7s & 6s. Acts xiv. 3.

1 BOLD in our Almighty Lord,
While thee we testify,
Present to confirm the word
We on thyself rely;
Thou thy confessors confess,
The truth in sinners' hearts reveal,
Welcome news of saving grace
By thy own Spirit seal.

2 More than outward wonder show
On those that humbly hear,
Let their souls the witness know,
The indwelling Comforter;
Let their lives resemble thine,
And preach the kingdom from above,
Holy joy and peace divine,
And pure unbounded love.

3 Thus thy testimony give
To all who speak for thee,
Thus let thousands turn and live
In faith's sincerity;
Through our ministerial hands
Ten thousand more with grace supply,
Power to practise thy commands,
And live for God and die.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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Calvin seal: My heart I offer you O Lord, promptly and sincerely