation
according to their capacity; the adults by the public voice of the ministry,
and the children by being catechised in the family and school. As it
respects the institution designed for the instruction of adults, the case is
clear and admits of no doubt.
- Touching the catechisation of children in the Jewish
church, the Old Testament abounds in many explicit commands. In the 12th and
13th chapters of Exodus, God commands the Jews to give particular
instruction to their children and families in relation to the institution
and benefits of the Passover. In the fourth chapter of the book of Deut., he
enjoins it upon parents to repeat to their children the entire history of
the law which he had given them. In the sixth chapter of the same book, he
requires that the doctrine of the unity of God, and of perfect love to him
should be inculcated and impressed upon the minds of their children; and in
the eleventh he commands them to explain the Decalogue to their children.
Hence, under the Old Testament dispensation, children were taught in the
family by their parents, and in the schools by the teachers of religion, the
principal things contained in the prophets, viz: such as respects God, the
law, the promise of the gospel, the use of the sacraments, and sacrifices,
which were types of the Messiah that was to come, and of the benefits which
he was to purchase; for there can be no doubt but that the schools of the
prophets Elijah, Elisha, etc., were established for this very purpose. It
was also with this design that God delivered his law in the short and
condensed form in which it is. "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with
all thy heart," etc., "and thy neighbor as thyself." So also
as it respects the gospel; it was briefly comprehended in the promises,
"The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head." And in
thy seed shall "all the nations be blessed." They had, likewise,
sacrifices, prayers, and other things which God required Abraham and his
posterity to teach their children and families. Hence it is that this
doctrine is presented in such a plain and simple form as to meet the
capacity of children and such as are unlearned.
- In the New Testament we are, told that Christ laid his
hands upon little children and blessed them, and commanded that they should
be brought unto him. Hence he says, in Mark 10. 14, "Suffer the little
children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of
God." That the catechisation of children was diligently attended to in
the times of the apostles, is evident from the example of Timothy, of whom
it is said that he knew the holy Scriptures from infancy; and from what is
said in the epistle to the Hebrews, where mention is made of some of the
principal heads included in the catechism of the apostles, such as
repentance from dead works, and of faith towards God, of the doctrine of
baptism, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection from the dead, and
of eternal judgment which the apostle terms milk for babes. These and
similar points of doctrine were required from the Catechumens of adult age
at the time of their baptism, and of children at the time of their
confirmation by the laying on of hands. Hence, the apostle calls them the
doctrine of baptism and laying on of hands. So likewise the Fathers wrote
short summaries of doctrine, some fragments of which may still be seen in
the Papal church. Eusebius writes of Origen, that he restored the custom of
catechising in Alexandria, which had been suffered to grow out of use during
the times of persecution. Socrates writes thus in relation to the system of
catechising in the primitive church: "Our form of catechising,"
says he, "is in accordance with the mode which we have received from
the Bishops who have preceded us, and according as we were taught when we
laid the foundation of faith and were baptized, and according as we have
learned from the Scriptures," etc. Pope Gregory caused images and idols
to be placed in the churches, that they might serve as books for the laity
and children. After this period the doctrine of the church, through the
negligence of the bishops and the subtlety of the Romish priests, became
gradually more and more corrupt, and the custom of catechising grew more and
more into disuse, until at length it was changed into the ridiculous
ceremony which to this day they call confirmation. So much concerning the
origin and practice of catechisation in the church.
- The chief and most important parts of the first principles
of the doctrine of the church, as appears from the passage just quoted from
the Epistle to the Hebrews, are repentance and faith in Christ, which we may
regard as synonymous with the law and gospel. Hence, the catechism in its
primary and most general sense, may be divided as the doctrine of the
church, into the law and gospel. It does not differ from the doctrine of the
church as it respects the subject and matter of which it treats, but only in
the form and manner in which these things are presented, just as strong meat
designed for adults, to which the doctrine of the church may be compared,
does not differ in essence from the milk and meat prepared for children, to
which the catechism is compared by Paul in the passage already referred to.
