
Wesley in the Isle of Man

Friday, 30.--I went on to Whitchaven, where I found a little vessel waiting for me. After preaching in the evening, I went on board about eight o'clock and before eight in the morning landed at Douglas, in the Isle of Man. Douglas exceedingly resembles Newlyn in Cornwall both in its situation, form, and buildings; only it is much larger and has a few houses equal to most in Penzance. As soon as we landed, I was challenged by Mr. Booth, who had seen me in Ireland and whose brother has been for many years a member of the society in Coolylough. A chaise was provided to carry me to Castletown. I was greatly surprised at the country. All the way from Douglas to Castletown it is as pleasant and as well cultivated as most parts of England, with many gentlemen's seats. Castletown a good deal resembles Galway, only it is not so large. At six I preached near the castle, I believe, to all the inhabitants of the town. Two or three gay young women showed they knew nothing about religion; all the rest were deeply serious.

Sunday, June 1.--At six I preached in our own room; and, my surprise, saw all the gentlewoman there. Young as well as old were now deeply affected and would fain have had me stay were it but for an hour or two; but I was forced to hasten away in order to be at Peeltown before the service began.

Mr. Corbett said he would gladly have asked me to preach but that the Bishop had forbidden him and had also forbidden all his clergy to admit any Methodist preacher to the Lord's supper. But is any clergyman obliged, either in law or conscience, to obey such a prohibition? By no means. The will even of the King does not bind any English subject, unless it be seconded by an express law. How much less the will of a bishop? "But did not you take an oath to obey him?" No, nor any clergyman in the three kingdoms. This is a mere vulgar error. Shame that it should prevail almost universally.                                                            

As it rained, I retired after service into a large malthouse. Most of the congregation followed and devoured the Word. It being fair in the afternoon, the whole congregation stopped in the churchyard, and the Word of God was with power. It was a happy opportunity.

The Manx Men

Monday, 2.--The greater part of them were present at five in the morning. A more loving, simple-hearted people than this I never saw. And no wonder, for they have but six Papists and no Dissenters in the island. It is supposed to contain nearly thirty thousand people, remarkably courteous and humane. Ever since smuggling was suppressed, they diligently cultivate their land; and they have a large herring fishery, so that the country improves daily.

The old castle at Peel (as well as the cathedral built within it) is only a heap of ruins. It was very large and exceedingly strong, with many brass guns; but they are now removed to England.

I set out for Douglas in the one-horse chaise, Mrs. Smyth riding with me. In about an hour, in spite of all I could do, the headstrong horse ran the wheel against a large stone and the chaise overset in a moment. But we fell so gently on smooth grass that neither of us was hurt at all. In the evening I preached at Douglas to nearly as large a congregation as that at Peel, but not nearly so serious. Before ten we went on board and about twelve on Tuesday, 3, landed at Whitehaven. I preached at five in the afternoon; hastening to Cockermouth, I found a large congregation waiting in the castle yard. Between nine and    ten o'clock I took chaise, and about ten on Wednesday, 4, reached Settle. In the evening I preached near the market place, and all but two or three gentlefolks were seriously attentive. Thursday, 5. About noon I came to Otley.


This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on July 30, 2001.
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