7s & 6s. Ezekiel xxxiv. 29, 30.

1 CHRIST, whose glory fills the skies,
That famous Plant thou art:
Tree of Life eternal, rise
In every longing heart!
Bid us find the food in thee
For which our deathless spirits pine,
Fed with immortality,
And filled with love divine.

2 Long we have our burden borne,
Our own unfaithfulness,
Object of the heathen's scorn,
Who mocked our scanty grace;
Jesus, our reproach remove;
Let sin no more thy people shame!
Show us rooted in thy love,
In life and death the same.

3 In thy spotless people show
Thy power and constancy;
Give us thus to feel and know
Our fellowship with thee:
Give us all thy mind to express,
And blameless in our Lord to abide,
Transcripts of thy holiness,
Thy fair, unspotted bride.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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