These two parts are termed, by the great mass of men, the Decalogue and the
Apostles' creed; because the Decalogue comprehends the substance of the law,
and the Apostles' creed that of the gospel. Another distinction made by this
same class of persons is that of the doctrine of faith and works, or the
doctrine of those things which are to be believed and those which are to be
- There are others who divide the catechism into these three
parts; considering, in the first place, the doctrine respecting God, then
the doctrine respecting his will, and lastly that respecting his works,
which they distinguish as the works of creation, preservation, and
redemption. But all these different parts are treated of either in the law
or the gospel, or in both, so that this division may easily be reduced to
the former.
- There are others, again, who make the catechism consist of
five different parts; the Decalogue, the Apostles' Creed, Baptism, the
Lord's Supper, and Prayer; of which, the Decalogue was delivered immediately
by God himself, whilst the other parts were delivered mediately, either
through the manifestation of the Son of God in the flesh, as is true of the
Lord's Prayer, Baptism, and the Eucharist, or through the ministry of the
apostles, as is true of the Apostles' Creed. But all these different parts
may also be reduced to the two general heads noticed in the first division.
The Decalogue contains the substance of the law, the Apostles' Creed that of
the gospel; the sacraments are parts of the gospel, and may, therefore, be
embraced in it as far as they are seals of the grace which it promises, but
as far as they are testimonies of our obedience to God, they have the nature
of sacrifices and pertain to the law, whilst prayer, in like manner, may be
referred to the law, being a part of the worship of God.
- The catechism of which we shall speak in these lectures
consists of three parts. The first treats of the misery of man, the second
of his deliverance from this misery, and the third of gratitude, which
division does not, in reality, differ from the above, because all the parts
which are there specified are embraced in these three general heads. The
Decalogue belongs to the first part, in as far as it is the mirror through
which we are brought to see ourselves, and thus led to a knowledge of our
sins and misery, and to the third part in as far as it is the rule of true
thankfulness and of a Christian life. The Apostles' Creed is embraced in the
second part inasmuch as it unfolds the way of deliverence from sins. The
sacraments, belonging to the doctrine of faith and being the seals that are
attached thereto, belong in like manner to this second part of the
catechism, which treats of deliverance from the misery of man. And prayer,
being the chief part of spiritual worship and of thankfulness, may, with
great propriety, be referred to the third general part.
- This necessity may be urged,
- 1. Because it is the command of God: "Ye shall teach
them to your children" etc. (Deut. 11. 19.)
- 2. Because of the divine glory which demands that God be
not only rightly known and worshipped by those of adult age, but also by
children, according as it is. said, "Out of the mouth of babes and
sucklings hast thou ordained strength." (Ps. 8. 2.)
- 3. On account of our comfort and salvation; for without a
true knowledge of God and his Son Jesus Christ, no one that has attained to
years of discretion and understanding can be saved, or have any sure comfort
that he is accepted in the sight of God. Hence it is said, "This is
life eternal that they might know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ,
whom thou hast sent," And again, "Without faith it is impossible
to please God." (John 17. 3, Heb. 11. 6.) And not only so, but no one
believes on him of whom he knows nothing, or has not heard; for, "How
shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard?" "So then
faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." (Rom. 10. 14,
17.) It is necessary, therefore, for all those who will be saved, to lay
hold of, and embrace the doctrine of Christ, which is the chief and
fundamental doctrine of the gospel. But, in order that this may be done,
there must be instructions imparted to this effect and of necessity, some
brief and simple form of doctrine, suited and adapted to the young, and such
as are unlearned.
