Jim Markbury @ from Newcastle, OK USA: Jim
Markbury origins bbs uoknoredu - For a free BIBLE correspondence
course send your Name and Address to: The VOICE that SHOOK the
EARTH! PO Box 202 Newcastle, OK 73065-0202 USA. This course
could change your life! (01/23/95)
Aaron Cardenas @ m1-142-1.mit.edu from Cambridge, MA: Looks
like a great resource -- which pools together a lot of on-line
information. Has a lot of potential. (01/24/95)
Mr Kari Bjarnason @ bok.hi.is from Reykjavik, Iceland: (01/25/95)
Jack N Williams @ ribbon.dhr.com from Columbia, MD USA: Great
resource! Will enjoy using it (01/25/95)
Mark Copeland @ orfl-5.gate.net from Orlando, FL USA:
Imaginative concept, Harry, and making good use of the World Wide
Web. I see how you are using the links to the "Executable Outlines"
series, and appreciate their inclusion. Please let me know if I
can be of further service. Mark (01/26/95)
Mike Elliot @ from Pittsburgh, PA: Thanks for
making this service available (01/26/95)
Jeff Hughes @ ix-ir5-03.ix.netcom.com from Oceanside California
USA: Thanks for the resource (01/26/95)
Dan Lord (dantecstar) @ tecstar.cv.com from North Bend, WA
United States: It is great to see a online Bible Study group I.
will add this to my Home page for other WWW browers:
http://tecstarcvcom (01/26/95)
Stephen Saidimu Ole Apale @ xenon.ee.mcgill.ca from
Mombasa,KENYA: What a beautiful surprise! Now my Internet tours
won't be in vain! Just one more thing--keep up the good work coz
you're surely blessing many out there. With love, I say GOD BLESS!
George Chacko @ scanner.hosp.utk.edu from Knoxville, TN, USA:
Great resource on the net for Christians ! ! ! (01/27/95)
Nancy Kane @ plant18.mit.edu from Boston, Massachusetts, USA:
The Word is alive in each of our lives, that is obvious to see, to
out and spread the good news!!! (01/27/95)
Tim Shimeall @ prudence.cs.nps.navy.mil from Monterey, CA,
USA: Seems to be a VERY useful resource! (01/27/95)
KEN BROWN @ freenet3.scri.fsu.edu from TALLAHASSEE,
Kevin Kuehl @ gw2.att.com from Naperville, IL USA: Neat idea!
Mike Campanella @ slip08.cs2.electriciti.com from San Diego,
CA/USA: (01/29/95)
Douglas Wade @ cmugla.earthlink.net from Redondo Beach, CA
90278: Awesome Job! I love this stuff. Stand Firm! (01/29/95)
Matthew D Kane @ ashlar.prodigy.com from Philadelphia PA:
Jennifer Bauer @ cis-ts5-slip8.cis.brown.edu from Providence,
Rhode Island: (01/31/95)
Frans Faase @ rosarium.cs.utwente.nl from Enschede, The
Netherlands: Good idea, I hope it will fill up fast! (02/01/95)
Bruce Geddes Dundee attgiscom @ proxy0.research.att.com from
Dundee: I am very happy to have found this excellent resource
Tamara Granade, student, North Carolina State University @
sscl_hs3.chass.ncsu.edu from Raleigh, North Carolina, USA: i am
very encouraged to see this available on the internet it's a great
feeling to know that God's word can be given anywhere! (02/01/95)
steve lihn @ from college park MD USA: I am glad
to find such a harbor for rest --- after many many random searches
on internet, some of them are quite of temptation I will come back
later, bye bye (02/01/95)
Peter Toldam petddedk @ dde.dde.dk from Copenhagen, Denmark:
Looks great (02/02/95)
Kathy L Miller @ chailly.ensmp.fr from BP 20 Maincy FRANCE:
Please write for your free Bible Study by Correspondence in French
or English (02/02/95)
Tony Bonillo (bonilloaucsorstedu) @ ucs.orst.edu from Salem,
Oregon, USA: Looks great so far--keep up the good work. God bless
Carl Fuglein @ ashlar.prodigy.com from Slidell LA USA: I just
signed on and I think this is a wonderful idea. I intend to make
some contributions some evening when I have more time. I'm a
devoted Bible Studyer and look forward to browsing more of this
Bible (02/02/95)
Allan D Cook @ antares.prodigy.com from Roseville CA: Glad to
see this here. Now if we could just get a pc in every (02/03/95)
Mark Thomas @ sb30518.aston.ac.uk from
Birmingham,England,U.K.: Looks good at first glance, even better
with some commentaries from us outsiders. (02/03/95)
Nathan Eickmann @ ix-den2-13.ix.netcom.com from Littleton, CO,
USA: This is a fine project. Keep up the good work. (02/03/95)
Ds. J.C. Minnema @ dyna-10.bart.nl from Amerongen, The
Netherlands: (02/04/95)
homer.libby.org from LIBBY,MT. 55923: E-MAIL ADDRESS
FRANK (02/04/95)
Harv Peters @ dyn-112.direct.ca from Surrey, British Columbia,
Canada: What a most excellent use of the 'Net!!! Brilliant!!
Dr. Will Hansen @ bbs.cresnet.org.179.57.204.in-addr.arpa from
Sea-Tac, WA U.S.A.: As a pastor, I will be contributing regularly
to this project. It should prove to be a great resource! Be sure
to check out our WWW page at CRESNET.ORG Home of the Christian
Research BBS. God Bless. (02/05/95)
Glen Miyamoto @ dialup006.lava.net from Mililani, Hawaii: This
is a powerful tool to dig into the Word! It is such a convenience
to print a page out of the Bible and take it with me wherever I go.
Aloha! (02/05/95)
kym schwarz @ klothos.crl.research.digital.com from Thornleigh,
New South Wales, Australia: (02/05/95)
Jaap van Oort @ p63.euronet.nl from Culemborg, The
Netherlands: Ik zou het leuk vinden, email te krijgen van andere
Nederlanders die hier geweest zijn. (02/05/95)
Craig Woodman @ slsyd1p52.ozemail.com.au from Narellan, NSW
Australia: How refreshing!!Praise God!!!Well done good and
faithful servants. Keep up the good work. (02/06/95)
Stuart Woodward @ from Yokohama, Japan: Meet me
in person at Christ Church, Yokohama. You can even see Mount Fuji
on a good day! [email protected] (02/06/95)
Robert Jimenez @ qchpp3.ug.eds.com from Cypress, Ca USA: This
looks like A great idea. (02/06/95)
Stuart Morse @ pc24.pe.ucalgary.ca from Calgary,
Alberta, Canada: This makes the Bible accessable on line by
hyperlink from any Bible based resource on the Web. My Newbie
friends are freaking! Thanks for the resource. (02/06/95)
Daniel W. Holke @ bluejay.creighton.edu from Omaha, NE, USA: I
am a student at Creighton University, and I have told others about
this wonderful service! Thank you, thank you, thank you! All for
God's glory! (02/06/95)
Gavin J. Hurlbut @ calum.csclub.uwaterloo.ca from Waterloo, ON,
CANADA: (02/07/95)
JAMES G. SAMRA @ timetrax.engin.umich.edu from Ann Arbor, MI:
Great resource. Thanks for making it available. (02/07/95)
Walter Pearce @ kandinsky.cssc-syd.tansu.com.au from Sydney,
NSW, Australia: Thank you! I will be back again to have a
closer look. (02/08/95)
Brother Mark @ archie.funet.fi from Tampere, Finland:
Excellent idea, good stuff. Bless you guys! (02/08/95)
Jules Stuifbergen @ from Nijmegen, Holland:
Jack Sutherland @ ip101.columbus.oh.interramp.com from Gahanna,
OH, USA: An excellent program (02/08/95)
Steven T. Harrison @ from Huntington WV U.S.A.:
We ought to Obey God rather than men. (02/08/95)
Rajendra Gondhalekar @ from Birmingham, AL,
USA: (02/09/95)
@ from Chattanooga, TN USA: I appreciate your
effort. (02/09/95)
Charles Edward Evans @ from Memphis, TN 38105: I
am King James Bible Believing Christian first Fundamental
Independent Baptist second soul-winning, Bible-preaching,
moderate dispensationalist, moderate Calvinist. (02/09/95)
Todd Shields @ from Fayetteville Arkansas:
Anthony Kapolka @ algol.cs.bucknell.edu from Hershey, PA USA:
Excellent!! Much obliged for this resource. (02/09/95)
Bill Baker @ hpspk.spk.hp.com from Spokane, WA USA: After
slogging through so much wasted bandwidth of sometimes immoral and
many times useless entries on the WWW, I shouted praise to God to
see something that I am edified in and can use in daily reading and
meditation! Thank you for doing a ministry in linking so many God
honoring resources on-line! (02/09/95)
Chris Roberts @ from Jefferson City, Tennessee
USA: (02/09/95)
Simon Reigh @ cent1.lancs.ac.uk from Lancaster, England: If
anyone would like to discuss the topic of Christian Fundamentalism
with me please EMail on [email protected] (02/10/95)
[email protected] (Jim Higgins) @ jhiggins.mi04.zds.com from
St. Joseph, MI USA: I look forward to exploring this resource.
Brian J. Guilfoy @ from Northfield, New Jersey:
Jay Nestle @ msdas1.jpl.nasa.gov from Valencia, CA/USA: Praise
God!! Lets all stand firm in one spirit! (02/10/95)
TERRANCE E. WEISS @ falcon.engin.umich.edu from Ann Arbor, MI:
Great stuff!!! Keep up the good work --- to the glory of God!
Man (Sammy) So, e-mail : [email protected] @
vcover.cdf.toronto.edu from Tronoto, Ontario, Canada.: (02/10/95)
Noes Souisa, e-mail: [email protected] @ slip135-98.xs4all.nl from
Amstelveen, Holland: The Gospel on Internet great. (02/11/95)
Steve Febbraro @ a11.ot.com from Bath, PA/USA: (02/11/95)
Yik-hong HO @ from Singapore: (02/12/95)
Michael K. Wyrsch @ socks-server.hp.com from CH 5406 Ruetihof /
Switzerland: Feel free to contact me. (02/13/95)
Timothy A. Malloroy @ tampc.emulex.com from Garden Grove,
CA/USA: Now this is useful! It is exciting to see work of this
caliber on the Internet... (02/13/95)
Bill Benninghoff @ horse.convex.com from Arlington, Texas
/USA: My favorite Bible verse is Philippians 2:13, which tells us
that God is at work within us, both to will and to do of His good
pleasure! (02/13/95)
[email protected] @ fitorfat.ehs.alma.edu from Alma, MI USA:
Like finding a pearl of great price! (02/13/95)
Sandy Perlman @ cds9158.cadence.com from SAN JOSE CA: (02/13/95)
Kristie Bosko @ w20-575-3.mit.edu from Cambridge, MA USA:
Praise God that resources like this are available! May we use it to
do His will! :) (02/13/95)
Michael F. Keyes @ romulus.ultranet.com from Worcester, MA
01607 USA: (02/13/95)
Jen J. Lee @ liszt.wellesley.edu from Wellesley, MA USA: I
really thank God that a resource like this is available for all of
our brothers and sisters in Christ! =) (02/14/95)
Jeffrey E Gall @ from Brunswick, Ohio
44212-2702: Thank you for the orgination and inclusion of the
electronic text on the HOLY BIBLE. Sincerely yours, Jeff
Gall Maranatha (02/14/95)
Bob Whitcomb @ from Atlanta, Georgia/USA: A
wonderful resource! (02/14/95)
Tim Wilson @ from Lawrence, KS/USA:
Andrew Wynn Rouse @ f182-072.net.wisc.edu from Madison, WI:
Wow! I just got the online bible running, but I'm completely amazed
at your web site (02/15/95)
Jason Hattingh @ gw2.att.com from London, England: An OASIS
for me, thanks God for hogging the Internet ! (02/15/95)
Bible Research Systems / [email protected] @ onramp1-4.onr.com from
Austin, TX/USA: (02/15/95)
Ken Burton @ ozone.hsi.com from Murray, Ut, USA: I think that
this is a great resource. Thanks. (02/15/95)
Rick George @ m32-168.bgsu.edu from Bowling Green, OH/USA:
Hello fellow Christians and seekers of God! I'm a baby Christian
(accepted Christ into my life last year) and I'm in InterVarsity
Christian Fellowship at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. I
currently run a listserv for InterVarsity members in Ohio, so if you
happen to stumble upon this message and you are in IVCF in an Ohio
chapter, then e-mail me at my address below. If you just want to
say hi and talk about the Good News, then e-mail me.
[email protected]
Thomas Lenard E-mail=Lenard,thomas@uoknor,bbs @
from Weathorford, Oklahoma/USA: This is an excellent way to study
the Bible! Thanks. (02/16/95)
Dave Astolfi @ from Littleton, MA/USA:
Woody Tolleson @ from Little Rock, AR USA:
Rev. Douglas R. Larson @ brookings-1.dialup.polaristel.net from
Volga, SD USA: Just looking around. This looks pretty neat!
Doug (02/16/95)
Alexander Lee @ msormac11.ex.ac.uk from Exeter, Devon,
England.: 3rd (final) year studying Management Science with
Information Technology. Have just (20/2/95) finished leading
worship for the University Christian Union, and am trying to find
something to do next year hopefully working in Music and Worship
ministry. e-mail address: [email protected] (02/21/95)
Ken Carson @ efn.org from Eugene, OR USA: This is a great
idea. A wonderful way to get all the biblical Web stuff in one
place. I'll be back with some contributions! (02/21/95)
[email protected] @ rs18-annex3.sfu.ca from Langley,
British Columbia, Canada: Looks great. I will need more time to
study it more fully. Keep up the good work. God bless you>
Steve Roderick @ cmurdoch.dur.ac.uk from Durham, England:
Interesting (02/21/95)
Anthony Romero @ pc5124927.mdc.com from Laguna Hills, CA,
United States of America: I have sought for years for a study
bible designed an fit to contain as many references as could
ever be found. At last a study Bible that could be as large as
the net itself. Thanks. (02/21/95)
Rev D.J. Richardson @ spider.tbe.com from Huntsville,
Alabama/Madison: This is truly wonderful!! (02/22/95)
Christian Bokhove @ ow1.fwi.uva.nl from Amsterdam , the
Netherlands: Great!....but time-consuming (02/23/95)
Jan Wetterstrand @ netg-ppp2.netg.se from Stenungsund. Sweden: (02/23/95)
Rhett Salisbury @ from Bloomington IN/USA: Just
surfed over to see what you got. I am impressed and would like to
keep this site as a reference bookmark. thank you. RhettS (02/23/95)
Ward Bush @ edcen.ehhs.cmich.edu from Tecumseh, MI USA: This
is a fine resource. I hope that more people take advantage of
this. (02/23/95)
Gavin Chin @ from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Good
stuff (02/24/95)
jack waller @ cfn.cs.dal.ca from halifax, nova scotia, canada:
"At some moment I did answer yes to Someone or Something, and at
that hour I was certain that existence is meaningful and that my
life in self-surrender had a goal." (Dag Hammarskjold). The
frontspiece to my book of poetry "Musings". (02/24/95)
John Visser @ slip10.nb2.usu.edu from Logan, Utah: You have
done a great thing here! I hope everybody has the opportunity to
develop their faith through this service. (02/24/95)
Dennis Clough @ bbs.cresnet.org.179.57.204.in-addr.arpa from
Federal Way, WA/USA: (02/24/95)
Walter W. Berry, Jr. @ andromeda.execpc.com from Milwaukee, WI.
53208: (02/25/95)
Donna Dolezal Zelzer @ efn.org from Eugene, Oregon, US: This
is a wonderful idea! Thank you! I'm in the process of creating a
Home Page for my local church, and this will be one of the links.
Barbara J. Wood @ from Eagle River, AK, USA:
Zachary Edmundson @ edmundsz.rhn.orst.edu from Corvallis,
Oregon: This is Great! One of the best uses of the internet I've
seen. Are you going to have mirror study bibles? (02/26/95)
Dale Moore @ ix-mia1-12.ix.netcom.com from Mirmar, FL, USA:
Philip Andrew @ holly-fddi.csv.warwick.ac.uk from Coventry,
England: (02/27/95)
Paul Miles (CU International Secretary) @
homewheat.csv.warwick.ac.uk from Warwick Universty, Warwickshire,
UK: Thanks a lot. This is just what I need at the moment to help
me in my personal Bible study. I would also be interested in
hearing about what other students have done in their CU's at
university- email me on; [email protected]
Christopher Clinchard @ kh541-pm9.unomaha.edu from Gretna,
Nebraska: This is the best thing that I have found on the
Internet! It is so vital for God's Word to shine like a beacon
out of all of the filth and garbage that is available. If you
love Jesus Christ, then e-mail me at:
[email protected]. God bless you! (02/27/95)
B. Christina Maze @ cab001.cs.ualberta.ca from Edmonton Alberta
Canada: I think this is very helpful and interesting. I'm not a
Christian but I like to study the Bible.
Cary W. Davidson @ klothos.crl.research.digital.com from
Auburn, WA USA: (02/27/95)
CPT Daniel Reynolds @ osf1.gmu.edu from Alexandria, VA: Great! (02/28/95)
Sam Gardner @ kelly.ms.uky.edu from Lexington, KY USA: (02/28/95)
Mike Klein @ from Lynnwood WA/USA: (02/28/95)
Anne West [email protected] @ birch.circa.ufl.edu from U of
Florida, Gainesville, USA: This is wonderful! I can't wait to
spend more time studying here I am a student and eagerly am seeking
more knowledge about our loving Saviour. I am a part of a Scripture
of the Day mailing list, let me know if anyone is interested. God
Bless! :) (02/28/95)
[email protected] @ st-moody-a-dyn-24.baylor.edu from
Sun Valley,CA: This looks like the first step in the best overall
comprehensive bible study. Good news for christians everywhere. All
smiles :-) (03/01/95)
Chris Goringe @ friedel.materials.ox.ac.uk from Oxford,
England: (03/01/95)
David Watkins @ gateway.stortek.com from Longmont, Colorado:
Useful tool. I'm encouraged to see Christians using it to spread
the Word instead of turning away as the Christian community did
with television. (03/01/95)
Ian T. Johns @ dogwood.circa.ufl.edu from Gainesville, FL
USA: Hi, I was planning on signing in to advertise for Scripture
of the e Day mailing list, but obviously the beautifyl, talented,
and spiritual Anne West has already done so. If you want to be
added to the list, just email her or me. [email protected]. God bless.
Jim Helmly @ caladan.nc.tekelec.com from Raleigh, NC: (03/02/95)
Rick W. Sumrall @ ttyv4.tyrell.net from Baton Rouge, LA: (03/02/95)
Rory Funke @ funke-rory.uoregon.edu from Eugene, OR USA:
Thank you. (03/02/95)
Bauke Versteeg @ solair1.inter.nl.net from Nieuwerkerk a/d
IJssel, The Netherlands: Its a great idea to spread the Gospel via
Internet. I should like to get in touch with other Dutch Users (03/03/95)
HELEN QUARESMA @ hr40.hr.utoronto.ca from TORONTO, ONTARIO,
CANADA: (03/03/95)
Anjuan Rey Simmons @ nobelium.ece.utexas.edu from Austin,
Texas: I knew that the Web would eventually be used by some
enterprising individual as a way of spreading God's Word. I salute
you all. The Bible Gateway shall be a treasured link of my homepage.
