
1 JESU, if still thou art to-day
As yesterday the same,
Present to heal, in me display
The virtue of thy name.

2 If still thou goest about to do
Thy needy creatures good
On me, that I thy praise may show,
Be all thy wonders showed.

3 Now, Lord, to whom for help I call,
Thy miracles repeat;
With pitying eyes behold me fall
A leper at thy feet.

4 Loathsome, and vile, and self-abhorred
I sink beneath my sin;
But, if thou wilt, a gracious word
Of thine can make me clean.

5 Thou seest me deaf to thy command,
Open, O Lord, my ear;
Bid me stretch out my withered hand,
And lift it up in prayer.

6 Silent, (alas! thou know'st how long)
My voice I cannot raise;
But O! when thou shalt loose my tongue,
The dumb shall sing thy praise.

7 Lame at the pool I still am found;
Give, and my strength employ;
Light as a hart I then shall bound,
The lame shall leap for joy.

8 Blind from my birth to guilt and thee,
And dark I am within;
The love of God I cannot see,
The sinfulness of sin.

9 But thou, they say, art passing by;
O let me find thee near!
Jesu, in mercy hear my cry,
Thou Son of David, hear!

10 Behold me waiting in the way
For thee, the heavenly light;
Command me to be brought, and say
"Sinner, receive thy sight!"

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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Calvin seal: My heart I offer you O Lord, promptly and sincerely