8s & 6s.

1 THEE, Jesu, thee, the sinner's friend,
I follow on to apprehend,
Renew the glorious strife;
Divinely confident and bold,
With faith's strong arm on thee lay hold,
Thee my eternal life.

2 Thy heart, I know, thy tender heart
Doth in my sorrows feel its part,
And at my tears relent;
My powerful sighs thou canst not bear
Nor stand the violence of my prayer,
My prayer omnipotent.

3 Give me the grace, the love I claim;
Thy Spirit now demands thy name;
Thou know'st the Spirit's will;
He helps my souls infirmity,
And strongly intercedes for me
With groans unspeakable.

4 Prisoner of hope, to thee I turn,
And, calmly confident, I mourn,
And pray, and weep for thee:
Tell me thy love, thy secret tell,
Thy mystic name in me reveal,
Reveal thyself in me.

5 Descend, pass by me, and proclaim,
O Lord of hosts, thy glorious name,
The Lord, the gracious Lord,
Long-suffering, merciful, and kind;
The God who always bears in mind
His everlasting word.

6 Plenteous he is in truth and grace;
He wills that all the fallen race
Should turn, repent, and live;
His pardoning grace for all is free;
Transgression, sin, iniquity,
He freely doth forgive.

7 Mercy he doth for thousands keep;
He goes and seeks the one lost sheep,
And brings his wanderer home;
And every soul that sheep might be:
Come then, my Lord, and gather me,
My Jesus, quickly come!

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
Contacting the CCEL.
Calvin seal: My heart I offer you O Lord, promptly and sincerely