[email protected]
Brian W. Viehouser @ cs2-24.ior.com from Nine Mile Falls, WA/USA:
David J. Norris @ from Manhattan, KS (That's in
the USA): Neat-o. I like it. (03/03/95)
Jeff Hartman @ from Manhattan, KS (That's in the
USA): Pray for me. I need it. (03/03/95)
Chad Garinger @ oz.manc.edu from Olathe, KS/USA: WOW!
Christians Christians everywhere. Way cool. My e-mail
address is [email protected] for anyone who would like to
chat or leave a prayer request with. I work with youth and I'm
still in college. It's a Christian school and I covet your prayers
for the students and faculty here. GOD BLESS YOU EACH ONE!!!
Clutilda N. Monk @ from Magnolia, NC/USA:
Timothy McCray @ from Roper, NC/USA: email
address: [email protected] Please feel free to write me. I
would enjoy hearing of your testimony. God bless you in your
journeys. Yours in Christ.
Clutilda N. Monk @ from Magnolia, NC/USA: email
address [email protected] Feel free to write. It is always
good to hear praises of the Lord! May God continue to be with
you. (03/04/95)
Andrew Tong @ pride.ugcs.caltech.edu from Pasadena, CA/USA:
Jon Fenner @ from Arlington, TX: (03/05/95)
Dave Stewart @ cfn.cs.dal.ca from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada: I hear about all the terrible things that are on the Net,
but knowing that our Lord is here also and that people that have
never heard about Jesus are being illuminated by the Light of the
World. Glory to God in the highest. (03/05/95)
Jay Crawford @ alastair.clemson.edu from Pendleton, SC/USA:
Sean McMains @ sol.acs.unt.edu from Gainesville TX USA:
Shannon McWilliams @ netcom4.netcom.com from San Jose, CA
USA: Thank you so much for this resource! I hope I can contribute
something soon! (03/06/95)
Pastor Frank J. Guinta e.mail: [email protected] @
cfn.cs.dal.ca from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2V 1Y5: This
is a great opportunity to meet others in the Christian family.
Thanks. If your out there please contact.
Lance L. Leonard @ from Baltimore, MD/USA:
George Lyons @ from Nampa, ID USA:
Gary Morgan @ iu-sps-28k.iu.net from Melbourne, Florida, USA:
Thanks you very much for the opportunity to browse your files. I
am blessed and so encouraged to fine this on the internet. God
bless you. Gary (03/07/95)
Leif Hansen @ from Seattle, Wa. USA: I, as an
HTML freelance programmer in Seattle (see
Fine.com or
Solutionsrc.com to see some
of my work), have been thinking of/imagining a project like this.
Bravo to those who started it..thank you, I would love to help in
part or even for hire if possible. In/through and for the Truth
--Leif (03/07/95)
Patrick Tucker @ chronos.synopsys.com from Portland, OR: What
a great idea. When it get's filled a bit it will be real joy to
come to a section of scripture you are studying to find connections
and ideas that come from sources that are in no other place. (03/07/95)
Bill Bonnell @ proxy.kodak.com from Rochester, NY/ USA: My
name is written in the Lamb's book of Life also. (03/07/95)
Foo-Weng LEONG @ from Kowloon, HONG KONG: An
outstanding tool for Christians around the world. Praise the
Lord! (03/08/95)
Dave Browning @ multim09.public.dundee.ac.uk from Dundee
Scotland: Looks very good (03/08/95)
Odin J. Anderson @ home.msn.fullfeed.com from Madison, WI
USA: Thank you for providing me with this service! Odin
Samuel Warren, [email protected] @ math.ucr.edu from
Riverside, CA USA: (03/09/95)
Robin Birdsall @ gateway.stortek.com from Longmont, Colorado:
I love this! It is exiting to see the work of Christ on-line, and
to see the faithful brethren who have worked so hard to get it
there. I hope to contribute. (03/09/95)
Lance Leonard @ leonard.laurel.us.net from Baltimore, MD/USA:
James Capobianco @ scws39.harvard.edu from Boston, MA: This is
really great... I am in awe! (03/10/95)
Jay Fennelly @ chaos.taylored.com from Baltimore, MD:
Samuel.N.Sathyanesan @ ajohnson1.bio.nd.edu from South Bend,
Indiana, USA.: Grduate Student in Biology Dept. at Univ. Notre
Dame, but basucally from India.
John M. Babich @ kslip6.apl.jhu.edu from Timonium, Maryland,
USA: Ran across your page via a Lycos search...one of my best
discoveries so far! It would be great if copyrights were not an
issue. I can think of some great additions, esp. C.S. Lewis, etc.
Glen Johnson @ glen.mosaic.co.za from Cape Town, South Africa:
Steve Xulun Yang @ xdial1-slip13.shsu.edu from Huntsville,
Texas: I am a new Christian and glad to see this home page.
Jin Aye LIM <[email protected]> @ ch-as17.peinet.pe.ca from
Charlotteotwn, Prince Edward Island, CANADA: Wow! Great Christian
resource! A priceless find in the WWW. Thank you for maintaining
it. Keep up the good work. God Bless. (03/12/95)
Bob Rudis @ bobmac.moravian.edu from Bethlehem, PA/USA: Great
idea! I hope to be able to contribute regularly. God
bless, boB (03/12/95)
Christopher Gesh @ fatman.tamu.edu from College Station,
Texas: Very cool..... (03/13/95)
David R. Heesen @ from Janesville,
Wisconsin/USA: (03/13/95)
William I. Johnston @ johnstonmac.hmco.com from Watertown, MA
02172 USA: (03/13/95)
Scott Pell @ antares.prodigy.com from Madison, Alabama/USA:
Jen Ellery @ satori.softimage.co.uk from London England:
[email protected] It's fantastic !!!! (03/14/95)
Rich Wold @ eagle.inland.com from Crown Point, IN USA:
Randy PERRY @ from Martin, TN: Thank you for
making this service available.
Paul Johnson @ s8-8.minnetonka.k12.mn.us from Hpkins,
Minnesota: I am a teacher in Minnetonka, Minnesota Public School.
I teach reading and basic skills in the middle school. It is so
great to find sights like this on the web. DeColores to all
those of you who have experienced a Cursilo weekend. God Loves
you. My e-mail address is [email protected] I would
love to hear from fellow Christians on the Net.
Pastor Larry J. Ragland @ b10rn01.remote.ingr.com from Trafford
AL USA: (03/14/95)
Hans Fransen M.Sc.B.A. @ dial2.nedernet.nl from Capelle ad
EMAIL [email protected] (03/15/95)
Phuong Viet Le @ from [email protected] at Fort
Smith, AR/ U.S.A: May God continue to bless and be with you
always!!! Smile- God Loves You!!! (03/15/95)
Tom Supergan ([email protected]) @ amdahl.com from Sunnyvale,
R B K Brown @ mac2d47.uow.edu.au from Wollongong, NSW,
AUSTRALIA: superb. (03/15/95)
John Mordhorst @ cerberus.cs.utwente.nl from Enschede, The Netherlands:
@ cerberus.cs.utwente.nl from : (03/16/95)
Fredrik Hansson @ tex8.hfb.se from Sweden: It's wonderful
to see that so many christians are giving there time and efforts
to spread the WORD that gives LIFE.
Amy J. Adams @ from Buford, GA USA: I work with
college students, especially hackers! It is wonderful to see this
site on the Internet. It is better than anything I have ever
dreamed of. Keep up the good work! May the Lord bless your
work! (03/17/95)
Eugene Hunt @ slip03.active.co.za from Cape Town, South Africa:
Tim Cochran @ eecdialup1-1.umsl.edu from St. Charles, MO:
Brett Wilson @ loki.cs.uop.edu from Stockton, CA USA: This is
a great idea! The Bible says to spread the gospel all over the
world and this sure is a great way to do it. Praise God (03/18/95)
Anu Alappat @ karl.cs.cornell.edu from Ithaca, NY/USA:
Ron Arkills--apogee@eznet,com @ foothills.eznet.com from
Spokane, WA USA: Adds greatly to my weekly lectionary study
Blaine C Horvath @ comserv-d-14.usc.edu from Los Angeles, CA
USA: (03/19/95)
Gavin Clarkson @ pasyn-19.rice.edu from Houston, Texas: Nice
Web page. A refreshing wave on the internet surf this sunday
afternoon. -- Gavin Clarkson [email protected]
Daren O'Brien @ from Austin, TX:
Randy Palmer @ from Tuscaloosa, AL USA: It is
great to see so many Christians on the net. God's blessings to each
of you. Eph 6:10-20 (03/20/95)
[email protected] (Randy Palmer) @ from
Tuscaloosa, AL USA: PRAISE GOD !!! It is good to know there are
Christians out in cyperspace. Eph 6:10-20 (03/20/95)
James Burns @ slip16.cs1.electriciti.com from Julian, CA:
Joseph Ming Tak Ling @ from Calgary, Alberta,
Canada.: It is so nice to communicate with brothers and sisters in
Christ through the internet. I may be reached by at
[email protected], or via the net at http://www.math.ucalgary.ca/~ling.
God bless you all. (03/20/95)
Amy Baird @ ws19.c-ag.siu.edu from Carbondale, Illinois: If
there is any way I can help with putting info on the internet
etc just write at [email protected] (03/20/95)
Doug Goins @ ip42.sunnyvale.ca.interramp.com from Mountain
View, California USA: What a great & wonderful vision God has
given you! "I will tell of the decree of the Lord: He said to me,
'You are my son; today I have begotten you. Ask of me, and I will
make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your
possession.'" (Psalm 2:7-8) Doug Goins [email protected]
Wayne M. Dymacek @ from Lexington, Virginia
24450: (03/21/95)
Bill Mee @ @ from The Woodlands,
TX USA : (03/21/95): Wow! I am impressed. Praise God for your
vision. What a great way to get Gods's Word and Christian helps out
to the world in these last days. This resource may prove to be
invaluable during the Tribulation period and very difficult for the
Antichrist to stomp out. If anyone would like to contact me or
discuss endtimes, I can be reached at [email protected]. I hope
to contribute and thanks to all those who already have. (03/21/95)
[email protected] @ rvd.wau.nl from
wageningen, netherlands: this looks very good, I was astonished to
find a bible-study thing on the internet. Great! (03/21/95)
Sonya Nave @ leo.hunt.tasc.com from Huntsville, AL/USA: PRAISE
THE LORD! I would love to hear from other Christians and your
testimony! JESUS IS LORD!
Kurt Eckhard Gazow @ clark.edu from Camas, Washington/USA: (03/22/95)
Susheel John @ merlion.singnet.com.sg from Singapore: (03/22/95)
Robert M. Austell, Jr. @ from
Princeton, NJ/USA : M.Div. student at Princeton Th.Sem.
Wow! I am stunned by the magnitude of this project. What a great
idea! I look foward to looking through it more.
<[email protected]> (03/22/95)
MICHIGAN,USA: (03/22/95)
Jeff Keuss - Asst. Director of Campus Ministries @
cam002.spu.edu from Seattle, Washington USA: Good resourse. I
look forward to the inclusion of a Greek and Hebrew resourse. (03/22/95)
Kevin Doolittle @ from Meadville, PA: I am
enjoying this great resource. (03/28/95)
RONALD R. BURTON JR. @ arseneaw.navsses.navy.mil from
Bill Scarborough / [email protected] / (USA) (512) 454-7928 @
maria.bga.com from 7744 Northcross #N-256, Austin, Texas 78757,
United States: Yellow Dream
Machine Disability Rights List: [email protected]: subscribe
yellow-dream Member, American Disabled for Attendant Programs
Today (ADAPT). Interested in relationship between Christianity
and Disability. Member, Alliance of Baptists, and Highland Park
Baptist Church of Austin, Texas: Am interested in
twentieth-century Christianity Member, Socialist Party USA, and
Democratic Socialists (03/28/95)
stephen saylor @ from crawfordsvill In USA:
Thank God that there is something on the net that isn't devoted
entirely to hedonism and the works of satan. Thank you!! (03/28/95)
Craig Wondergem @ kay-abernathy.tenet.edu from Houston,
TX/USA: It was great to know that the Word of God is being spread
throughout the World via the computer. Please write to me if you
would like to share your faith with a fellow Christian! I am
available at [email protected] GOD BLESS YOU ALL! (03/28/95)
Rick Daneau @ sgigate.sgi.com from Newburyport, MA: Great
resource. I will use this often.
Dave Brown @ from West Chester, PA USA: This will
get a lot of Use, thanks for your time
The Portico
[email protected] @ ns.bbc.co.uk from London, England: I was delighted to discover these pages on the Net and have
already used them to assist preparation of talks for my local
church. One request - can we have a modern commentary please ?
Much as I like Matthew Henry's devotional approach, can we have
the IVCF/UCCF commentary put on the Net ? Or William Barclay's
Study Bible ? Do others agree ? A sincere thank you to all who
maintain these pages. Justin Phillips, BBC Radio Journalist and
author of (Christian)'Confidence!' (Hodder & Stoughton UK).
Don Hopkins @ pbhopkin.b8.ingr.com from Huntsville,Alabama,North America: Thanks for providing the Bible for us to study.
Min. Darryl J. Wood
@ from Washington,DC USA: Praise God for you and this your services to get the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the World. (03/30/95)
@ from : (03/30/95)
Ron Stephens @ slip33.slip.pacifier.com from Vancouver, WA USA:
[email protected] @ rulcd8.leidenuniv.nl from Leiden, The Netherlands: I'm very pleased to see how many people have the intention to
follow Jesus. I bless all of jou! I also will contribute but
I only have study-material in Dutch.
Douglas C. Todd @ gw.bbt.com from Raleigh, NC/USA: (03/31/95)
Rev. Walter C. Powis, Sr. @ powis-mac.jhuapl.edu from 239 N.
Hammonds Ferry Rd., Linthicum, MD 21090: Pastor of the Lansdowne
Assembly of God Church, Baltimore, MD Greetings in the Name of
Jesus Christ! (03/31/95)
Rob Webster, Youth Minister for Young Life @
kc163pc10.evansville.edu from Evansville, Indiana: An excellent
idea, and it's great to see how many people have
stumbled upon and used this resource in their surf across the
net. Keep up the good work! (03/31/95)
Gilbert G. Goltiao @ netcom9.netcom.com from Seaside, CA
USA: (04/01/95)
Lynn Dungan @ testgate.mot.com from Los Lunas, New Mexico,
USA: Good Stuff!!! (04/01/95)
Robert (Bob) Baumgartner @ onyx.southwind.net from Newton,
Kansas: Very refreshing, thank you for the GOOD WORK. Will be here
often looking for Sunday School material. [email protected], Let
me know if I can help. (04/01/95)
Robert L. McCandlish @ rmccandl.clark.net from Germantown,
Maryland/USA: Many an hour will be spent here. Thanks!
Robert Steele @ from Hawthorne, CA USA: I have
only briefly looked through this material, but it (04/01/95)
George Goulding
@ pppa017.inhouse.compuserve.com from Huntersville, NC: (04/02/95)
Bettie Hall @ palladio.arch.virginia.edu from Charlottesville,
VA USA: Browsing network, trying to search for a particular
scripture or phrase. (04/02/95)
Roger North @ from Euless, Texas USA: Great
resource! Thank you Jesus! (04/03/95)
Russell Patterson @ fw8.dfw.net from Mansfield, Tx 76063: I
really appreciate the work you have done. Thanks
[email protected]
Paul Reger @ surveyor.jf.intel.com from Aloha, Oregon, USA:
So glad this is on the net. I may use it someday when I have
time. (04/03/95)
Barry Wright @ nagasaki.tasb.org from Austin, TX/USA:
Steve Febbraro @ a12.ot.com from Bath, Pa/USA:
Eric St-Louis @ g1459.258.interlink.net from Montreal, Quebec /
Canada: (04/04/95)
Judy Hubbard [email protected] @
bootp-205-3.bootp.virginia.edu from Charlottesville, VA USA:
Ken Allen @ allenkc.duc.auburn.edu from Opelika, AL:
Jerrod Carter @ quixote.d48.lilly.com from Indianapolis, IN:
Very nice format. Would like to see more comprehensive commentary
if possible. Great resource. (04/04/95)
DougNicolet @ from ankeny, Iowa USA: Praise
the Lord for this resource.
May God richly bless your efforts!
I am so thankful to see that
the John Nelson Darby (DARBY)
translation is included.
What a wonderful suprise.
May God richly bless your efforts!
Hello to all my brothers and sisters'in Christ.
E-Mail welcome at [email protected]
Eric Small @ pc44.artisoft.com from Tucson, Az. USA: It's nice
to see that with all the other Junk that's out on the Internet the
you have taken the time to put up something of real use. (04/04/95)
Mark E. Nix @ nb1-du2.polarnet.fnsb.ak.us from North Pole, AK,
USA: (04/04/95)
Matt Thompson @ srv1.freenet.calgary.ab.ca from Calgary,
Alberta, Canada: (04/05/95)
Tony Reyer @ reyermac.nos.noaa.gov from Rockville, Maryland
(USA): What a great resource!! Thanks for pulling together so
many valuable tools to help all of us who strive to understand and
apply God's Biblical teachings and principles to our lives.
Heather @ dismayl.demon.co.uk from Guildford, Surrey, England:
This is cool - it's great to see that Christians everywhere can
penetrate anything. I'm praying that just loads of other people
will find this. Now I'll get back to my college Bible study - I
want to read them the passage in French and Swedish. God bless!
Stephen J. Rousseau @ tais.com from San Clemente, CA / USA: YES! Great idea. I'll be here often.
EMail me. God Bless!!
Hank Griffeth @ from Milledgeville, Georgia:
Thank you for this wonderful service! It is so nice when things
are a bit crazy around the office to be able to turn to God's
word and find that peace that passes all understanding. I have
used the word with numerous people who come to my office. Students,
fellow administrators,support staff; they are all appreciative
RUSS SHEARER @ ac2.central.edu from PELLA, IA/U.S.A.:
Scott C. Harris @ from San Diego, California:
USA: (04/06/95)
C.P. de Wildt @ rulug4.leidenuniv.nl from The Netherlands:
Rebecca A. Soeganto @ from Wichita, Kansas USA:
Wonderful resources. I found exactly what I needed! (04/06/95)
Jeff, D. N. Hsieh @ from Taichung, Taiwan/Republic of China: It's amazing! Thank God for His grace. God Bless you all.
Ethan Oz @ slip5-91.fl.us.ibm.net from Evanston, Il. U.S.: I think what you have done here is a wonderful and enriching www site. Keep up the good work of speading the good word. (04/06/95)
David Buerer @ soulcage.inmind.com from Lynchburg, VA:
Rosanne M. Green @ mac11.univ-relations.pitt.edu from Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, USA:
Jay Fernandez @ fep1.rl.gov from Richland, WA: Great job, God Bless!! (04/06/95)
Wendoling Ostorga @ boyle.bio.uci.edu from Irvine, CA. : May God bless abundantly those brothers and sisters who contributed to this great project. Keep spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the whole world. And if I never have the blessing to meet you in this world, I'll ask God when we get to heaven who you where. God answered one of my prayers, and I thank Him for it. I would love to hear from other brothers and sisters who enjoy talking about God. Here is my e-mail address: [email protected] May God Bless each and every one of you. Love, Wendoling.
Samuel D. Grant @ beaux-gate.atwc.teradyne.com from Pinole, CA/USA: Praise the LORD!
