Monday, 21.--I rode on to Bandon. From three in the afternoon till past seven, the mob of Cork marched in grand procession and then burned me in effigy near Dant's Bridge.
Wednesday, 23.--The mob was still patrolling the streets, abusing all that were called Methodists and threatening to murder them and pull down their houses, if they did not leave this way.
Thursday, 24.--They again assaulted Mr. Stockdale's house, broke down the boards he had nailed up against the windows, destroyed what little remained of the windowframes and shutters, and damaged a considerable part of his goods.
Friday, 25.--One Roger O'Ferrall fixed up an advertisement at the public Exchange, that he was ready to head any mob, in order to pull down any house that should dare to harbor a swaddler. (A name given to Mr. Cennick first by a popish priest, who heard him speak of a child wrapped in swaddling clothes and probably did not know the expression was in the Bible, a book he was not much acquainted with.)
At this time God gave us great peace at Bandon, notwithstanding the unwearied labors, both public and private, of good Dr. B ---, to stir up the people. But, Saturday, 26, many were under great apprehensions of what was to be done in the evening. I began preaching in the main street at the usual hour, but to more than twice the usual congregation. After I had spoken about a quarter of an hour, a clergyman, who had planted himself near me with a very large stick in his hand, according to agreement opened the scene. (Indeed his friends assured me he was in drink, or he would not have done it.) But, before he had uttered many words, two or three resolute women, by main strength, pulled him into a house; and, after expostulating a little, sent him away through the garden.
The next champion that appeared was one Mr. M---, a young gentleman of the town. He was attended by two others with pistols in their hands. But his triumph too was but short; some of the people quickly bore him away, though with much gentleness and civility.
The third came on with greater fury; but he was encountered by a butcher of the town (not one of the Methodists), who used him as he would an ox, bestowing one or two hearty blows upon his head. This cooled his courage, especially as none took his part. So I quietly finished my discourse.
Monday, 28.--I rode to Kinsale, one of the pleasantest towns which I have seen in Ireland. At seven I preached at the Exchange, to a few gentry, many poor people, and abundance of soldiers. All behaved like men that feared God. After sermon came one from Cork and informed us Mr. W--- had preached both morning and afternoon under the wall of the barracks; that the town drummers came, but the soldiers assured them if they went to beat there they would be all cut in pieces; that then the mayor came himself at the head of his mob, but could make no considerable disturbance; that he went and talked to the commanding officer, but with so little success that the colonel came out and declared to the mob they must make no riot there. Here is a turn of affairs worthy of God! Doth He not rule in heaven and earth?
Wednesday, 30.--I rode to Cork. By talking with Captain ---, I found there was no depending on the good offices of the colonel. He had told the captain with great openness, "If Mr. Wesley preached in the barracks, and the mob were to come and break the windows, I might have a long bill from the barrack-master." Break the windows! Nay, it is well if they had not broken the bones of all the soldiers.
A little before five I walked towards the barracks. The boys quickly gathered, and were more and more turbulent. But in a moment all was quiet. This, I afterward found, was owing to Mr. W---, who snatched a stick out of man's hand, and brandished it over his head, on which the whole troop valiantly ran away.
When we came over the south bridge, a large mob gathered; but before they were well formed we reached the barrack gate; at a small distance from which I stood and cried, "Let the wicked forsake his way." The congregation of serious people was large; the mob stood about a hundred yards off. I was a little surprised to observe that almost all the soldiers kept together in a body near the gate, and I knew not but the report might be true that, on a signal given, they were all to retire into the barracks; but they never stirred until I had done. As we walked away, one or two of them followed us. Their numbers increased until we had seven or eight before and a whole troop of them behind; between whom I walked, through an immense mob, to Alderman Pembrock's door.