Thursday, May 25.--l rode to Bandon. In the evening we were obliged to be in the house; but the next, Friday, 26, I stood in the main street, and cried to a numerous congregation, “Fear God and keep his commandments: for this is the whole of man" [Eccles. 12:13). Afterward I visited one that a year or two ago was in high life, an eminent beauty, adored by her husband, admired and caressed by some of the first men in the nation. She was now without husband, without friend, without fortune, confined to her bed, in constant pain, and in black despair, believing herself forsaken of God and possessed by a legion of devils! Yet I found great liberty in praying for her and a strong hope that she will die in peace.
Tuesday, June 37.--[From a letter "to a pious and sensible woman"] "By Christian perfection, I mean 1) loving God with all our heart. Do you object to this? I mean 2) a heart and life all devoted to God. Do you desire less? I mean 3) regaining the whole image of God. What objection to this? I mean 4) having all the mind that was in Christ. Is this going too far? I mean 5) walking uniformly as Christ walked. And this surely no Christian will object to. If anyone means anything more or anything else by perfection, I have no concern with it. But if this is wrong, yet what need of this heat about it, this violence, I had almost said, fury of opposition, carried so far as even not to lay out anything with this man, or that woman, who professes it?"
Monday, July 3.--l rode to Coolylough (where was the quarterly meeting) and preached at eleven and in the evening. While we were singing, I was surprised to see the horses from all parts of the ground gathering about us. Is it true then that horses, as well as lions and tigers have an ear for music?
Sunday, 30.--At five I preached at Leeds; and on Monday, 31, prepared all things for the ensuing Conference. Tuesday, August 1, it began; and a more loving one we never had. On Thursday I mentioned the case of our brethren at New York, who had built the first Methodist preaching-house in America and were in great want of money and much more of preachers. Two of our preachers, Richard Boardman and Joseph Pillmoor, willingly offered themselves for the service; by whom we determined to send them fifty pounds, as a token of our brotherly love.
Wednesday, August 23.--l went on to Trevecka. Here we found a concourse of people from all parts, come to celebrate the Countess of Huntingdon's birthday and the anniversary of her school, which was opened on the twenty-fourth of August, last year. I preached in the evening to as many as her chapel could well contain; which is extremely neat, or rather, elegant; as are the dining room, the school, and all the house. About nine Howell Harris desired me to give a short exhortation to his family. I did so; and then went back to my Lady's and laid me down in peace.
Thursday, 24.--I administered the Lord's supper to the family. At ten the public service began. Mr. Fletcher preached an exceedingly lively sermon in the court, the chapel being far too small. After him, Mr. William Williams preached in Welsh, till between one and two o'clock. At two we dined. Meantime, a large number of people had baskets of bread and meat carried to them in the court. At three I took my turn there, then Mr. Fletcher, and about five the congregation was dismissed. Between seven and eight the love-feast began at which I believe many were comforted. In the evening several of us retired into the neighboring wood, which is exceedingly pleasantly laid out in walks. One of these leads to a little mount, raised in the midst of a meadow, and commanding a delightful prospect. This is Howell Harris's work, who has likewise greatly enlarged and beautified his house; with the gardens, orchards, walks, and pieces of water that surround it, it is a kind of little paradise.
Friday, 25.--We rode through a lovely country to Chepstow. I had designed to go straight on, but yielded to the importunity of our friends to stay and preach in the evening. Meantime, I took a walk through Mr. Morris's woods. There is scarcely anything like them in the kingdom. They stand on the top and down the side of a steep mountain, hanging in a semicircular form over the river. Through these woods abundance of serpentine walks are cut, wherein many seats and alcoves are placed; most of them command a surprising prospect of rocks and fields on the other side of the river. And must all these be burned up? What will become of us then, if we set our hearts upon them?