Chris Drew @ generic.pge.com from San Francisco, California:
Joseph Shing-Yuen Pang @ barn.owlnet.rice.edu from Houston, TX: Great!! A collection of 4 translations and one commentary really
Atul Meshramkar @ from Mount Vernon, OH , 43050:
It was really wonderfull to use on line bible help. No need to
buy any expensive software. wonderful, userfriendly. Keep up the
good work. (04/07/95)
Susan Knight @ from Chapel Hill, NC: Very good
commentary (04/07/95)
Mike Fox @ i3125opn.atl.hp.com from Atlanta, GA USA: This is a
GREAT idea. I added a bookmark to it and I will
be sure to add something. (04/07/95)
Ekko Dieleman @ p322.euronet.nl from Nijmegen, The
Netherlands: Greetings and all blessings from the Eastern part of
The Netherlands. I'm going to read some of the material, maybe I'll
even contribute soe things.
God bless you all Christian Netsurfers all over the world!
Timothy A. Prado @ tty15.com1.oknet.com from Tulsa,Oklahoma:
Robert Osborn Jr. @ wok-40.memphis.edu from Memphis, TN, USA:
[email protected] place! Sorry it took
me so long to find it. Sorry I lose my server at the end of
April, 1995. Too bad I had to wade through the garbage to find
the jewels. Keep it up and win the net for Jesus.
Steve Febbraro @ a11.ot.com from Bath, Pa/USA: (04/08/95)
Schan Weisman @ from Sedalia, Mo.: The earth is
the Lord's and the fullnes thereof Psalm 24:1
Tiffany Blank @ from Portland, OR: In a world
where we are the minority it is great to see the majority. God
Bless you all. I would love to share with you what the Lord has
been doing in Portland. My e-mail address is [email protected]
Todd Littell @ bugs.cecer.army.mil from Champaign, IL: Thank
God for friends! (04/10/95)
Peggy Bubel @ from New York, N.Y. USA: It is
refreshing to see the Bible through the WWW. (04/10/95)
Tuija Juottonen @ dolphin.funet.fi from Kouvola/Finland: God
bless you all the brothers and sisters in the net! my e-mail:
[email protected] (04/11/95)
Bruce L. Jacobson ([email protected]) @ nkyene.bms.com
from Hamilton New Jersey, 08619 USA: (04/11/95)
Wanda Ivette Colon @ pc13.sjc.edu from Hartford, Connecticut,
USA: Great job on this project!!!! Keep up the good work!!! I
will look forward to reading future material (04/11/95)
Brian Porter @ vogon.muc.de from Munich, GERMANY: A great
opportunity to learn more about God! Brian's Home Page (04/11/95)
Bill Tickel @ from Charleston, TN/USA: A truly
Godly endeavor . . . (04/11/95)
Sean Fister @ atlantic.centre.edu from Danville, Ky USA: visit
my homepage http://www.centre.edu/~fister/sean.html
my email address is [email protected]
Andrea Sanico @ mbari132.mbari.org from Pacific Grove, CA:
Rachel J. DuFault @ st-jou-a-dyn-47.baylor.edu from Waco, Texas
USA: Wow! As a university student, I find this service awesome.
It is so neat to find this service on the internet. Who would ever
think that 2,000 plus years ago, humans would be reading God's word
on a computer connected with the world. WoW! As we say at Willow
Creek Community Church (Barrington, IL) Yea God! (04/13/95)
Steve Lundberg @ gateway.applix.com from Norton, MA, USA: To
the co-laborors who made this possible: "STRIVE FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS,
RACE OF FAITH...", (1 Timothy 5:11-12a, Good News)
Thank you for preparing this resource. It's like having a new pair
of running shoes! You're helping me to run my best race.
Anna Whittaker @ ntigate.nt.com from Bellville, Ontario, Canada:
JAMAICA: (04/13/95)
Jerry L. Stauffer @ ix-pl3-02.ix.netcom.com from Union City,
Ca. U.S.A.: Keep up the good fight. The King is coming! (04/13/95)
David Kaiser @ from Lincoln, NE/USA: Thank you
for the providing the resources that allow us to others bible
studies! (04/13/95)
Douglas Blakemore @ from 5345 Old Mill Site
Road Hersey, MI 49639: I appreciate this work! Keeping Christ
everywhere man goes!! (04/13/95)
David P Steele @ smith.phys.ucalgary.ca from Calgary, Alberta,
Canada: I just got here. (04/13/95)
Chris Mixer @ angelou.ucet.ufl.edu from Gainesville, Fl (America): You guys (and girl) are awesome! Praise Be to God. This program
helps me out very very much. Thank you and God Bless.
T. A. Pounders @ netcom5.netcom.com from Cedar Hill (Dallas suburb), Texas USA: Really neat! Thank you. I'm really going to use the commentary
in my Bible study.
T. A. Pounders
Attorney at Law
[email protected]
Juan Antonio Lopez, Iglesia Cornerstone @ antares.prodigy.com from San Diego, CA, USA:
James E. Sundahl @ ts1.cdsnet.net from Medford (Talent), Oregon, US: Jesus Christ is Lord
Raymond Navarro, Jr. @ yak-ts1-p07.wolfe.net from Wapato, WA.: Thank you for making these resources available. They are great!
Jenny & Denny Kitchen (Bro & Sis) @ from Clarence, New York USA: Just enjoyed looking at your Bible thanks to access at the
New York Public Library.
Jim Milligan @ from Irvine, CA/USA: (04/14/95)
Eddie Ogihara @ gatekeeper.nsc.com from Santa Clara, CA: this
is a great idea!
Sandy Perlman @ perlman-ppp.cadence.com from San Jose CA USA:
Kelvin Webb @ from Columbus, Ohio USA: (04/15/95)
SIMON FOULKES (Rev) @ line132.atlas.co.uk from Southampton
U.K.: Looks interesting, well thought-out. Hope to submit some
material in the future. [email protected] (04/15/95)
Colter Bayard @ from : (04/15/95)
GCF Webmaster @ bootp-62-241.bootp.virginia.edu from
Charlottesville, VA (Univ. of Virginia): Got my link!
Michelle D Highfill @ slip120x.slip.colostate.edu from Boulder,
Colorado: (04/16/95)
David E foley @ bravo.imagi.net from 538 Old Steese Hwy N
Fairbanks, Ak 99712: Just found your recourse. Thank you for the
service (04/17/95)
Jung-Won (John) Park @ lvl-pc350.usc.edu from Los Angeles, CA,
USA: What a wonderful site! Praise the Lord.
Mary Ann Volcy @ mary.facct.uh.edu from Houston, Tx.: I would
like to communicate with other christians on the the "NET". My
e-mail is [email protected]. Please let me know if this is
possible. Thank You. (04/17/95)
Brad Wheeler @ bpa2-244.umd.edu from College Park, MD USA:
Bravo! I am delighted to find this! (04/17/95)
Edward MULLINS @ pm-1-28.connectnet.com from San Diego, CA:
This section of the WEB has unlimited potential for those involved
in Biblical and religious information. Keep up the fine work.
Curtis L. Blais @ champ.wnet.gov.edmonton.ab.ca from Edmonton,
Alberta / Canada: Great stuff!! It's high time christians used
this technology to spread the good news! (04/18/95)
Sinout D. Shenouda @ auc-cs18.eun.eg from Cairo, Egypt.: I'm
so happy to sign in Guestbook (04/18/95)
Robert Palmer @ ammlsgi.magnet.fsu.edu from Tallahassee, FL:
Great idea!!! (04/18/95)
Nicholson @ cardan.maths.ed.ac.uk from Edinburgh, Scotland:
This is my Internet study Bible of choice. (04/18/95)
henri [email protected] @ flex064.fmd.wau.nl from
Wageningen, The Netherlands: How great is Your power ! (04/18/95)
Bryan Wiersma @ bryantd1.b23b.ingr.com from Huntsville, Alabama USA: This has to be one of the most outstanding uses (if not the most)
of the web that I have seen to date ! Thank you...
Zach Jones, 204 S. 2nd @ wolf.sulross.edu from Alpine, Texas 79830:
Jeremy Sang Kong @ from San Mateo,
California/USA: I like what you've done here. I kind of wish
there was a search engine so that one could look up verses by
reference. Other things like a concordance like reference would
be nice. (04/18/95)
Kelly H Shattuck @ dial-cup1-7.iway.aimnet.com from San Jose,
CA USA: I'll stop by often. I will soon be in Slovakia doing youth
ministry, youthworker training and youth evangelism. (04/19/95)
Jason A. Trommetter @ pppa013.inhouse.compuserve.com from
Winston-Salem, NC (United States): (04/19/95)
Bertil Palmqvist @ f7711.sth.pi.se from Stockholm, Sweden: R&D
at the christian bookpublisher Verbum in Sweden. (04/19/95)
RICHARD AND RHEA KELLER @ slip27.inlink.com from FLORISSANT,
Lin Hsin Hsin @ from Singapore: Great stuff!
Nice thing this study bible.Take a
look at my homepage
Fritz Awig @ central.picker.com from Cleveland, Ohio 44124:
Just like when God encouraged Elijah that there were 7,000 who had
not bowed their knee to Baal, it is GREAT to see so many people
using the 'Net' for God's glory, rather than Satan's.
[email protected] (04/20/95)
A. Dawson @ adawson.mac.trincoll.edu from Hartford, CT:
William D. Barnhart, MD @ from Chicago, IL, USA:
Katherine M. Warner @ iplink105.crocker.com from Amherst,
Massachusetts, USA: The Internet is amazing! Just goes to show
that God really can use ANYTHING!!! Isn't He awesome! If any of
you are ever in Amherst, please visit Agape Community Church at
17 Kellogg St. Services are at 10am on Sunday mornings.
George D. Warriner II @ f181-163.net.wisc.edu from Madison,
Wisconsin/USA: Thank you for an incredible addition to the
internet! MEN! See you at PROMISE KEEPERS! (04/20/95)
Henk van de Graaf @ slip19.duncan.island.net from Crofton, B.C.
Canada: What a great idea! thanks for all the hard work. I'll
visit here often. Thank you!!!!
The white knight-AKA JEFF NASEATH @ matsu-usr-02-02.alaska.edu
from Wasilla AK USA: This is really cool. what a great Idea!
Wynne E. Vance @ dekalb.dc.peachnet.edu from Atlanta, GA/USA:
The Voice of the Lord Brings Life! Satan is defeated, and
Jesus is Lord. When in the Atlanta area, visit Life Center
Church, 2690 Mt. Vernon Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338, 404-399-0660,
Sr. Pastors Buddy and Mary Crum. Life Center Church is a
full-gospel, present truty, charismatic church which is an
affiliate of the Christian Itnernational Network of Churches
(CINC). I would love to hear from other CINC affiliates and other
sisters and brothers in Christ. My E-Mail address is:
[email protected] (04/21/95)
Cindy Seale @ cindy.nhmccd.cc.tx.us from Houston, Texas/USA:
Thanks. I enjoy reading this website more than any other. When I
can, usually before and after work, I like to relax and enjoy some
food for the day. (04/21/95)
John and Dave at Mount Carmel Bible School @
carmel.worldgate.edmonton.ab.ca from Edmonton, AB, CANADA: Neat
to see! We'll be back! (04/22/95)
Karen Gravitt @ sam-ppp-f2.neosoft.com from Houston, TX USA:
God Bless You!! (04/22/95)
Mike Huneycutt @ fohnix.metronet.com from Arlington, Texas /
USA: (04/22/95)
Dave Dayton @ ix-clv1-09.ix.netcom.com from Grove City,
PA/USA: Just found you! Real glad to know you are here. I'll be
back and tell others about your work here. Praise God!!! (04/23/95)
Nicholas Yonko @ pppd019.inhouse.compuserve.com from S
Pasadena, CA USA: It was good to find a searchable Bible on the
Internet. There is a Book of Mormon, and once being Mormon, It is
good to find a Bible in response to that book of lies. (04/24/95)
James M. Hedberg - [email protected] @ from
Torrance, CA/USA: Hey! This is sort of the 20th Cent.
version of writing your name on the wall! "Jim was
here" (04/24/95)
Louis B. Vega @ seahorse.sas.calpoly.edu from San Luis Obispo,
CA USA: Praise the Lord! (04/24/95)
E. Roy Gilliam @ rgilliam.inhouse.compuserve.com from
Columbus,OH USA: Outstanding Biblical resource! Keep up the good
work!! (04/24/95)
David Betz @ ip201.pom.primenet.com from Rancho Cucamonga,
CA/USA: (04/24/95)
Mike Christel @ from McFarland WI, USA:
Jack and Donna Wood- [email protected] @ jcw.tyrell.net from
Shawnee, Ks. USA: Praise the Lord! (04/24/95)
Philip Luber @ ix-bos3-17.ix.netcom.com from Concord, MA:
Nice job. Concise, well organized, easy to use. (04/24/95)
Melody Saare @ from Oxnard, California: Eph
4:3-6, "...endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond
of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called
in in one hope of your calling; ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM,
IN YOU ALL." I praise the Lord whenever I see the body of Christ
coming together and the walls of separation between us coming
down! OUR KING IS COMING! Let us be walking in love! (04/25/95)
Jeff Hilla @ from Greenville, SC USA:
A. Campbell Silman @ from Lookout Mountain,
Georgia/Walker: Howdy (04/25/95)
Kevin Thornsberry @ ad12-019.compuserve.com from Houston,
TX: (04/26/95)
Niecey Gooden @ from Bryan, TX USA: I thank God
for deliverance and salvation. I thank you for having such a
wonderful thing on the Internet. May God bless and keep you in his
everlasting Love. (04/26/95)
Larry Belella @ kapex6.hns.com from Smithsburg, Maryland USA:
Great resource! It is great to see the Church take advantage of
technology for the advancement of the faith. God Bless your
efforts! (04/26/95)
Doyle Allen @ from Lookout Mountain, GA, USA:
Hello, everybody!! May God bless you and may you live in the light
of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. (04/26/95)
Mary E. Dixon @ medixon.mnsinc.com from Arlington, VA USA:
WOW!!!! A fabulous resource! (04/27/95)
Chow, Jin Yian @ cisco-ts5-line52.uoregon.edu from Eugene, OR:
Scot A. Tidwell @ wolf.sulross.edu from Alpine, Texas, United
States of America: I thank God for such a wonderful resource as
this. Write Back Soon!! (04/27/95)
[email protected] @ n122.coco.community.net from
Martinez,Ca,USA: Rx for fufillment=believe and obey in Jesus
Christ :) (04/27/95)
Rev. Ronald W. Turner @ spectrum.westminster.edu from New
Castle, Pa. USA: (04/27/95)
David Moore @ ip91.nauticom.net from Butler, PA USA: It's so
wonderful to find such a wealth of resources available!
Juan Richardson @ admin.med.wayne.edu from Detroit, Michigan:
It's about time we got some Inspiration on-line! Keep up
the good work. May the Lord add a blessing upon the readings
of his word. (04/28/95)
Johan Schalkwyk @ barney.cse.ogi.edu from Beaverton, OR, USA:
I find the executable series very exciting, and I learn alot from
it. (04/28/95)
Richard A. Clewell @ osiris.cso.uiuc.edu from Davenport Iowa:
A Unitarian Universalist in search of the Light. (04/28/95)
Paul Kuder @ from Manhattan, KS/USA: Thank
you. I use it offten. (04/28/95)
J.R. Gates @ pm158.smartdocs.com from Santa Clarita, CA: 2
Tim. 3:16,17 "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for
teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so
that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good
work." Thanks for the resource! (04/29/95)
Marietta Gabel @ rzu1.sari.fh-wuerzburg.de from Wuerzburg,
Bavarian/Germany: This page is very good, but my English is not so
good. So if everyone knows a german page where i can find comments
to the bible, i will be very thankfull. I believe to god, and I
want to lern more about him. My email adress is
[email protected] (04/29/95)
Jeff Surcess @ dyn-159.direct.ca from Maple Ridge, BC Canada:
Here comes revival! (04/29/95)
Colin Costello @ ccostell.barint.on.ca from Ontario, Canada:
Thanks for the use of this service (04/29/95)
[email protected] @ cola47.scsn.net from Blackville, SC: Great
concept! (04/29/95)
Timothy Landers @ from Los Angeles, CA USA:
Michael Reggio @ ppp33.modems.uoknor.edu from Newalla, OK /
USA: thanks for putting this on the net. God Bless You. (04/29/95)
George Alden "Tag" Tuck @ rem4.read.indiana.edu from
Martinsville, Indiana--USA: (04/29/95)
JAY CARONE @ isnet.is.wfu.edu from KING, NC, USA:
Patty A. LeBlanc @ yak-ts1-p06.wolfe.net from Yakima, Wa/USA:
This is a great resource. I will have to share this with my
husband so that he can use it to study for his Sunday School
class. It will be great for me also as I do my daily devotionals.
Thanks for this great resource!!! (04/30/95)
Mark Woods @ vulcan.inlink.com from St. Louis,MO : I'm at
[email protected] (04/30/95)
Denise Rounds @ www-a1.proxy.aol.com from Tulsa, OK USA:
[email protected] @ pme517.abc.awinc.com from
quesnel,bc,canada: (05/02/95)
Mike Newland @ from Greenville, Tx/USA: Thanks
for the terrific source. I look forward to being here a lot.
Jocelynn R. Bailey @ theopolis.orl.mmc.com from Orlando, FL
USA: This is awesome! I am so glad I can pull this up at my desk at
work whenever I need a little inspiration. Jocelynn R. Bailey
Clinton Wurm @ [email protected] @ pme518.abc.awinc.com from
Quesnel, BC, Canada: (05/02/95)
Shannon Haszard @ central-113-11.dorm.duke.edu from Durham,
NC: I'm from Annapolis, Maryland, and I'm a junior at Duke
University. (05/02/95)
Lisa J. Stancik @ mtm1ip.usia.gov from Olney, MD. 20832: First
time surfing on the net. I found all of this under Easter/Passover.
Hope many others find this as well and in it find the true Lord
Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Bless whoever is responsible
for placing all this on the net. (05/03/95)
Beth Thompson @ i3125opn.atl.hp.com from St.Louis MO: What a
blessing. JESUS IS ALIVE! What a wonderful way to show
the world that the Lord is moving in a mighty way! GOD BLESS YOU!
Miguel Marti @ bocagate.bocaraton.ibm.com from Boca Raton,
Florida/USA: Great!!!! (05/03/95)
Clyde Fleet @ from Woodbridge, Va USA: This is
awesome .... (05/03/95)
mel barth @ www-relay.pa-x.dec.com from boise, idaho: (05/04/95)
Scott William @ ttys5.tyrell.net from Topeka, KS: This is a
wonderful asset to the Internet!! Beats the trash also on the
internet. (05/04/95)
Henry Lesesne @ mm.appstate.edu from Boone, NC, USA:
[email protected] (05/04/95)
Bill McMinn @ fsd.com from Damascus, MD, USA: (05/04/95)
Larry Reynolds @ sliphost51.ade.state.az.us from Flagstaff,
Az. USA: Excellent - Keep up the good work. (05/04/95)
Terri Todd @ www-b2.proxy.aol.com from Cincinnati, Ohio USA:
Jean-Marc Bonard @ cimemac8.epfl.ch from Lausanne,
Switzerland: Fantastic work ! A mighty sunshine illuminates
Internet... (05/04/95)
Paul Suchomel @ darienmonitor.mcis.uchicago.edu from
Romeoville, Illinois/USA: Great site. Its nice to have a good
starting place for bible study. (05/04/95)
Gina K. Ahn @ ce2025mac-776043.ucs.indiana.edu from Germantown,
Tennessee/USA: Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
dongmyung ahn @ ce2025mac-726627.ucs.indiana.edu from TOms
River, NJ 08755, USA: (05/04/95)
Andrew J. Peterson, Ph.D. @ milken007.milken.org from Solana
Beach, CA, USA: Good to see the Word on the Net. May we apply it,
DV. (05/04/95)
Alain Butzberger @ s156.phxslip3.indirect.com from Mesa,
Arizona/U.S.A.: (05/04/95)
Alan Seeger @ delta.profile.net from Newcastle, OK
USA: (05/04/95)
john w @ miavx1.acs.muohio.edu from oxford, ohio/usa: praise
the Lord! (05/04/95)
Lucien F. Lamoureux, Jr. @ ix-atl6-18.ix.netcom.com from
Decatur, GA, USA: What a great idea! (05/05/95)
@ from Chattanooga, TN USA: (05/05/95)
Gerald Blaquiere @ newcastle08.nbnet.nb.ca from Campbellton New
Brunswick Canada: Thanks for this excellent tool. As a relatively
new Christian, I appreciate anything I can get to further my
knowledge. (05/05/95)
David A. Barber @ nu08d1.nu.com from New Britain, CT/USA: You
Have my prayers and encouragment for the Cyber BIBLE.