- 4. For the preservation of society and the church. All
past history proves that religion and the worship of God, the exercise and
practice of piety, honesty, justice, and truth, are of the greatest
importance to the well-being and perpetuation of the church and of the
commonwealth. But it is in vain that we look for these things among
barbarous nations, since they have never been known to produce the fruits of
Piety and virtue. Hence, there is a necessity that we should be trained to
the practice of these things from our earliest years; because the heart of
man is depraved and evil from his youth; yea, such is the corruption of our
nature, that unless we early commence the work of reformation and moral
training, we too late apply a remedy when, through long delay, the evil
principles and inclinations of the heart have become so strengthened and
confirmed, as to bid defiance to the restraints we may then wish to impose
upon them. If we are not correctly instructed in our childhood out of the
sacred Scriptures concerning God and his will, and do not then commence the
practice of piety, it is with great difficulty, if ever, we are drawn away
from these errors which are, as it were, born in us, or which we have
imbibed from, our youth, and that we are led to abandon the vices in which
we have been brought up, and to which we have been accustomed. If,
therefore, the church and state are to be preserved from degeneracy and
final destruction, it is of the utmost importance that this depravity of our
nature should, in due time, be met with proper restraints, and be
- 5. There is a necessity that all persons should be made
acquainted with the rule and standard according to which we are to judge and
decide, in relation to the various opinions and dogmas of men, that we may
not be led into error, and be seduced thereby, according to the commandment
which is given in relation to this subject, "Beware of false
prophets." "Prove all things." "Try the spirits whether
they are of God." (Matt. 7. 15, 1 Thess. 5. 21, 1 John 4. l.) But the
law and the Apostle's creed, which are the chief parts of the catechism,
constitute the rule and standard according to which we are to judge of the
opinions of men, from which we may see the great importance of a familiar
acquaintance with them.
- 6. Those who have properly studied and learned the
Catechism, are generally better prepared to understand and appreciate the
sermons which they hear from time to time, inasmuch as they can easily refer
and reduce those things which they hear out of the word of God, to the
different heads of the catechism to which they appropriately belong, whilst,
on the other hand, those who have not enjoyed this preparatory training,
hear sermons for the most part, with but little profit to themselves.
- 7. The importance of catechisation may be urged in view of
its peculiar adaptedness to those learners who are of weak and uncultivated
minds, who require instruction in a short, plain, and perspicuous manner, as
we have it in the catechism, and would not, on account of their youth and
weakness of capacity, be able to understand it, if presented in a lengthy
and more difficult form.
- 8. It is also necessary, for the purpose of distinguishing
and separating the youths, and such as are unlearned, from schismatics and
profane heathen, which can most effectually be done by a judicious course of
catechetical instruction.
- Lastly. A knowledge of the catechism is especially
important for those who are to act as teachers, because they ought to have a
more intimate acquaintance with the doctrine of the church than others, as
well on account of their calling, that they may one day be able to instruct
others, as on account of the many facilities which they have for obtaining a
knowledge of this doctrine, which it becomes them diligently to improve,
that they may, like Timothy, become well acquainted with the Holy
Scriptures, and "be good ministers of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the
words of faith, and of a good doctrine, whereunto they have attained."
(1. Tim. 4, 6.)
- To these considerations, which clearly show the importance
of catechisation, we may add many others of great weight, especially with
the great mass of mankind, such as the arguments which may be drawn from the
end of our creation, and from the prolongation and preservation of our lives
from childhood to youth, and from youth to manhood, etc. We might also speak
of the excellency of the object of the doctrine of the catechism, which is
the highest good, even God himself, and might show the effect of such a
course of instruction, which is a knowledge of this highest good, and a
participation therein, which is something vastly more important and
desirable than all the treasures of this world. This is that pearl of great
price hidden in the field of the church, concerning which Christ speaks in
Matt. 13:44, and on account of which Christians in former times suffered
martyrdom, with their little children. We may here refer to the example of
Origen, of which we have an account in the sixth book and third chapter of
the Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius. So the fourth book and sixteenth
chapter of the history of Theodoret may be read to the same purpose. But if
we are ignorant of the doctrine and glory of Christ, who from among us would
be willing to suffer on their account? And how can it be otherwise but that
we will be ignorant of these things, unless we are taught and instructed in
them from our childhood? A neglect of the catechism is, therefore, one of
the chief causes why there are so many at the present day tossed about by
every wind of doctrine, and why so many fall from Christ to
- The design of the doctrine of the catechism is our comfort
and salvation. Our salvation consists in the enjoyment of the highest good.
Our comfort comprises the assurance and confident expectation of the full
and perfect enjoyment of this highest good, in the life to come, with a
beginning and foretaste of it already, in this life. This highest good is
that which makes all those truly blessed who are in the enjoyment of it,
whilst those who have it not are miserable and wretched. What this only
comfort is, to which it is the design of the catechism to lead us, will be
explained in the first question, to which we now proceed, without making any
further introductory remarks.
Click here to access the The Heidelberg
Catechism referenced above.
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