May God Bless You (05/05/95)
Sam S. Adams @ gateway.cary.ibm.com from Apex, NC/USA: Please
add a New International Version section. (05/05/95)
ANDREW GRUVER @ lab03.eitc.edu from IDAHO FALLS, ID
83404: (05/05/95)
Ba Cam Ma @ from Bellevue, WA, USA: It's good to
know that the Lord's Word in online! (05/05/95)
Barbara Lee Smith ([email protected]) @
gandalf.rutgers.edu from North Brunswick, NJ USA: PRAISE THE
LORD!! Mighty are His works. Please feel free to contact me via
e-mail. It is wonderful to be able to connect with other Sisters
and Brothers in Christ. Spread the Good News! He LIVES!!
Ron Elkin @ theo3.microserve.com from Philadelphia PA USA:
Chuck Gramenz @ d121.tp.interaccess.com from Steger, Illinois /
USA: (05/06/95)
Wei Meng Chee @ ppp-82-14.bu.edu from Boston, MA, USA:
Evelyn M. Martin [email protected] @ from
Omaha, NE/USA: Through the Internet prayer networks, the Lord has
been answering many requests. In the last five months I have seen
my 16-year-old grandson, Sam, go from being a gang member using
drugs & getting in trouble with the law, to a brand-new baby
Christian who just gave his heart to Jesus April 12. I am so
thankful for the Internet. Now I've just discovered this new
great resource that I can use. Thank you dear Jesus and thank you
dear fellow Christians. God bless you all. (05/06/95)
John D. Hales @ cts5.cc.utah.edu from Salt Lake City, Utah /
U.S.A.: (05/06/95)
tracey browning @ lak014.wwa.com from crystal lake il usa:
This is Wonderful. Thank You.
Gertrude Conn @ www-b2.proxy.aol.com from Cleveland, Oh USA:
Very good idea (05/06/95)
Samuel Magar @ from Mississauga, Ontario,
Canada: It's a wonderfull thing to find people standing up for
JESUS, we as a christians have to stand up for what we believe in
and let our voices be heared, Loud and clear for the LORD.
Lenny Era @ from Bayonne,N.J. U.S.A.:
Fraser Gensler @ frazzled.slip.lm.com from Bethel Park, PA: I
just got here. I am excited to see what you have in store here.
God Bless You. (05/07/95)
Jeff Rodgers ([email protected]) @ dal12.pic.net from
Southlake, TX/USA: Great job with this.. Keep up the good work!
Stephen Guye @ n126.napa.community.net from Napa,CA USA:
David Gunawan Siauw @ xdial1-slip12.shsu.edu from
Huntsville,TX, U.S.A: I am really glad when I read this address.
At last I can use my computer to build my faith. I know that all of
this is HIS good plan from HIM. So thank GOD for this. If you
wanna talk or send me an e-mail, you can open http://www.shsu.edu.
And then go into the information and open personal home pages and
look for GUNAWAN DAVID SIAUW. You can see a brief information
BE AFRAID!!! (05/08/95)
Donald W. Ward @ metrix.metrobbs.com from 3624 Parrot Waco, Tx,
76707: Interested in Bible Prophecy (05/08/95)
Tracy Oldham @ osip06.ionet.net from Oklahoma City, OK USA:
I'm new to the group and look forward to finding out what's
available here...I'm glad this resource is available! (05/08/95)
Rick Sullivan @ nas_26.tis.inel.gov from Idaho Falls/Idaho/USA:
Timothy Drown @ from Canberra, ACT/Australia:
Malcolm Graham @ magi2p17.magi.com from Kanata,
Ontario/Canada: Ezxcellent use of hypertext (05/09/95)
Mike Newland @ from Greenville, TX, USA: Not
sure if I have signed in as yet. Thanks for a wonderful source.
I try to stop by on a daily basis. I hope someday to make my
own contribution to the Chrisitian resources available on line.
God Bless you and your work
Dave Parlier ([email protected]) @ lemans.radiology.uiowa.edu from
Elizabethton, TN USA: Looking forward to meditating on the
Scriptures on-line and sharing with other believers on the WWW.
Great concept! (05/09/95)
Wayne Carey @ gatekeeper.es.dupont.com from Newark, Delaware,
USA: (05/09/95)
Donald Graham @ antares.prodigy.com from Orlando, Fl/USA:
David Holmack, [email protected] @ zeos.hcf.jhu.edu from
Baltimore, MD: Wonderful devotional material - I shall visit here
often. (05/10/95)
Clint Yale [email protected] @ from Bellingham,
Wa U.S.A.: Grand idea! (05/10/95)
Andrew K. Wong @ from Los Angeles, CA, USA: I
think it is great that there is a Christian presence on the
Internet! (05/10/95)
Gerben Vos @ sunfish.cs.vu.nl from Duivendrecht, The
Netherlands: (05/10/95)
Kevin M. and Stephanie L. Franco @ charlie.acc.iit.edu from
Chicago, IL: Peace and God Bless! (05/10/95)
Randy Chapman @
frank.cac.washington.edu from Bothell, WA, USA: a MOST excellent
idea! keep up the good work! (05/11/95)
Jon Doyle @ faust.lcs.mit.edu from Cambridge, Massachusetts,
USA: (05/11/95)
Duane [:)uane] Steward @mit.edu @ medg.lcs.mit.edu from
Arlington, MA/ USA: What a fun way to sharpen our sword handling!!
John M. Lowe @ from Knoxville, Tennessee: ...
like a tree planted by the rivers of water ... Thank you. (05/11/95)
Jeremy Wong @ slip168-77.sy.au.ibm.net from Sydney NSW: I
haven't had a look around yet, but I thank God for your existance.
Bob Ryan @ bryan.security.dal.ca from Halifax, Nova Scotia,
Canada: (05/12/95)
Skye Dicker @ dorsai.dorsai.org from Ridgewood, New York, USA:
God bless! (05/12/95)
Harlan Harris @ sbs004.spu.edu from Seattle WA USA: The best
bookmark I've found so far. Thanks! (05/12/95)
Katiliz @ host-80.dialup.winternet.com from Eden Prairie, MN:
Hi, wow, a great big thanks to whoever created this! Smile and be
Happy! (05/12/95)
Paul A. Ledford @ dialup-2-123.gw.umn.edu from St. Anthony, MN
USA: Hey anybody:
I am not a sem student, but I am stteped in research skills and
curiosity (I am almost a lawyer), but as of yet, a poor lawyer.
I want to get my hands on an affordable bible on disk or CD Rom
that is less expensive than that offered by LOGOS, but (and this
will only be helpful if you've been to LOGOS) with many of the
bells and whistles of LOGOS' option 3 [i.e. 2 or 3 versions
with commentaries, Greek, Chaldean and Hebrew indexing (or the
Is there such available for less than $200.00?
[email protected]
John A. Anaya @ crc3.cris.com from Chattanooga, TN USA: Praise
God! This is a valuable tools for serious followers of Christ on
the internet. (05/13/95)
Humble Tafari @ dial9.ibl.bm from White Hill, Sandys Parish,
BERMUDA: Go and Preach the WORD unto all the nations......
Michael F. Falkenstine @ slip134x.slip.colostate.edu from Fort
Collins, CO USA: (05/13/95)
Roger D. Beaver @ d2.inxpress.net from Madison, Wisconsin
U.S.A.: Found this Study Bible very interesting and plan on
returning to see more. (05/13/95)
Ronald L. Brooks @ ciba-gw.chbs.ciba.com from Basle,
Switzerland: (05/15/95)
John Vampatella @ sudial-91.syr.edu from Syracuse, NY USA: A
great resource! I'll be here often. (05/15/95)
Doug Drees @ hpfcla.fc.hp.com from Ft. Collins, Colorado,
USA: (05/15/95)
Larry E. Ramsey @ xyp29p14.ltec.net from Beatrice, Nebraska,
USA: looking foreward to researching this web. New to
InterNet--so can use all the help I can get. thanks. (05/15/95)
Jerry Turner @ from Sacramento, CA/ USA: Looks
interesting....will download "Synopsis" (05/15/95)
Scott Morley @ gu-ttym5.sentex.net from Waterloo, Ontario,
CANADA: Praise God! It's truly exciting to find resources such as
this on the net. I found it very encouraging to read through the
comments that other Christians have left in your guest book. Isn't
it GREAT to serve a RISEN SAVIOUR?!?! (05/15/95)
Kelly Matthews [email protected] @ from Alexandria
VA USA: (05/15/95)
James Dooley @ dbp.caltech.edu from Pasadena, CA USA:
Excellent and helpful resource. Come visit the Caltech Christian
here . (05/16/95)
Johan Koolwaaij @ dutinwu.twi.tudelft.nl from Oud Alblas,
Holland: (05/16/95)
PLEASE PRAY FOR ME. (05/16/95)
yun il KIM @ nuscol9.kaist.ac.kr from KAIST, Taejon, Repubic of Korea:
Joseph B. Slone @ jsloan.kdp-baptist.louisville.edu from
Louisville, KY/USA: (05/16/95)
Ric Dargusch @ wwwgate1.mot.com from Boston, MA / USA:
Rich Casto @ rutherford3.stsi.com from New Jersey, USA: Very
cool! Rich
Kuruvilla Pandikattu @ pc04-cb12.uibk.ac.at from Innsbruck,
Austria: Thanks a lot! (05/16/95)
Jim Sollows @ dyn-98.direct.ca from Surrey, BC Canada: I
really enjoy having this kind of quality Christian material
on the net. Thanks for all your effort. (05/16/95)
bill martin - [email protected] @
modc216-mac2.csuchico.edu from Chico, CA - USA: Glad to see you
are in the middle of this very dark information highway. (05/16/95)
Ravi Ranjan Gorremuchu ([email protected]) @ mach25.bmdinc.com
from Anaheim,CA - 92807, USA: A great world of Christian
Literature on Internet (05/16/95)
Lonnie D. Harvel @ stanley.eedsp.gatech.edu from Atlanta, GA,
USA: What a nice idea! (05/16/95)
Peter D. Visel @ pvisel.picosof.com from Santa Cruz, CA, USA:
keep up the good work! (05/16/95)
Minister Derrick D. Johnson @ from Montgomery,
Alabama / United States: This is great!!! I am enjoying myself to
the utmost. This section is very helpful for sermons, bible
study preparation, or just plain search and meditation. I do
thank GOD for it. May the blessings of GOD overtake you
henceforth and always. (05/17/95)
herman evenblij @ dutita1.twi.tudelft.nl from rotterdam,
holland: 1 John 4:19 (05/18/95)
Ralph E. Flori, Jr. ([email protected]) @
flori-mac.basiceng.umr.edu from Rolla, Missouri, USA: "...have
been given unto us great and precious promises, that through these
you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped
("Netscaped", through tools such as this one :-)) the corruption
that is in the world through lust." (2 Peter 1:4) (05/18/95)
Elain Walker @ houston.chron.com from Houston, Texas 77072: I
enjoy reading the Bible from the web very well done
thank you..I always wanted a way to read the Bible now it's right
here on the web...and now I can read a scripture every morning
John Coley @ mwdell07.memphis.edu from Memphis TN.: E-mail me
at: [email protected] (05/18/95)
Joe Sacher @ sacherjj.student.rose-hulman.edu from
Jeffersonville, IN : Very well done. (05/18/95)
Greg Cimmarrusti @ ix-atl13-28.ix.netcom.com from Woodstock,
Georgia/USA: With all the negative items that the internet holds,
it is great to see what is truly meaningful and helpful in this day
and age of technology. All the best to you. (05/18/95)
[email protected] @ sszm01.ust.hk from HONG KONG: Thank you
God that Gospels can be spreaded in this way. (05/19/95)
John Boor @ ppp66.cac.psu.edu from Lewistown, PA, USA:
Wonderful! See how God is doing a new thing?! (05/19/95)
Charles Nichols @ watserv2.uwaterloo.ca from Kitchener,
Ontario, Canada: (05/19/95)
Amy Spaugh @ l141063.sctcorp.com from Lexington, KY: Great
idea. (05/19/95)
A.J. Ostman @ tia1.eskimo.com from Mukilteo, WA / USA:
Howdy!!! Someone write me at [email protected] that is interested in
talking about christianity (05/20/95)
Jim DeButts @ line101.worldweb.net from Fairfax VA: Mt
9:36-38 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them,
because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a
shepard. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is
plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest,
therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
Well done workers!!! God's love to all. [email protected]
Dr.H.Blake Otwell @ piweba3y.prodigy.com from
Leeds,Alabama.USA: (05/21/95)
Charlene E. Constantinou @ piweba3y.prodigy.com from Cliffside
Park, NJ USA: (05/21/95)
Douglas Lytle @ lytled.hsc.unt.edu from Fort Worth, Texas:
Thanks!! I cant afford the windows-based versions of the bible,
but now I can read the bible on line for free. (05/21/95)
Mattias Cederlund @ brecht.nada.kth.se from Stockholm, Sweden:
I wish it would be more of this pages on the net!! (05/21/95)
Kevin Brooks @ bakshi.media.mit.edu from Cambridge, MA - USA:
I am so happy to have an online resource like this. I love it
when God blesses me and us all in such grand and widespread ways.
Donald Wiseman @ ix-lb5-20.ix.netcom.com from Lomita Ca USA:
Brian Edenfield @ quadra6303.ctnet.com from Beachwood, Ohio:
Jane Ellen Mallette @ sipapu.nmhu.edu from Las Vegas, NM USA:
William D. Insley @ vagrant.vf.mmc.com from Chews Landing,
N.J. 08012: To whom it may concern ,
I have only resently Started playing around on the world
wide web. I had almost stoped because the only addresses people
gave me were for porno-graphic material . I didnt want to be a
part of that . Thank you for the Christ like alternative .
Thanks Again
Bill Insley (05/22/95)
Stephen Denne @ sis-e.massey.ac.nz from Palmerston North, New
Zealand: Excellent resource. Thank you. (05/23/95)
@ gatekeeper.sciatl.com from Alpharetta, Ga (USA): (05/23/95)
Peter Pierce @ osf1.gmu.edu from Fairfax, VA USA: Thank you
for this gift of faith on the Web. (05/23/95)
Roberta E. S. Bliss @ blissful.hip.berkeley.edu from Albany,
CA/USA: I hope people add to this! (05/23/95)
Graham Seel @ ix-col1-10.ix.netcom.com from Martinez, CA:
What a tremendous idea! I will be looking out for references to
send you ... hope you get a lot of response. (05/23/95)
Steven Wyrick @ piweba3y.prodigy.com from Andersonville,
Tennessee / USA: (05/23/95)
Harold Roach @ from Sterling, VA: Thanks for
the help with my lesson! (05/24/95)
Bradley Jay Miles @ from Palatine,
Illinois/USA: (05/24/95)
John Muehlhausen @ extra.pava.purdue.edu from West Lafayette,
IN, USA: (05/24/95)
Darnell Brown @ from TerreHaute: I really joy
learning about God word (05/24/95)
Mr R P Bygrave @ farcol.demon.co.uk from Gosport, Hampshire
ENGLAND: (05/25/95)
Darren DeMeulenaere @ dialup21.av.ca.qnet.com from Palmdale,
CA USA: (05/25/95)
John Mark Hunter @ educ24.apsu.edu from Clarksville, TN 37040
USA: (05/27/95)
[email protected] @ from Marion, IN: indwes =
Indiana Wesleyan University (05/27/95)
Mark A. Hierholzer @ freenet.vcu.edu from Richmond, Virginia
USA: This is wonderful stuff. I am glad I found it. Thank you
for your fine work. You have really blessed me. (05/27/95)
Jeff Gooch (and Kaye Gooch) @ t20.dialup.peg.apc.org from
Melbourne, Australia: Great to see the Web enabling such a
wonderful outreach. A great way to spread God's Word around
the world with today's technology - may God bless it and all who
use it. (05/27/95)
David Anderson @ ix-kan1-22.ix.netcom.com from Liberty, MO
64068: (05/28/95)
The Rev. Tom R. Anderson @ slip13.dia.williston.nd.us from
Williston, ND US: (05/28/95)
Mark James Curtsinger> [email protected] @
ix-cin1-19.ix.netcom.com from Cincinnati,Ohio USA: This is great,
a Web page thats not junk or smut. Being the son of a Babtist
minister I grew up in the church. May we all pray for the coming of
the lord,for this earth is in the cluches of satan. Peace to all
and GOD bless. (05/28/95)
Linda Snyder @ fnts1-1.firn.edu from Old Town, FL (USA):
This is great! Thanks to the CCM Magazine, I came across this on
the net. If you want to visit a great church, come to Lighthouse
Word Church, Chiefland, FL where JESUS IS LORD!!! (05/28/95)
Frank Purcell @ slip02a.planetcom.com from Falls Church, VA
USA: VV cool. Two questions: 1) Is there any way to search
the scriptures online by keyword, as in a concordance? 2)
What about having the Bible online in Greek and Hebrew?
Or is there no standardized rendition of those characters in
HTML? Thanks. I drop by here now and then to look up stuff.
Keep up the good work. Frank Purcell
[email protected] (05/28/95)
Angela McKinney @ from Virginia Beach, VA :
Greetings from Regent University! Thanks so much for providing this
resource. It is such a wonderful blessing. Hi to all my wonderful
brothers and sisters out there in cyberspace. I'm sure we'll all
see each other soon up on Heaven's streets of gold. Love ya in
the Lord! (05/29/95)
Angela McKinney @ from Virginia Beach, VA :
Greetings from Regent University! Thanks so much for providing this
resource. It is such a wonderful blessing. Hi to all my wonderful
brothers and sisters out there in cyberspace. I'm sure we'll all
see each other soon up on Heaven's streets of gold. Love ya in
the Lord! (05/29/95)
John M. John & Lisa John @ access.kuwait.net from Kuwait City,
Kuwait, Middle East: Praise God for His timeless message for us.
God bless this wonderful ministry ! (05/29/95)
Brett Strobel @ www-d1.proxy.aol.com from Portland, OR, USA: (05/29/95)
Graeme Griffiths @ bettong.client.uq.oz.au from Brisbane,
Queensland/Australia: A great resource for the Christians, and a
way to evangelise to the 'Net community. Keep up the good
work God Bless (05/29/95)
Ben HELLENDOORN @ bets.fbk.eur.nl from ROTTERDAM:
Mark J Curtsinger> [email protected] @
ix-cin2-19.ix.netcom.com from Cincinnati,Ohio USA: Its a real
treat to find a homepage like this. Much better then the junk &
smut you will find in Cyberspace. (05/29/95)
Kip and Katy Lines @ piweba3y.prodigy.com from Milligan
College, TN: (05/29/95)
Peggie Bohanon @ dialup3.woodtech.com from Springfield, MO.
USA: What a wonderful way to use modern technology for spreading
the gospel to the "uttermost parts of the earth." God bless!
John Sheffield @ ix-atl12-20.ix.netcom.com from Marietta,
Georgia/USA: (05/29/95)
Greg Haskell @ swrl13.slip.csu.net from Laguna Niguel, CA.
92677: This study Bible has proven to be a tremendous instrument
of clarity for me.Blessings to those that make this resource
possible. The study Bible has been added to my personal
seminary. Very Sincerely, Greg
Haskell:[email protected] (05/29/95)
Ken Duke @ from Dayton, Ohio,/USA:
[email protected] @ koriel.sun.com from Lexington, Ma: May
God bless this ministry as it reaches out across the world wide
web. (05/30/95)
Stephen Gerrells @ from Dawsonville, GA/USA:
Theresa Bennett @ from Washington, DC:
Mike McLeish @ from Terre Haute, IN, USA: attend
First Baptist Church of North Terre Haute (05/30/95)
Jim Dabler @ sms001.mdc.com from St. Louis, Missouri, USA:
Mel Barth @ www-relay.pa-x.dec.com from Boise, Idaho: God
bless! (05/31/95)
Michael Agliata @ from Hamburg, N.Y.
U.S.A.: Hello good men of the Lord. I am a
rededicated christian and looking for some prayer. Please keep me
in mind as I try to find my calling in the work of the Lord. I
rededicated myself at the Promise Keepers in D.C. It was the
greatest time of my life and I would recomend it to everyone.
P.S. if an e-mail address shows up with this letter its not mine.
Thanks for the time (05/31/95)
Tom Crawford
@ dd09-012.compuserve.com from Arlington, TX USA: (05/31/95)
Martin Wilson
@ joplin6.woodtech.com from Joplin, MO, USA: (05/31/95)
David McDonald @ barb.wchat.on.ca from Hamilton, Ontario
Canada: (05/31/95)
Karin Abbott @ oak.citicorp.com from New York City, NY USA:
Focus on the ETERNAL and not the TEMPORARY (05/31/95)
Michael Canute @ nts176.dialup.hawaii.edu from Honolulu, HI:
Pastor Vince Rizzo @ ftmfl-1.gate.net from Fort Myers, FL USA:
Address [email protected] (05/31/95)
BOB GRAY @ www-d3.proxy.aol.com from FT WORTH TEXAS USA:
Una Smith @ fink4.wi.mit.edu from : What a terrific service!
I'll use it often. (06/01/95)
Tiffany-Ann Svensson @ rootmite.watstar.uwaterloo.ca from
Kitchener, Ontario/ Canada: What a wonderful treasure to find.
Thanks to those you have made this possible. Praise God from whom
all blessings flow. (01.06.95) (06/01/95)
Kevin Cordle @ ix-li1-17.ix.netcom.com from Selden, NY:
Mark Walker @ dialup38.washington.mci.net from USA:
RUDY DOLLOSO JR. @ alyssa.prodigy.com from LONG BEACH, CA USA:
Nolan Wilson @ nolanw.earthlink.net from Encino, ca:
Magdalena Karlsson @ from Vetlanda, Sweden:
Magdalena and Ann @ from Sweden, Vetlanda: ET
was never here!!! (06/02/95)
Steven Johnson @ from Salt Lake City, Utah,
US: (06/02/95)
Jason Haynes @ from New Cumberland WV
America: (06/02/95)
Richard Kim [email protected] // Phi. 4:6-7 @ haven.ios.com
from Herndon, VA: Immanuel! God is with us! even in
cyberspace... (06/02/95)
Adrian Warnock @ ws-07.lhmc.ac.uk from London,
England: (06/02/95)
Jack Taylor @ from Junction City, Ks.:
Barry Ginn @ itd4c.cad.ksc.nasa.gov from Merritt Island,
Florida: May GOD richly bless those who have made this page
possible. (06/02/95)
@ itd4c.cad.ksc.nasa.gov from : (06/02/95)
Ivan Chong @ gatekeeper.us.oracle.com from San Mateo, CA:
Richard E. Wilcock @ cs1-09.eph.ptd.net from Terre Hill, PA
USA: Pastor, St. Paul's United Methodist Church in Terre Hill
(Lancaster County) PA - This is a great Web site -
I would like to hear from other United Methodists!
E-mail: [email protected]
Lenny Era @ piweba3y.prodigy.com from Bayonne,N.J:
Steve Graham @ pm054-23.dialip.mich.net from Ann Arbor,
Michigan, USA: Nice idea. (06/05/95)
Art Fellers @ gspc.pgh.wec.com from Harrison City Pa. USA:
great service God bless you all (06/05/95)
Bruce Hansford @ from Dayton, Ohio, USA:
[email protected] @ rose_ip183.efn.org from Roseburg, OR
USA -- (06/05/95)
Tim Taff @ ix-dfw13-24.ix.netcom.com from Dallas, Texas USA:
Darrell Tan @ mrc0036.pc.nus.sg from Zion Bible-Presbyterian
Church, Singapore: (06/06/95)
Timothy Breen @ ppp-nj-10.ios.com from Clifton, NJ:
Catherine Chen @ mvhs-pc21.mvhs.srvusd.k12.ca.us from Alamo,
California, United States: (06/06/95)
Paul Manning @ unk-191.osmre.gov from Big Stone Gap, VA USA:
Thanks for the resource. Looking forward to seeing some of the
thoughts of others in relation to passages. Bi-vocational Pastor
in rural America. (06/06/95)
Christopher Ostmo [email protected] @ rose_ip186.efn.org
from Roseburg, OR USA Earth, Milky Way: Praise the Lord! If
someone with the know-how would like to help me to set up a
christian news group, please e-mail me. (06/06/95)
Dwight McKinnon @ dial-220.lcar.dial.peach.net from
Adairsville, GA USA [email protected]: Thank
you! (06/06/95)
Eric Cook @ from Richardson, Texas: Just found
this, and it's great! What a witness to see so many Christians on
the net! Let's live for God. (06/06/95)
Dave Liebert @ gate5.az.com from Bellingham, WA, USA: Try The Fisherman's Net.
God Bless You! (06/07/95)
Mike Walker ([email protected]) @ mr2-048.mrtc.maui.com
from Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, USA: This was my first night on the
Web. I must have been led by the Spirit to this awesome place.
E-mail me before your next trip to Maui and I might be able to help
you have a better vacation. I'm a concierge at a nice resort, and
would love to meet Christian cyberspacers. :) (06/07/95)
Julian D. Parker @ www-proxy.crl.research.digital.com from
Maynard, MA/USA: (06/07/95)
Christine Martin @ from Olathe, Kansas, USA:
David Hall @ from Issaquah Wa USA:
Tim Bahula @ from London, Ontario, Canada: Nifty
idea! (06/07/95)
Sam Moroney @ mother.cs.bham.ac.uk from Birmingham,
England: (06/08/95)
Joel Kluender @ eagle.ccsm.uiuc.edu from Champaign, Il, USA:
Praise God for this resource! I am looking forward to exlploring
it! Trust in the Lord with all your heart! (06/08/95)
Tammy Foster @ ix-roc-il1-26.ix.netcom.com from Bradley, IL
usa: (06/08/95)
Ken and Andrea Balderrama @ swrl87.gina.slip.csu.net from
Fontana, California, U.S.A.: (06/09/95)
Richard Dry @ diamond.natinst.com from 12306 A Burr Ridge
Austin, TX :
Victoria Lynn Simms @ rpdc8.ehrm.umr.edu from Cape Girardeau,
Missouri/United States: All Praises to the Saints of the most High
God. I was visiting Rolla University for a RPDC Worksession to
teach us about the Internet and I found you. What a blessing! I
thank God for this spaace. To beable to participate in such a
session has been a wonderful experience. (06/09/95)
Jan Wolsheimer @ i1b.dialup-01.rotterdam.wirehub.net from
Zoetermeer, The Netherlands: (06/09/95)
Ron Myers @ rmyers.cts.com from 2100 Greenfield Drive, El
Cajon, CA 92019, USA: I am a Bible translator from Thailand who
has been on the internet for a few months. I just discovered
your ome Page. (06/09/95)
Mark Burton @ bootstrap.agcs.com from Phoenix, AZ/Maricopa:
Eric Miner @ kelly.esslink.com from Pine Meadow, CT: Thanks
for pulling this info together! (06/09/95)
Larry G. Byars @ phideaux.cti-pet.com from Oak Ridge, Tennessee
USA: (06/10/95)
Kevin Finn ([email protected]) @ from
London, UK: Send news of any bible study software for win on pc
Without CDROM Please let me know of any Biblical Christian UK
sites/contacts Put me on your mail list please Kevin Finn
E-mail [email protected] thanks. (06/10/95)
Peter M�ller @ www-a1.proxy.aol.com from Minneapolis,
Minnesota (USA) � at the moment...: The idea is great! May
everybody contribute to the benefit of countless unknown brothers
and sisters! Gott ist gut! (06/10/95)
barry @ bedrock.com from Vienna,VA/USA: I came across this
site while looking for links to our to Bible study page.
May GOD bless all who seek to know HIS truth and the way to
salvation. (06/10/95)
David F Morrison @ from carmel, IN USA: It is
exciting to keep finding more and more Christ focused information
on the internet - especially the WWW. Thank you for your efforts in
maintaining this link and content and may the Lord Jesus Christ
draw His CHurch deeper into the Word through this and every other
method guided by the Holy Spirit to sharpen our discernment and
deepen our love for Him and each other in these last days before
His return. Maranatha! (06/11/95)
Elder Lee Roy Rhodes @ ix-chi4-20.ix.netcom.com from Cicero, IL
60650-4117: THis is a great way to give out the gospel to a
lost world And to feed the sheep of our Lord Jesus
Christ. In His Service Lee Roy Rhodes (06/11/95)
Dan Richardson @ ppp5.cpbx.net from Columbus, IN: This looks
like it could be a great resource for my Sunday School Class (06/11/95)
POSSUM (USER CODE = KAKA/[email protected]) @
Stefanos Samiotakis @ from Athens, Greece: I am
very pleased with the work you are doing. God blesh you! (06/12/95)
David Austin @ gw.bbt.com from Raleigh, NC/USA: What a
wonderful ministry! I find it encouraging to know those who are
diligently searching the internet can find such a blessing. Keep
up the great work! (06/12/95)
Tony J. Bowman @ tjbowman.b17a.ingr.com from Harvest, AL USA:
This is great!! I can surf the net and read the Bible! May God
Bless your faithful service !! Tony (06/12/95)
James Gibbons @ inet2.tek.com from Hemel Hempstead, Herts
England: [email protected] -- Is there any good Bible clip art out
there? If you know where some is give me a shout. Yours in Christ,
Jim Gibbons (06/12/95)
Mr. Michael Dors @ mike.mtp.gov from Georgetown, Ontario,
Canada: Much appreciate the info, God Bless! (06/12/95)
dot georgeson @ onyx.cambridge.scr.slb.com from cambridge,
england: Thank-you, very useful (06/13/95)
Heins, Rev. William Arthur @ rvlink.rvlink.com from Eau Claire,
Wisconsin, U.S.A.: Also participate in the World Network of
Religious Futurists (06/13/95)
Steve Miller @ piweba3y.prodigy.com from Bend Oregon USA: The
Tri-unity of God is my interest area. Any thoughts or useful
teaching in this area will be appreciated. (Supportive only) I know
all the arguements against. :) [email protected] Thanks for
putting this WWB together! (06/13/95)
Rev.Rickie Richards & Rev.Susan Kliebenstein @
netport-13.iu.net from Cocoa,FL,USA: This is a great resource,
wonderfully organized, we look forward to making contributions in
the future.God bless you & every reader. (06/13/95)
Ken Killebrew @ orpheus.amdahl.com from Jacksonville, Florida/USA:
"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the LORD, "plans
to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future." Jer 29:11 (06/13/95)
Debbie Sue Trout @ maui45.maui.net from Kahului, HI USA:
Ed Lovato [email protected] @
linea11tec.mty.itesm.mx from Monterrey, N.L. MEXICO: What a
blessing to see this much material on the Internet.
Paul Nash @ moe-slip5.moenet.com.au from Mildura,
Victoria/Australia: G'day mate (06/14/95)
ALEJANDRO RODRIGUEZ ESTAY @ visviri.electa.uta.cl from
ARICA/CHILE: (06/14/95)
Raul Castillo @ from Bryan, Texas, Brazos:
John Paul Wilson @ sliphost52.ade.state.az.us from Phoenix,
Arizona, USA: This is my first stop here. (06/14/95)
Paul Go @ wagner.helios.nd.edu from Notre Dame,IN USA: Great
idea!!!!! (06/14/95)
Aaron Rowe @ slip05.inlink.com from Ballwin,MO. U.S.A.: Wow I
think this is great,I've been looking for this for so long.
Anne E.Davis @ from Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama :
Nirmal @ bagan.srce.hr from Zagreb, Croatia: This is
probably on-line Bible on
Internet. (06/14/95)
John M Stevens @ piweba1y.prodigy.com from King of Prussia,
PA/USA: (06/14/95)
David Hunt @ www-a2.proxy.aol.com from Camden Point, MO.: I
have been looking for a good resource guide for WWW Christian
material. I looks like I found what I was looking for. In
Christ, David (06/15/95)
Cynthia T. Bennett ([email protected]) @ from
Wheaton, MD USA: This is a valuable and useful resource.
Thanks. (06/15/95)
Robin Elder @ from Newport News, VA:
Bob Howerton @ emngw1.emn.com from Church Hill, TN, USA :
Allison Andries @ from Bloomington, Indiana,
United States of America: I'm so thankful that I found this
section on the internet!! With all the sick and sad avenues the
internet can take people, I'm delighted that God's Word is at
anyone's access!! (06/15/95)
Allison Andries @ from Bloomington, Indiana,
USA: If anyone out there would be interested in being Christian
pen pals or prayer partners, write me at [email protected]. God
Bless!! (06/15/95)
Art Lieberman @ www-d4.proxy.aol.com from Sunland, Ca, USA:
kade richard hawkins @ ncg-91.axionet.com from richmond b.c.
canada: may we use this tool to bring the Lord glory (06/16/95)
Michael Galo @ from Brentwood, TN/USA:
Jay Smith @ from Columbus, OH: (06/16/95)
Dennis L. Finnan @ sparc.isl.net from St. Charles, MN 55972:
This is my first visit and I will be back. I'm a pastor enjoying
the Internet. Keep up the good work! (06/16/95)
bruce courtright, dmd @ shrsys.hslc.org from 3140-b tilghman
st. #114, allentown, pa.. 18104: would like to find an ethical
person to practice with in san diego, ca. if you know one give
him my address . i hope this day was like a light on my life's
path. (06/16/95)
Bob Chen @ gw4.att.com from North Andover, MASS: (06/16/95)
Fonzell I. Robinson @ parker-mac.educom.edu from Washington,
D.C.: Absolutley wonderful to have you as a part of my life.
God is Good! (06/16/95)
Yvonne Carr @ from Auburn, Alabama: Please add
me to your mailing list. My address is Mrs. Yvonne Carr, 141 Lee
Road #817, Auburn, Alabama 36830 are e-mail me at
[email protected] (06/16/95)
Jim & Cathy Cooke @ ad05-003.compuserve.com from San
Bernardino, Ca/USA: (06/16/95)
Rev. Rennie Mau @ rkln3.quiknet.com from Auburn, CA :
Publishing an electronic magazine targeted to mainline church
renewal. I'm looking for contributors for contemporary worship
articles, children's sermons, youth worships, puppet scripts, drama
scripts, liturgical movement and sacred dance. Please send to me
at [email protected]. NuLiturgy E Magazine 2280 Grass Valley
Hwy, #181 Auburn, CA 95603 (06/17/95)
Dave Albrecht @ ppp79.bgsu.edu from Toledo, OH USA: Great
resource. I use it frequently. May I list this wwsb on my page?
I'll assume yes unless I hear from you. Dave Albrecht
([email protected]) (06/17/95)
[email protected] @ net-7.pe.pix.za from PORT ELIZABETH
HIGH (06/17/95)
Timothy A. Ladd, Sr. @ educ13.educ.ecu.edu from Aydlett, NC
USA: Sharon United Methodist Church, Poplar Branch, NC.
Cubmaster, Lay Speaker, and Youth Volunteer. Would like to hear
from others involved with youth or youth with ideas that work for
their groups. (06/17/95)
your site to my home page so I can always have the bible handy.
Paul Dueck @ dial134.mbnet.mb.ca from Winnipeg, Manitoba,
Canada: AMEN, (06/19/95)
Michelle Cassidy @ www-d3.proxy.aol.com from Bradford MA
USA: [email protected] (06/19/95)
Tony McGregor @ faith.waikato.ac.nz from Hamilton New
Zealand: (06/19/95)
Scott Cross @ solix.fiu.edu from Miami, FL/USA: Just got here.
Haven't seen anything yet. I'm looking forward to it though.
Ford Willman @ www-d4.proxy.aol.com from Mesa, AZ/Maricopa:
Barbara Farthing Bonham @ ppp109.awod.com from Summerville,
SC: (06/20/95)
Ronnie Hutton @ isun29.infj.ulst.ac.uk from Northern
Ireland: (06/20/95)
Ken Contreras @ gw1.octel.com from Dallas, TX. USA:
JEFF JOHNSON @ www-proxy.crl.research.digital.com from Colorado
Springs, Colorado USA: What a awesome tool during the business of
the day to refill our spiritual gas tanks at this cyber spirit
station. Internet:[email protected] LET'S SERVE EACH
OTHER. (06/20/95)
Jim Murphy ([email protected]) @ www-d2.proxy.aol.com from
Olympia, Washington: (06/20/95)
Jeff Buxton - [email protected] @
admin01.ateng.az.honeywell.com from Phoenix, Arizona - USA: Great
idea! What a blessing ... I'll be sure to add things as the
Spirit leads. The Lord bless you! (06/20/95)
David McMillen [email protected] @
dial-up1.5.spacestar.com from Minneapolis, MN USA: Thank You for
the people of God with your time and your money. God bless you
again for your work. Thank You! :) (06/21/95)
Mike Willmouth @ from Gautier, Mississippi
USA: (06/21/95)
Melvin Ee Eow Siang @ merlion.singnet.com.sg from Singapore:
Sid Leake
@ dd01-042.compuserve.com from Dallas, TX USA: Hello everyone from the home of the Dallas Cowboys! (06/21/95)
@ from :
@ delta-air.com from Sharpsburg, GA, USA:
Rob Allen @ slip31.nb1.usu.edu from Logan, UT:
Tom and Glenn Mueller @ gw2.att.com from Reynoldsburg,
Ohio/USA: (06/21/95)
Cindi Farmer, AD97 [email protected], @ from Kirksville, MO, USA: It was so encouraging to
read through this guest book and think of how we are all united by
the love of Christ. It's even more amazing to think that this group
is just a drop in the bucket of the assembly of the saints that
will stand before the throne of God and worship Him forever. May
Christ ALWAYS remain our first love. (06/22/95)
Joe Wiczlinski @ from Clearwater, Fl/USA: I
really like the way this was put together. What I think would be
neat is to also have references to archeological, historical, etc.
facts that relate to particular portions of the Bible, primarily
for the the Old Testament. (06/22/95)
Dr. Kerry Scott Miller, D.Min @ balrog.itek.net from Peoria,
IL: (06/22/95)
Jeff Ling @ from Ft Walton Beach, FL.
Oklooska: (06/22/95)
Jonathan Platt @ ip137.fhu.primenet.com from Hereford, AZ,
USA: (06/22/95)
Sharon Miller @ j1e90b.zdexpos.com from Foster City, CA USA:
Carla Jones @ stratapc.bentley.com from Coatesville, PA 19320:
Thanks for your page. It's great. Keep up the Great work.
Norman Herr @ s254n056ppp37.csun.edu from Sylmar, CA 91342:
Great! (06/23/95)
Jay P. Custin @ dd14-024.compuserve.com from Collinsville,
VA/USA: I am a VERY NEWLY appointed Lay Preacher in the United
Methodist Church. I am very pleased to find this Web page. Hope
to spend ample time cruising in the studies. (06/23/95)
Jorge Leignadier @ alpha.ec.usma.pa from Panam�, Panam�: me
alegro de haberlos encontrado (06/23/95)
Rod Fortner @ amadeus.glenqcy.glenayre.com from Quincy,
Illinois USA: Thanks for making this service available on the
Web! (06/23/95)
Katherine bowen @ from Charlotte, NC: Interested
in learning more about the doctrine of the trinity, most
particularly would like to understand scriptures, etc. used to
witness the Jewish people. Information please to
[email protected] (06/23/95)
Russ Nelson @ med-pc23.bsd.uchicago.edu from Glen Ellyn,
Illinois/USA: [email protected],edu (06/23/95)
Burt Burkett @ transitory98.lanl.gov from Los Alamos, NM USA:
Greetings from the birthplace of the Atomic Age. What a joy !
What a resource ! This will be my first stop when I log on in the
morning. (06/23/95)
Tim Steele @ dial8.iw.net from Sioux Falls, SD/USA:
Jon Campbell [email protected] @ www-d1.proxy.aol.com from
Olathe, Kansas USA: (06/24/95)
Kenneth Hiew @ j8.ptl1.jaring.my from Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA:
Look forward to coming to your page often. (06/24/95)
Joseph Nowakowski ([email protected]) @ freenet.buffalo.edu
from Cheektowaga, NY USA: (06/24/95)
Benjamin T. Forbes @ ppp5.ncat.edu from Greensboro,NC,USA: It
is great to see that we are even occupying cyberspace until HE
returns. ([email protected]) (06/24/95)
Donald A. Fowler @ from Harpers Ferry, WV
25425: Was looking for more detail in the study rather than just
the text. [email protected] (06/24/95)
Eric Mawhinney @ from Fombell, PA/USA:
Scott McGill @ uwoppa.connect.com.au from Sydney, Australia:
Wow. Just wow. (06/24/95)
SHAWN MAY @ www-d2.proxy.aol.com from Columbia, Missouri/USA:
Thank you for being creative enough to start another Ministry!!!
Brian James Walker @ port20.aixdialin.siu.edu from Vergennes,
IL/U.S.A.: (06/24/95)
Tim Powell @ scorpio.uprc.com from Fort Worth, Tx USA:
Mike Endsley @ kenai03.130.237.199.in-addr.arpa from Soldotna,
Ak. 99669 USA: Thanks! I will be back often. (06/25/95)
Jim and Jean Losee @ from Toronto, Ont, Canada:
Lewis Zeigler @ from Irmo, SC USA:
Jon Platt @ ip132.fhu.primenet.com from Hereford, AZ USA:
I think that it is awesome to see this Bible page on the
Net! More of these should be made. I would like to receive mail
from others that would like to correspond with a fellow
Christian! Mail me!
Laura M. Davis @ from New Orleans,
Louisiana/USA: This Study Bible is good, but could be better. Is
there any way one could search by topic or by word, instead of just
by Book and Chapter? What if you want to find something, but
cannot recall the reference? Also, what about providing some
up-to-date translations for those who don't have the language
skills for reading the King James Version, and the other similar
translations you've provided? Personally, I like to read three to
four different versions to try to absorb what God is saying. As it
is, I have to go to another site on the Net to do that. You call
this a study Bible, but I can't study off of it, just read. Any
studying has to be done at another site where I can search by topic
or by word. I hope you take this as constructively as it's
intended. I think this is a great idea, but it could be so much
more than it is. May God bless you work, and should you care to
respond, my e-mail address is: [email protected]
Dan Hoard [email protected] @ from Torrance,
CA/USA: (06/26/95)
P.J. Martinez @ from Rochester, NY:
Steve Withers @ mission4.bioch.ox.ac.uk from Oxford, England:
What an excellent resource, I will certainly be using it in the
future (06/27/95)
Jennifer J. Woodie @ from Aberdeen, Maryland
USA: (06/27/95)
Joe Deupree @ piweba1y.prodigy.com from Colleyville, Texas
USA: (06/27/95)
De'Porres C. Brightful @ proxy.bellatlantic.com from Ellicott
City, Maryland: (06/27/95)
Keith Browning @ atrium.musc.edu from Summerville, SC/USA:
Thanks for making online bible available (06/27/95)
Praveen Mutalik, @ skipperhome.hqsl.stratus.com from
Southboro, Massachusettes, USA: I am speaking to a small group of
Christians on a regular basis and this site has been very helpful
as a source of material. thanks (06/27/95)
Douglas White @ ix-pl2-11.ix.netcom.com from Pleasanton, CA,
USA: (06/28/95)
Shinichi Sawato @ fw.sbs.co.jp from Adachi-ku, Tokyo, Japan:
Email: Shinichi_Sawato [email protected] PTL from Japan (06/28/95)
Jonathan W. Krueger @ perelandra.src.honeywell.com from
Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, USA: (06/28/95)
Miki K. Moore @ from Mountain View, California /
US: (06/28/95)
Billy Cox @ ttys1.tyrell.net from Independence MO: I think
that this site is a good start toward Christian resources being
available on the Web. (06/28/95)
Raphael Cheung @ broadway.sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca from Saskatoon,
Sk. Canada: I have called you by name - you are mine. (Isa
43:1) (06/28/95)
Laura Young @ is-laura-young.tamu.edu from College Station,
Texas/USA: (06/28/95)
L. Staten @ ip132.lax.primenet.com from
Los Angeles, CA/USA: Yep. I like it. I like it alot! (06/28/95)
Steven Swenson @ tobyh.texmicro.com from Houston TX USA: This
is really cool... (06/28/95)
Denis Brousseau @ srv1s25.saglac.qc.ca from Chicoutimi,
QUEBEC,CANADA: Merci pour l'acc�s � ces ressources! (06/28/95)
Peter T. Sabin @ dial-47.en.net from Stow, OH 44224: This
Sunday, I'll place this home page address into our church bulletin.
Thanks for the resource. May the peace that comes from knowing
our Lord be with you throughout the day. (06/29/95)
Carl D. Tribett ([email protected]) @ from
Wheeling, WV, USA: What a wonderful thing to find on the Web. A
minister friend of mine and I were discussing ways to bring the
church into the electronic information age. You've done it, and
done it well. I find it very inspiring to see that technology and
Christianity can find a place together in the world. Blessings
upon blessings to you for giving believers a place on the Web to
share and study God's word together. (06/29/95)
Larry Klosterboer @ advantis.vnet.ibm.com from Lexington,
Kentucky/USA: This is a great idea and I really appreciate the
hard work of all who have contributed. (06/29/95)
Simanjuntak, Conny (Ms) @ charon.fmi.com from Tembagapura,
Indonesia: 1. I would like to join with World Wide Bible Study.
2. I'm seeking for Benny Hinn's address, or, his new books list
completely with the prices. Who can help me? (06/29/95)
Don Richie @ kf-pm1-024.cdsnet.net from Midland, OR, USA:
Kenneth Hallenius III @ scn.org from Kent, WA/USA: I am glad
that this resource is here! I look forward to the day when all
Christians will worship together the Triune God in spirit and
truth! Pray for the unity of Christians, and that the Gospel of
Jesus Christ may be spread throughout the world through our words
and actions! If you wish to discuss Christian living, e-mail me
at [email protected] or [email protected] (06/30/95)
Sidd Puri @ gs127.sp.cs.cmu.edu from Pittsburgh, PA: Great
idea! (06/30/95)
Jerry Sharp [email protected] @ sharpg.dms.state.fl.us
from Tallahassee, Fl. USA: Great job, server is quite responsive,
and at work I don't always have the "right" manual online, so
when I need to research the truth I turn to your Web site. I hope
to see your site grow, to include more commentaries and possible
concordance. Thanks a lot for the blessing, it is a blessing to
my users (I am the internet network manager for the State fo
Florida),since I point them to your site. Some comments are, "SEE
David B. Keim ([email protected]) @
dialup527.washington.mci.net from Virginia Beach, Virginia USA:
Good job! (06/30/95)
@ gallua.gallaudet.edu from : (06/30/95)
Justin Parke @ petunia.pha.jhu.edu from Columbia, MD USA:
What a great idea! We as believers NEED to be salt and light on
the Internet. (06/30/95)
Rebecca Gallagher @ from Huntsville, AL: I am a
new Christian, and this place has been of much help to me. Thanks
a lot! (06/30/95)
Marvin K. Moberly @ tty42.pld.com from Lakin, KS/Kearny: New
here. Looks good. Anxious to spend more time. (07/01/95)
Roger G. Best @ dialup16.woodtech.com from Springfield, MO. /
U.S.A.: (07/01/95)
Becky West @ slip21.fgi.net from Springfield, IL U.S.A.:
Ron Hughes @ merck.utulsa.edu from Owasso, OK Rogers: It
is very encouraging to see an area like this on the net. I have
shared it with a preacher friend of mine who has been preaching
against utilizing the Net in schools or at home because there
was nothing of value to Christians here. Thanks, you opened many
eyes with this type area. (07/01/95)
Rev. Daniel B. Harper @ www-b5.proxy.aol.com from Lawton, OK
73575-3613: (07/01/95)
Drew Haninger @ gn2.getnet.com from Scottsdale AZ, USA: Thanks
for your hard work in putting these Bible references together
Larry Ortega @ www-b2.proxy.aol.com from Phoenix, AZ USA:
Dan Benedum @ mod6.colmicrosys.com from Columbus,Ohio/USA:
Jane Cohen @ disarray.demon.co.uk from Manchester, England:
Darrel Canada @ darrelc.montgomery.va.us from Christiansburg
VA USA: (07/03/95)
Tiffany Blank @ from Portland, Oregon: "I stand
in awe of a God whose heart is RAVISHED over fallen man" See you
all in heaven. (07/03/95)
Verna Swim @ from Houston, TX USA: What a
fabulous inspiration you all are to me!! My heart is filled to
know that so many people from all around the world have at least
one thing in common...Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Please
feel free to email me at: [email protected] I would love to
converse with and get to know some fellow Christians from around
the country and around the world!! (07/03/95)
ROBERT SEDILLO @ sedillo-b.mdr2.gtegsc.com from VALINDA, CA/LOS
ANGELES: God Bless all who put this wonderful page together.
Peter Hopson @ from Hobart,
Tasmania/Australia: (07/03/95)
Frank Hermann Jr. @ dal55.onramp.net from Houston, TX:
Gregory C. Chisholm @ from Detroit, MI, USA: A
great beginning to a most appropriate use of Internet resources.
Thank you very much (07/04/95)
[email protected] @ www-a1.proxy.aol.com from New York ( Long
Island ), USA: JOHN 3:16 REVELATION 7:17 "Buy a man a fish,
and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him
for a lifetime." (07/04/95)
Michael C. Polinske @ polaris.execpc.com from Milwaukee, WI:
Very nice service here. Being a confirmed member of the
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) I've never seen the
Apocryphal books before. (07/04/95)
Pastor Jerry William Anthony Dusing @ j10.ktk1.jaring.my from
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia: I am thankful I have found such a
rich resource for my studies. Thank You to all of you who have
made this possible. Regards, J Dusing (07/05/95)
Brandon Ward @ tty17.com1.infohwy.com from Houston, Texas:
Great! Am pleased to find this resource for the
If you are interested in this ministry to Missing, Abused and
Exploited children, you can also send us email to Child Search:
Child Search<[email protected]> God Bless You and all who use this resource to the
glory of the Son. Amen. (07/05/95)
[email protected] @ from Denver, CO USA:
This is great! I will access wwsb daily before working. Like
drops of rain in the desert. I'm A Promise Keeper, How about you?
Let me know! (07/05/95)
Kristine Cloyes @ from Vancouver, WA , USA:
Benny Tee @ slip47.cc.flinders.edu.au from Adelaide,
AUSTRALIA: Great Job, and keep up the good work for the Lord!
PRAISE THE LORD! (07/05/95)
John Gosselink @ hou07.onramp.net from Houston, Texas, USA:
Dionne Bourque @ from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia,
Canada: (07/06/95)
Arthur Allan Vanderbilt @ www-a1.proxy.aol.com from Union
Beach, NJ / USA: (07/06/95)
Fred Kotynski @ br21-1.niia.net from St. John, IN/ USA: This
is great! I didn't know there was such a comprehensive biblical
reference on the net. Thank you. (07/06/95)
Leong Ong @ redash.qut.edu.au from Brisbane, Queensland,
Australia: (07/07/95)
Stefan Raubal @ info.tu-graz.ac.at from
Graz,Austria/EUROPE: (07/07/95)
Clabaut Didier @ from Vilvoorde, Belgium: This
is what I have been searching for! (07/07/95)
No�lla Raymond @ jheywood.emr.ca from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada:
Chris Yoder @ www-d1.proxy.aol.com from Palm Desert, CA USA:
Neil Thomas @ from NYC,NY: Great place to visit
daily.. Thank You. (07/07/95)
Rick Griffin @ from Plano, Texas, Collin:
Mike Gilbert @ mikegilb.ppp.usit.net from Knoxville, Tennessee,
USA: What a delight to find believers from all over the WORLD
using this resource. It's not that I didn't know there were
believers all over the world, I just haven't seen their
addresses like this before!! (07/07/95)
Warren E. Goodwin @ www-d3.proxy.aol.com from South Hamilton,
Ma. USA: (07/07/95)
Brandon Ware @ rgfn.epcc.edu from El Paso, TX USA:
Doris E. Howie @ sos.wingham.com from Gorrie, Ontario, Canada:
WOW! Here I thought I was doing something wonderful by setting up
a Christian BBS. Thank you for showing me what *real* service
is!! Sysop, Christian Country CONTACT! BBS - email
[email protected] (07/08/95)
James Nutt @ butterfinger.cc.vt.edu from Blacksburg, VA:
Barry J. McCrory @ baste.magibox.net from Memphis, TN:
[email protected] (07/08/95)
Jim Smith @ instant.datarace.com from San Antonio, TX / San
Diego, CA: For J. B. Bach lovers-I quote "GOD is our KING"
Harold Penner @ as2c-p06.mts.net from Winnipeg, Manitoba,
Canada: Just dropped by. (07/09/95)
Rev.Larry J.Hawks @ dial-7-12.slip.huji.ac.il from POB 1192,
Jerusalem 91010, Israel: (07/09/95)
gregory willis @ inspectr.smart.net from baltimore,md.
21230-0139: (07/09/95)
Bill Cramer @ p09.intergate.net from Austell,Ga. USA:
Alan D. Neveu @ uhura.cc.rochester.edu from Rochester, New
York, U.S.A.: Romans 6:11 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to
be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ
our Lord. (07/09/95)
Vera A. Blake @ www-b3.proxy.aol.com from Detroit, Michigan,
USA: Thank you all for your efforts. God bless you in all your
work. (07/09/95)
Jon Biddell @ slsyd1p17.ozemail.com.au from Sydney, NSW,
Australia: (07/10/95)
Pastor Richard Watson @ sozo.midland.co.nz from Hamilton New
Zealand: If you have any Great illustrations? OR If you want to
know about the SOUTH PACIFIC/AUSTRALIA you're welcome to contact
me. (07/10/95)
Don Richie @ kf-pm1-001.cdsnet.net from Midland, Oregon, USA:
E-Mail = [email protected] (07/10/95)
Mark F. Schenk @ gw1.att.com from Reading, PA USA: This is
great! Jesus prayed that his beleivers would be one.
My prayer as we use this wonderful site, is that it will
bring us closer to doing the will of our savior. (07/10/95)
susan @ eesunw3.njit.edu from NJ:
Sig Brown @ cust40.max1.seattle.wa.ms.uu.net from Seattle,
Washington, USA: [email protected] or CI$ # 72274,2444. This is
a great resource. There is a large population here from the Ukrane.
I hope that this will expland to other languages! Our church
currently translates the Sunday services into Russian. We are all
one in the body of Christ! (07/10/95)
Ken Copas @ ptolemy.eng.ohio-state.edu from Columbus, Ohio
USA: This is a great Christian tool, thank you! (07/10/95)
Ty Stober @ slip34.van1.pacifier.com from Vancouver, WA
USA: (07/10/95)
Ed Karjala @ ad07-022.compuserve.com from Derry, NH USA:
Lance Westbrook @ jove.acs.unt.edu from Denton, TX / USA:
Shlyn Bruton @ balin.sdsu.edu from La Mesa, Ca:
Matthew Rahul Aranha @ mac08.hesburgh.lab.nd.edu from Notre
Dame, Indiana, United States of America: (07/11/95)
Jihad Alameddine @ d2434a.bcasd.az.honeywell.com from Glendale,
AZ USA: I was looking for a KJV Bible with Strong's reference.
koby johns @ from fresno, california, usa:
Ronald R. Searl @ ix-dgr-il1-21.ix.netcom.com from Batavia, IL
USA: (07/12/95)
Steve Kinsman @ www-b2.proxy.aol.com from Everett, WA/USA:
Paul & Stella Ramsaroop @ alyssa.prodigy.com from :
Pierre Sinotte ([email protected]) @
from Montreal, QC/Canada: Incredibly true! (07/12/95)
Minister Barbara T. Williams, Union Chapel Missionary Baptist
Church @ grossmac49.chem.duke.edu from Durham, NC 27703 USA:
Giving thanks and honor to the Father and His Son JESUS Christ who
is the only true GOD; Saviour of my soul. Looking for His soon
return for His Church without spot or wrinkle. Pray for me that
I will be ready to meet Him in peace when He comes back.
Franc Bustillo @ fbustilpc.nswc.navy.mil from Waldorf, MD: I'd
like to know more about Bible/Christian resources on the
WWW/Internet. Please send your reply to:
[email protected] Franc PS Excellent HTML
Page!!!! (07/12/95)
Ray Sommer @ from Largo Florida:
[email protected] please vist my home page! love your pages....lots of helpful
"stuff" (07/12/95)
Terry Cotter @ piweba2y.prodigy.com from Napa, CA:
Prodigy:dqbw98A (07/12/95)
Dewey @ ad14-011.compuserve.com from Yuma, Az., USA: Stick
to the basics. Interboro, 1970 (07/13/95)
@ ad14-011.compuserve.com from : (07/13/95)
Lyndon Shakespeare @ axp1.umkc.edu from Kansas City, MO: Great
resource!! Thank-you very much for the use of it. (07/13/95)
Matthew Hendley @ from homerville,Ga U.S.A.:
Praise the Lord for such services! (07/13/95)
Gary L Bamonte @ from Pensacola, Florida: Keep
up the great work (07/13/95)
Mr. Chelsea Coale @ from Clinton,MS 39056:
Mike Kopesec @ gatekeeper.us.oracle.com from Redwood Shores,
CA, USA: (07/13/95)
raimo pollanen @ pcc38206.oulu.fi from oulu, finland,
europe: (07/14/95)
Minh Vo @ [email protected] @ from Seattle,
WA: What a blessing it is that there are Christians to be found
everywhere, even in the WWW. (07/14/95)
Todd Knapp @ ix-spr-mo1-04.ix.netcom.com from Springfield,MO
Andrew Boal @ a54.cc.umist.ac.uk from Bangor, Northern
Ireland: Haven't looked at it much, but I will again soon... very
soon. I'll be adding this to my own homepage soon:
Rev. Mike Nease @ www-c4.proxy.aol.com from Lamar, Arkansas,
Pastor Juan M. Perez @ ix-dfw13-12.ix.netcom.com from Dallas,
Texas, USA: (07/14/95)
Rev James Sherman @ www-c4.proxy.aol.com from Oklahoma City,
Ok: Excellent work. Looking forward to total review (07/15/95)
Gracey Janke @ from San Jose, CA USA: This is my
first day on the Netscape, and I am so thankful to see messages
from fellow believers. PTL! (07/15/95)
Shawn Edwards @ from Melbourne Beach, Fl: It's
great to see God's Light shining into the dark world of the
Internet!!! Be sure to stop by and check out my WWW page at http://www.win.net/~fishnet.
We also have a BBS and FTP site, for more information write me, Shawn Edwards
Scott Hollomon @ hollomon.tiac.net from Acton, MA: An
exceptional resource. I maintain a WWW page for my church (First
Baptist of Sudbury, MA) and will try to be a contributor. (07/15/95)
Jerry Qualls @ www-b4.proxy.aol.com from Virginia Beach, VA
USA: (07/16/95)
Michael G. Morrell @ www-c1.proxy.aol.com from Maynard, MA
USA: Christadelphians Ecclesia at Maynard. (07/16/95)
Sharon L. Patching @ spatch.rapidramp.com from Longview, TX:
I've just gotten on the Net this past month and exploring. So
wonderful to find places like this. I was born the year Isreal
became a nation again and God performed the miracle of "dry bones"
and I expect to see His coming in my lifetime. This technology is
a wonderment to me, and a foretaste of the future in His Presence.
I don't know if everyone is amazed as I am. (07/16/95)
Jay Roberson @ from Valdosta, Ga.:
Serena Wee @ from St.Hilda's Church,
Singapore: (07/17/95)
Noah Munnerlyn @ isaac.biola.edu from Hacienda Hts. Ca USA:
Ronald Bussink @ oberon.baan.nl from Veenendaal, The
Netherlands: Gereformeerde Gemeenten (syn), [email protected], I
hope that God will bless this work and will bring many people
unto Him by this medium. (07/17/95)
GERO A. BAZANT @ dd04-010.compuserve.com from VIENNA, AUSTRIA:
[email protected] GOD BLESS YOU ALL!! (07/17/95)
Robert (Bob) Morton @ from Broken Arrow, Ok.
USA: Thanks. Will try to add to site if you are interested in a
self taught Bible student of Charasmatic persuation (07/17/95)
Gary Boyd
@ dd08-011.compuserve.com from Georgetown, Texas, USA: Senior
Warden at Grace Episcopal Church, Georgetown, Texas.
We hope to have our own WWW homepage soon. (07/17/95)
Nick Postlethwaite @ mhenv.zynet.co.uk from UK:
Jeff Colten @ pluto.dragonsys.com from Framingham, MA/USA:
JOSEPH MORALES @ gator.naples.net from NAPLES, FLORIDA: I
Hester v.d. Top @ aro917.rivm.nl from the Netherlands: Thank
you for this service, I hope to use it often! (07/18/95)
Michael Mocatta @ kay.st.nepean.uws.edu.au from
Sydney,NSW,Australia : I really appreciate the effort you have
gone to. I thank you. :-) (07/18/95)
Terry Conner @ eugene.convex.com from Garland, Texas,/ USA:
Bill Watkins @ relay1.edne.gov from
Woodbridge, VA / USA: God Bless you for your efforts in sharing
the Gospel! May His love be spread throughout the earth! In His
name, Bill Watkins. (07/18/95)
Elaine Casey @ cs2-01.str.ptd.net from Stroudsburg,Pa, USA:
Really good. Will use alot. (07/18/95)
William D. Willets ([email protected]) @ from Cary,
NC/US: (07/19/95)
Terri A Parsons
@ dd02-014.compuserve.com from Cleveland, Ohio/USA: (07/19/95)
Alec Williams @ from Greenville, South Carolina,
USA: I am a Bi-Vocational Pastor (I have a full-time secular job
at Furman University) as well as a full-time job as
Pastor (Partly funded). I found this to be most helpful. Thanks
for your efforts. May God bless. (07/19/95)
Mike Marassa @ kestrel.ncsa.uiuc.edu from Champaign, Illinois
USA: Reaching out for God's children (07/19/95)
Tina Chau ([email protected]) @ line092.nwm.mindlink.net from
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: YES!! (07/19/95)
Scotty Cain @ ad15-025.compuserve.com from Kansas City,
Missouri, USA: Great page ! Keep up the good work and God bless.
Seonggu Hong @ as2511-1.sl007.cns.vt.edu from Blacksburg, VA
24060: Thank you all, and God bless you. (07/20/95)
Guenther Engel @ aix7.rhrk.uni-kl.de from Kaiserslautern,
Germany: (18.07.1995) (07/20/95)
John McCosh @ ppp28.aug.com from St. Augustine, FL: It's great
to see a Christian presence and influence on the NET! (07/20/95)
David J. Rising @ grape.epix.net from Factoryville, PA (USA): A
great tool. ([email protected]) (07/21/95)
Jens Georg Schmidt @ iwr02.mathematik.uni-karlsruhe.de from
Karlsruhe, Germany: Wonderful idea. God bless everybody, who spends
time, money and nerves on maintaining this pages. My special tip for
all CSL-Fans: http://sleepy.usu.edu/~slq9v/cslewis/index.html Try my
E-Mail: [email protected] (07/21/95)
Richard J. Call II @ from San Diego, California
USA: Excellent concept. I hope to be a contributor in the new
future. Please feel free to contact me:
[email protected] (07/21/95)
Thomas Day @ dd02-043.compuserve.com from Duluth,GA/USA:
Evan Yap ([email protected]) @ sunsite.nus.sg from Singapore: Hi!
I appreciate very much the effort put in to this page... When
you say contribute "musical settings" what and how do you mean? (I
would like to contribute in that area) Regards (07/21/95)
BRAD TIBBS @ www-c2.proxy.aol.com from MERIDIAN, ID USA: I
LOVE THIS PLACE!! (07/23/95)
Terry Grondahl @ dial-1.t1.tnmmrl.sunbelt.net from McMinnville,
Tn.: I like this. Keep up the good work. This has substance.
Randy Bergthold @ ix-sea9-15.ix.netcom.com from Kent, WA, USA:
Geniac @ mac231.appcomp.utas.edu.au from Launceston, Tasmania,
Aussieland: (07/24/95)
Sukin Chang ([email protected]) @ from
DeKalb, IL/U.S.A.(came from Seoul/South Korea): God's grace be with
you all. (07/25/95)
Barbara Johnson @ mac59.geo.census.gov from Washington, DC:
I attend Adult Bible Study classes at my Church every Friday
evening. We are currently studying the Book of Revelations. Our
Deacon Scott is very well-versed, a righteous man, and has
encouraged us to research material. God is certainly blessing me
with understanding of his Word for I have discovered your document
and other materials and media on the Book of Revelation. Thank
Gregory D. Wadlinger @ kip-1-sn-19.dartmouth.edu from Hanover,
NH, USA: I'm glad I stopped to have a look. I think God wanted me
to stop and pray for some of those who requested it. I hope to be
back here again. Please pray for my finances. Thanks so much. Love
in Jesus. Greg (07/25/95)
Jim Wilson @ from Arlington, Texas: This is a
wonderful idea. It's very refreshing and encouraging to see Christian
things on the "Net" rather than a lot of the trash that we are
exposed to now. If you want to contact me, my address is:
jcwilson@pic,net. I'm the owner of Rhema Vet Service, a house call
veterinary practice for dogs and cats. (07/25/95)
Gwen Faulkner @ from Perry, FL/USA: Samuel wrote,
"I will go on dancing to honor the Lord." I will go on "netsurfing"
and honor the Lord because I can study His Word and connect with/pray
for other Christians in the CyberGarden of His 21st Century World.
Thank you for this blessed site in cyberspace. (07/25/95)
James Fogal @ www-c3.proxy.aol.com from Wilmore, KY USA:
John T. Crews @ gsusgi2.gsu.edu from
Atlanta,Georgia/USA: An Outstanding Resource, I give it <*****> 5
Stars. Keep up the Great Work! May the Grace and Peace Of Our
Lord Jesus Christ Be With You All... (07/26/95)
Mary Wilson @ dp054.ppp.iglou.com from Richmond, KY/USA: I
really appreciate the honor to view an on-line Bible. Thank you for
your efforts (07/26/95)
Rev.Simon A. Evans @ dd15-005.compuserve.com from London,
UK.: (07/26/95)
Grant S. Rickard @ hpws56.hctg.saic.com from San Diego Ca. USA:
This is wonderful. I hope all of us take the opportunity to
utilize this resource and also to contribute when possible (07/26/95)
Gail Griffin @ www-d2.proxy.aol.com from Chino, CA/USA:
Jack C.Roberts @ usr19-dialup52.atlanta.mci.net from Windsor, SC
USA: I would Like to Know if there is a christian chat line.
Marion Mccandless @ snode14.calypso.com from San Clemente
Calif.USA: (07/26/95)
Keith Price @ piweba1y.prodigy.com from Berkley, MI. USA:
Joel Irish @ from Newberg, OR:
Michael Vernard Foster @ lab01.bridlib.smu.edu from Dallas,
Texas: (07/27/95)
Richard Buchanan @ www-d2.proxy.aol.com from Columbus, GA US:
First Visit (07/27/95)
Steve McMaster @ h153-82-39-49.attgis.com from Oklahoma City, OK
USA: Hope to visit here often. (07/27/95)
Richard Medley @ ip-pdx3-15.teleport.com from Newberg OR. :
Joey Leslie @ slip14.cedar1.tcd.net from Cedar City, Utah
U.S.A.: The bible has storys that are cool! (07/28/95)
Douglas W. Slaughter @ dd01-047.compuserve.com from
Littleton,Colorado/USA: Glad I found you. I look forward to
contributing and receiving. (07/28/95)
James F. Park @ netport-0.iu.net from Melbourne, FL, USA: Hope
to see this expand to include other works (i.e. Josephus, Philo,
Eusebius, DSS, the Aggadah, etc. with word/phrase search capability
across works) - but its great if nothing were added. (07/29/95)
Kenneth Stevens @ from Cross Lanes WV:
John Connic @ ppp8.conn.localnet.com from Trumbull, Connecticut
06611: (07/29/95)
Lloyd M. Vierling @ ppp53.texoma.com from Sherman, Texas, United
States of America: (07/29/95)
phillip tock @ cust11.max3.chicago.il.ms.uu.net from melrose pk
il.: (07/29/95)
John Moody @ ix-bir-al2-04.ix.netcom.com from Birmingham,
AL/USA: Good job! Please add more commentaries if possible.
Rob Huston @ www.bconnex.net from Barrie, Ontario, Canada:
Praise God! ;) (07/30/95)
Becky McClanahan @ a27.ppp.mo.net from St.Louis, Mo.: God's
Blessings to all! (07/30/95)
Denis F. Mulligan @ cs2-01.eph.ptd.net from Lancaster, PA USA:
I'm happy to have found a good source for me to increase my knowledge
of God's Word. (07/30/95)
Rev.CM Harris True Holiness Ministries @ ppp-hck-1-18.ios.com
from [email protected] Jersey City NJ USA: (07/30/95)
Jeanie C. Crain, Professor English, Missouri Western State
College @ mac6.cailab.mwsc.edu from St. Joseph, MO 64507: Some of
you may be interested in knowing I teach the Bible as Literature at
Missouri Western State College. I have been over the years
developing outlines, materials, approaches, computer presentations.
I'm very interested in conversation with like minds. (07/31/95)
@ mac6.cailab.mwsc.edu from : Jeanie C. Crain, Missouri Western
State College. [email protected] (07/31/95)
Dr. Leonard Scott @ from Indianapolis, IN, USA:
This is a wonderful site. Thank God and thank you. (07/31/95)
PAMELA ROTH - PRUTHIE @ www-d1.proxy.aol.com from STOCKTON, CA:
Clark Bedow @ ix-sac4-16.ix.netcom.com from Sacramento, Ca.
U.S.A.: (08/01/95)
Mitcheal Lee Bottoms ([email protected]) @ slip5.fs.cei.net
from Fort Smith,Arkansas,USA: Great resource, I appreciate your
effort. (08/02/95)
Stephen J. Warner @ oeonline.oeonline.com from Livonia,
Michigan U.S.A.: (08/02/95)
Kevin C. Hodel @ jerk.isdn.uiuc.edu from Urbana, IL USA:
Dan Rogers @ from Toney, Alabama USA: Looks
Good (08/02/95)
Bryan Siler @ from Puyallup, Washington U.S.A.:
[email protected] Great resource. If there are any seamen
out there who would like a bible study course geared towards
them please write. (08/02/95)
Ed Brooks @ www-b3.proxy.aol.com from Ypsilanti, MIchigan USA:
New to the Internet and just browsing (08/02/95)
Craig Martin @ dial-1.r1.scches.sunbelt.net from Great Falls SC:
Kevin Newsome @ hightop.nrl.navy.mil from Waldorf, MD/USA:
Ron Bull @ slip-07.ieway.com from Spokane, WA USA: I like this
site. I can take sections of different translations and copy them,
along with the comments from the commentary and put them into a
notebook, mark on them and study them. It is much
appreciated!! In His Holy Name, Ron Bull (08/03/95)
Stephen A. Gilbert @ ego.mit.edu from Cambridge, MA, USA: This
is just great. I'm a grad student at MIT, and I'm surrounding by
technology that seems so distant from my experiences with prayer,
church, and worship. Now I can take a break from work and do some
Bible study! (08/03/95)
Martin Webster @ fw.cldx.com from Brockport, New York: This is
GREAT! A Bible I can read, print, and markup on my own
desktop! Wow, and thanks! God bless you MIGHTILY!
- In service to the King of kings, Jesus Christ!
waldron douglas (DOUG) [email protected] @
x89-65.open.umn.edu from univ. of minnesota. st.paul. minn.: thank
you.. GOD'S BLESSING ON YOU..may we all reflect the SONS face
more and more each day... go with GOD.. DOUG (08/03/95)
Carl McCaskey @ core.symnet.net from Tallahassee, Florida: Just
got here, but with all the positive comments I've already read from
others, I must have found the right place. May God bless. (08/03/95)
George McCloy @ p07.infinet.com from Columbus, Ohio:
Sidney Allen @ h_ann.crystaldata.com from Huntsville AL:
Hans P. Grim @ smf-l5.facsmf.utexas.edu from SanAntonio,
Texas: (08/05/95)
Ryan McReynolds @ du2-async-16.nmsu.edu from Las Cruces, NM USA:
Good Stuff Maynard! (08/05/95)
Corey M. Bryson @ www-d1.proxy.aol.com from Little Rock AR:
Steve Miller @ cn28.ppp.synergy.net from Omaha, NE/USA:
Michael E. Farrell @ www-d1.proxy.aol.com from Boise, Idaho,
USA: (08/06/95)
Kenneth B. Krall @ ppp-137.whro.org from Virginia Beach, Va. :
Discovered your service by accident and find it very helpful in Bible
study. Thank you. (08/06/95)
Frank & Vivian Hopkins @ piweba3y.prodigy.com from Mechanicsburg,
PA USA: (08/06/95)
Daniel Troy Carmichael @ www-c6.proxy.aol.com from Pleasanton,
CA USA: Just stopping by. Will visit again. Where are you located
out of? (08/06/95)
John Lewis @ rgfn.epcc.edu from El Paso, Texas, USA: (08/06/95)
Michael @ telecom.uams.edu from NLR AR USA: (08/07/95)
James J. Wills @ sad.agry.purdue.edu from Crawfordsville,
IN/USA: I thank you for making such a useful tool for which God's
Word and Works are displayed for all to see. May God Bless and Keep
each of you. In Christ's Love. (08/07/95)
Michael A. Mancini, Ph.D. @ mancini.cellb.bcm.tmc.edu from Baylor
College of Medicine, Houston, TX: Albeit only one of the few, I am a
Christian member of the scientific community; and one who has no
problem seeing God in science..... (08/07/95)
Stuart Heriot @ lnagate.lna.oz.au from Thirroul, NSW/Australia:
God is capable of far more than we could ever imagine!
Sara Bontempo @ iglou.com from Louisville, KY/USA:
MARC K. Wienand @ from 4340 Everglades ST. Cocoa,
Florida USA: I like it.....a lot! (08/08/95)
Au huen Hollander @ sloep28.cs.vu.nl from Zaandam,the
Netherlands: (08/08/95)
Steve Dady @ www-a2.proxy.aol.com from Franklin, TN:
Lori Elgin @ from Park City, Utah: What a
blessing!! Shalom Ya'll, Lori (08/08/95)
Bob Rader @ ip-pdx4-29.teleport.com from Oregon city Or USA:
Orv Lyttle @ from Trinity Western
University,Langley, British Columbia, Canada: This is a most
wholesome exchange. I completed a MA in Biblical Literature from
Wheaton College, Ill. Thesis topic was "Agricultural Imagery in the
New Testament." BEST WISHES (08/09/95)
Alan Fake @ www-a2.proxy.aol.com from Palmyra, PA /USA:
Hyung S. Kim @ ppc-3rdlobby.harvard.edu from Cambridge, MA :
Well done. Maybe add color maps of the holy land? (08/10/95)
John Graham @ d1pc1.state.wy.us from Laramie, WY USA:
Lisa Lashley ([email protected]) @ rkln10.quiknet.com from
Rocklin, CA: Great idea! Thanks for the information. (08/10/95)
Todd Williams @ bootp-62-202.bootp.virginia.edu from
Charlottesville, VA 22903: Excellent resource (08/10/95)
Pete Shinners @ netcom13.netcom.com from Costa Mesa, CA USA:
looks good! great idea here.. a little shy on volume though.
William H. Smith @ www-d4.proxy.aol.com from Buffalo NY USA:
This is my test drive of the WWSB (08/11/95)
wade lambert @ pipe3.h1.usa.pipeline.com from north syracuse,
new york usa: (08/11/95)
Cleveland Johnson III @ from Tallahassee,
Florida/U.S.A.: (08/11/95)
The Reverend D. Patricia Strung @ from Toronto,
Ontario, Canada : A very worthwhile project! Trish Strung
E-Mail c/o John Strung: [email protected] (08/11/95)
Craig Noah @ dsc209.unomaha.edu from Omaha, NE USA:
Ben Ward @ from Cookeville, TN: Just reading a
small part of the guestbook here has been a blessing in itself! It's
great to have such a large and dispersed family. I can't wait for
the reunion! (08/11/95)
Lydia J. Washington @ piweba2y.prodigy.com from Wash., D.C.,
USA: I would really like to see some greek/hebrew references (08/11/95)
Scott Raymmond @ from Kansas City, MO: Hi!
Jeff Roos @ van07187.direct.ca from Coquitlam, B.C. Canada: Glad
to see this type of info on the net! Looking forward to exploring
this section further to deepen my faith. (08/12/95)
Leslie Wood @ van07187.direct.ca from Stratford Ontario, Canada:
What a wonderful resource for Christians and non Christians to link
into the net. God is truely faithful to his children!!! (08/12/95)
Rev Peter Woods @ net-2.netcon.co.za from Port Elizabeth Republic
of South Africa: Great Idea (08/12/95)
Rev. B. Roberts (UMC) @ www-a2.proxy.aol.com from Southern NJ,
USA: (08/12/95)
Rev. Johann Neethling @ argo.unm.edu from Rio Rancho, NM, USA:
Jesus said "Go into ALL the world...." - Cyberspace included!!
Praise His Name for this witness. (Email: [email protected]) (08/12/95)
Roy T. Cone @ dial31.phoenix.net from Houston, Texas: I feel
very fortunate to have found this page on the net. I have
downloaded and printed several items that will greatly help me in
the study of God's word. I am interested in Prison
Ministries...... and (of all things) Senior Ukulele Bands.... which
are under the guidance of several churches down here.... and have a
ministry to nursing homes, hospitals, prisons, civic
functions. The Lord bless you for this section of the
net!!!!!! (08/13/95)
R [email protected] @ www-b2.proxy.aol.com from Houston, Texas
USA: The scope of this project is quite over whelming, but if God is
for it, it shall be done! God bless and protect all who visit.
Mark Felter @ iclnet93.iclnet.org from Portland, OR. USA:
Christopher A. Brown @ pipe1.nyc.pipeline.com from New York, New
York, USA: HTTP/1.0 (08/13/95)
Anni Kerchner @ piweba5y.prodigy.com from Fort Gratiot, Michigan
USA: I run a Christian Computer Consulting Business. (08/14/95)
Roland Cowan @ from Fort Monmouth NJ UAS: Great
Page. You might add Barclays Commentaries
J. Mark Stevens @ pppa038.compuserve.com from Knoxville,
Tennessee: Director of Christian Education / Fountain City United
Methodist Church Knoxville / 212 Hotel Ave./ 37912 / I found this
page as a last ditch effort while preparing to lead a weekly Tuesday
morning Bible Study.... Hugs and Kisses! Thank you. (08/14/95)
MELODIE REZAC @ drezac.tigernet.net from PLEASANTVILLE
Tommy Dukes @ www-b4.proxy.aol.com from Houston Texas USA:
This is my first visit here. First thoughts are that I like what I've
seen so far. (08/14/95)
John McQueen @ extra.ucc.su.oz.au from Sydney, Australia: Thanks
for this service - I think it's going to be very useful to me in
the future. (08/15/95)
boris balter @ friday.iki.rssi.ru from Moscow, Russia:
Mark Gruenwald @ mg3lpc.evansville.edu from Evansville,
Indiana: (08/15/95)
Thelma Walker @ sys_483.dtic.dla.mil from Alexandria, VA:
Jim Bob [email protected] @ from
Alvin, TX 77511 / USA: (08/15/95)
Dr. Nandor Komaromi @ komaromi.gtk.gau.hu from Godollo /
Hungary: (08/16/95)
Lydia Jeffo @ ts02.wpc.af.mil from PSC 1,Box 1588 APO AE
09009: (08/16/95)
[email protected] The christian music expert and musican. God bless you
all!! (08/16/95)
K Tither @ alpha1.csd.uwm.edu from Milwaukee, WI:
[email protected] @ pdpc.eag.unisysgsg.com from
Lakeville,Minnesota,USA: I am impressed. God Bless (08/16/95)
Susan K. Taylor @ from Panama City FL, USA:
Stan Kaczmarczyk @ from Washington, DC:
Ward Judson @ plato.helios.nd.edu from Notre Dame, IN : Soli Deo
Gloria (08/17/95)
John Baldwin @ www-a1.proxy.aol.com from Tampa, Florida USA:
Marvelous aid to weekly Sunday Scholl lesson planning! (08/17/95)
Gregory F. Salamon @ miles.library.arizona.edu from Somerset, MA
U.S.A.: E-mail: [email protected] (08/17/95)
Charles Clayton @ from Belleville IL: Thank You
for this service. (08/17/95)
Chris Erickson @ erickson.sat.net from Nederland, Texas, USA:
GREAT project. I will help bring Jesus to the Net. Thank you for
the opportunity. HELLO OUT THERE! e-mail your testimony or a URL to
your homepage, so I can link it to the one I'm creating. e-mail:
[email protected] (08/17/95)
Fred R.Hess @ ppp-203.msilink.com from Ivesdale, Illinois, USA:
I think it is wonderful to have such an excellent studu guide to
peruse frequently. (08/18/95)
Tyler Maynard @ from 4 pine grove lane,
huntington, wv: (08/18/95)
Mark E. Ripper - [email protected] @
ccpl.carr.lib.md.us from Westminster, MD: Thank You for this
resource. Ad Majorem Dei Gloria (08/18/95)
Byron Ford @ dial12.intergate.com from Houston TX USA:
Trent Bozzo @ slip2-57.acs.ohio-state.edu from Westerville,
Ohio/USA: The Lord reveals Himself to those who feel they are most
unworthy, I thank Him for that. (08/18/95)
Wesley B. Webster
@ ad09-050.compuserve.com from MD/USA: This is a very usefull tool. (08/19/95)
Daniel Abebe Peppar @ ann02.bcit.bc.ca from Surrey, British
Columbia, CANADA: I can do all things through Him who strengthens
me!(Phil 4:16) (08/19/95)
Gus Garcia @ dialup037.lava.net from Honolulu, HI: This is a
very well organized page with a valuable amount of resources for
anyone studying the word of God. Thanks a million. (08/19/95)
Marco J.B. Vecellio @ histsg00.unifr.ch from Fribourg
Switzerland: A good idea this resource. Thank you. (08/19/95)
Do-Hyun Kim @ pho-lab4.bsd.uchicago.edu from Chicago, IL:
edwin s cornwell @ from corona del mar, california:
Jim Campbell @ daha-209-5.ipt.aol.com from Tahlequah, OK USA:
Rick Weiss @ www-c1.proxy.aol.com from Phoenix, Arizona USA: I
hope people will do a lot of contributing - this is a great
concept! (08/19/95)
Michael L. Claytor @ ibbeta40.ppp.usit.net from Knoxville, TN
USA: (08/19/95)
Floyd & Lori Sandoval @ slip-05.ieway.com from Spokane
Washington, USA: Praise God! What a blessing from God...This is such
a great way of showing unity in God's Kingdom...If anyone would
like to share scripture with us please e-mail us at [email protected]
We welcome letters from everyone. If you are ever in Spokane,
Washington please attend Spokane Christian Center....In
Christ.... (08/20/95)
Marcia Carswell @ from Morganton, NC USA:
Vadim Sautbayev (from Russia) @ seitti.funet.fi from Kemi,
Finland: Be blessed! (08/21/95)
Graham Landgraff @ tor-as016.cycor.ca from Scarborough, Ontario,
Canada: MY E-MAIL ADDRESS IS [email protected] - I WOULD GLADLY
Jim Wagner @ from Los Gatos, California, USA: I
find this to be an extremely useful tool. What is the source of the
digital texts? Could you email me at: [email protected]
if it's not too much trouble. Thanks & may God bless!
F. Brian Smith @ sl02-053.sunbelt.net from Charleston SC USA:
Alan Neveu @ uhura.cc.rochester.edu from Rochester, New York,
U.S.A.: Hallelujah! A friend just told me that he has recently
become a Christian!! Praise the Lord! (08/21/95)
Randall E. Johnson [email protected] @ nw17.moran.com from Angola,
New York USA: Wow. This is great. Thank you for all your
efforts. I enjoyed my brouse around and will be back. I marked
you with a book mark and will tell others of this great
resourse. Thank you [email protected] (08/21/95)
Ken Chapman @ ken.ags.com.au from Sydney, NSW, Australia:
[email protected](Lionel A. Maybin) @ from
Oklahaoma City, OK: Do I have a blessing to give you my fellow
brothers and sisters in christ out there, from Christian Life
Missionary Baptist Church of OKC, OK, its called GOD'S GIFT YOUR
BLESSING "A Guide To Pastor's Aid Committee by Mildred M. Pearson who
was inspired by my Pastor Dr. Jayel Jacobs Jr. to write this book
on how you can reinforce your church's sense of calling and duty,
enhance your personal life financially, and nourish your Pastor's
vision. This book will bring you and church home many blessings and
most important the show you how we should appreciate "God's Man" or
"Man of God" Our Pastors who dedicated their life to preach and
spread the Gospel to every lost soul! Praise the Lord, Lord Jesus
Got it Going On All the time! Email me my sister and brothers if
you want to send you some copies and if you also have some material
you wish to share with my church community. (08/22/95)
Or Chin Poh @ from Singapore: (08/22/95)
Richard Dry @ diamond.natinst.com from 12306 A Burr Ridge Austin
TX 78729: (08/22/95)
Paul McKelvy @ goldenrule.jcpenney.com from Dallas, TX USA:
Neal Seidl @ webgate1.mot.com from Palatine IL:
Patrick Donahue @ la-paz.ccit.arizona.edu from Tucson AZ USA:
Interested in greek scholarship (NT Greek, of course) (08/22/95)
Lak Ming Lam @ ix-pl1-07.ix.netcom.com from Pleasanton, CA, USA:
Jack Foreman [email protected] @ ix-sd8-11.ix.netcom.com from
Spring Valley, CA: (08/23/95)
Harald Klomp @ pc46_9.ostrabo.uddevalla.se from Ljungskile/
Sweden: I was very blessed seeing the bible on the internet!
God bless you in your work! //Harald Klomp
[email protected] (08/23/95)
maggie @ from malden, ma:
cool! (08/23/95)
Floyd Johnson @ worf.netins.net from Orange City, IA: (08/23/95)
Rick Tolbert @ dialup-1.glasscity.net from Toledo, OH:
Stafford L. Battle @ ip96.baltimore.md.interramp.com from
Washingon, D.C. USA: (08/24/95)
Ronald Harris @ ix-mem-tn2-21.ix.netcom.com from Somerville,
Tn. 38068 usa: (08/25/95)
Lorenda Schrickel @ piweba1y.prodigy.com from Toledo, OH
USA: (08/26/95)
Gordan A. Longhofer @ piweba1y.prodigy.com from Lake Worth, FL,
USA: First Time User, Preparing for Bible Study Class. (08/27/95)
Landry Butler @ tigger.nashscene.com from Nashville, TN USA:
skeptical at first but now impressed. i especially like the
commentary links. is it possible to access the commentary
directly? i'll be back (08/27/95)
Leopoldo Alcazar Rojas @ intec1.unl.edu.ar from Santa Fe,
Argentina: I recently found this bible styding in the INTERNET, I'm
suprise of founding it, but vere pleasent. Please tell me how can
I retrieve the Bible, so I can have a copy in a disk?, if there any
FTP option?? Thanks Leopoldo (08/27/95)
Peter Taylor Ringering @ nb-204.bmi.net from Walla Walla, WA/USA:
Rev. Ms. Terry Mosley @ from Escondido,CA USA:
Ljuba Veselinova; email: [email protected] @
emunix.emich.edu from Ypsilanti, Michigan (or Stockholm, Sweden;
ultimately, Bulgaria): This is one of the best Bible study pages I
have seen so far. However more information about the different
versions would be useful. Thanks for the good work though -- you
saved me long hours of tedious work. ever, more information about
the different Biblical versions would make it even better. Thanks
for everything you have done until now, though - your good work
saved lots of tedious hours for me.
Paul Elmore @ www-a2.proxy.aol.com from Northport, Alabama:
Richard Trotter @ jericho2.microsoft.com from Grand Prarie, Tx:
I Graduated from Starkville in Dec 89. Was surfing the net and
found you. God Bless You. (08/28/95)
Seth Dunehew @ from St.Louis, MO USA:
Richard Reed @ ix-nor-va2-06.ix.netcom.com from Portsmouth, VA /
USA: PLT (08/28/95)
a. thomas @ from st. louis, mo usa: Great.
Please add the NASB version. Pastor John MacArthur has an excellent
set of sermons and commentaries on the NT. (08/28/95)
Dee Ann Mejia @ www-d4.proxy.aol.com from wichita falls texas,
United states: (08/28/95)
@ www-d4.proxy.aol.com from : (08/28/95)
Monty E. McLaurin @ from Paris, Texas/USA:
Jack C Roberts @ usr16-dialup44.atlanta.mci.net from 925 Windsor
Rd. Windsor, SC 29856 [email protected]: (08/28/95)
BCarroll @ searnet.com @ from USA: I would like to
find some place where you can talk directly to others about the
bible. Any suggestions? (08/28/95)
OKEREKE JAMES U. @ anonymous.chevron.com from LAGOS, NIGERIA:
Thanks be to God for the fearful and wonderful way he made us (Ps
139.14). Above all for the love through our Lord and Saviour, Jesus
Christ that has enabled us to be restored to the glory(image of God)
that we were originally made. Your efforts are great. May the Lord
grant that by your contributions in through this medium souls would
be won and able disciples made. Shalom. (08/29/95)
Don Munro @ gatekeeper.mitre.org from Townsend, MA USA: It's a
real joy that this has been made available on the internet, I have
enjoyed reading it on my lunch time breaks. It's good to see that
there are some groups out there that still represent honest, moral
standards. (08/29/95)
Stephen Mole @ ntcfd01.ntc.nokia.com from Roanoke, TX 76262:
Alvin J. Crittell @ cb12.enmu.edu from Portales, NM:
David Katz @ unix.infoserve.net from Burnaby, B. C. Canada: I am
glad that someone is taking on this project because it is needed
Bob Carton @ dcc11804.slip.digex.net from Adamstown, Maryland,
USA: Thanks to the originators. This is a real blessing. (08/29/95)
Karen Knepp @ arnetpc-192.arn.net from Amarillo, TX USA:
Shriram Costlow @ bhmmba3.ins.gu.edu.au from Gold Coast,
Australia.: I am interested in contacting Christians who surf the
net. Any interested persons can E-Mail me at
[email protected] Glory to God Shri!
Hung Ming Michael @ term08.vol.net from HONG KONG: Well, nice to
see Bible can be put online, Praise Him. I am a voluteer of a
Chinese Bible translating & publishing organisation, if we like to
put the chinese test here like others, what shall we do? regards,
michael hung Email: [email protected] (08/30/95)
Karl Ronacher @ kay-abernathy.tenet.edu from houston texas usa:
keep up the good work (08/30/95)
Rev. Dr. Judy Holyer @ from University of Bristol,
Bristol, United Kingdom: (08/30/95)
Tom Race @ tomrace.mindspring.com from Marietta, Ga. USA:
Chuck & Linda Duby @ gpr7.ccinet.ab.ca from Grande Prairie,
Alberta, Canada: (08/31/95)
Marsha Truskowski @ ix-nas-nh1-06.ix.netcom.com from Merrimack
NH: 08/31/95)
Donald Gaull @ holli-ko-066.holli.com from Kokomo, IN/USA: I
wish to thank you all and praise God for His inspiration of your
efforts to provide His Holy word for all to read on the net. (08/31/95)
George Hanlon @ mpngate1.ny.us.ibm.net from Tampa Florida, USA:
Member of Hyde PArk United Methodist Church (08/31/95)
Robyn R. Smith @ from Washington, DC USA: I
thank God for this opportunity because when the work is slow in the
office you can browse the internet and read the Word. Thanks ever so
much! May God continue to bless you in your endeavors! (08/31/95)
Nancy Nicholson @ e2b147.bri.enternet.com.au from Townsville,
Queensland, Australia: What a great idea- keep up the good work-
I'll be back! The Net needs good Christian contributors- I'm glad I
found you. (08/31/95)
David Harding @ netra.mr.com from Columbus, Ohio: Praise the
Lord for he has caused me to suffer so that I might draw closer to
him! (09/01/95)
Al Williams @ ws156102.ramstein.af.mil from
[email protected]: Great way to serve OUR KING, may he
bless your continued service (09/01/95)
George Shortlidge [email protected] @ ppp2.vailnet.org
from Vail, Colorado 81657 USA: Great Home Page.
Congratulations on your hard work with this wonderful document.
Although I own the KJV, now I can print my exerpts. May the good
Lord keep you well and busy. GS (09/02/95)
mike donta @ from ashland, KY usa: (09/02/95)
Glendle Griggs @ www-c4.proxy.aol.com from Camden, ARkansas
USA: (09/02/95)
Ronald (Ron) D. Mallett @ ts4-pt4.pcnet.com from Bethlehem, CT
USA: Great Service. (09/02/95)
Dr. Alvin H. Franzmeier @ www-c8.proxy.aol.com from Houston,
Texas, USA: Just dropped by for a visit. New to the Net. I work
as a parish pastor and pastoral counselor. I am especially interested
in working with the original NT Greek and have some background in
Hebrew. (09/02/95)
PAul Campbell @ vccsouth30.its.rpi.edu from Troy NY, USA: I'm
actually a Jamaican pursuing a BA at R.P.I. in Troy NY. (09/03/95)
Doug Ellis @ ppp95.dayton.net from Miamisburg, Ohio : Just found
this, what a great tool for my study. Thanks!!!! (09/03/95)
J. Michael Graves @ cts37.cc.utah.edu from Salt Lake City, Utah
USA: (09/03/95)
Amy Nicole Graves @ cts37.cc.utah.edu from Salt Lake City, Utah
USA: Now I can study the Bible in a fun way Thanks !!! (09/03/95)
Mark Richey @ from Columbia, Missouri, USA: Gal 2:20
Edward B Chastain @ ppp13.net.cusd.chico.k12.ca.us from Paradise
Calif. U.S.A.: I have studied the bible for most of my life and I
have a hard time finding anyone to discuss it without relying on Fath
an the final argument. I am a person of fath but I believe that you
can debate the bible on it own merit. (09/04/95)
Russell Grover @ netdial32.fta.com from Aloha, Oregon: I'm only
here on this Earth for a short time... (Boy I'll be happy when I'm
home in our Fathers house.) (09/04/95)
Jay Shaffer @ h-gremio.nr.infi.net from Trinity, NC / USA:
Kristi Perine @ adp-dial-in-11.middlebury.edu from Middlebury,
Vermont, USA: Somebody show me how to find ten early civilizations
please!! (09/04/95)
Shawn Edwards @ from Indialantic, Fl., USA: Stop
by The Fisherman's
Net WWW Site for some great links! Also, you can E-mail
by clicking here!.
Cindy Humig (Catch1baby) @ www-e6.proxy.aol.com from Midland, Tx,
USA: (09/04/95)
Jack Edelstein @ pm049-28.dialip.mich.net from Ann Arbor, MI:
Great resource. Can you add a Hebrew bible? (09/04/95)
Tim Wills @ orpheus.amdahl.com from Herndon, VA. / USA: I found
you via NETSCAPE's web crawler. I will be back to take advantage of
this resource. Thanks for putting this together. (09/04/95)
KIMBERLY GERRINGER @ www-e6.proxy.aol.com from WINSTON SALEM,
NORTH CAROLINA/U.S.A.: (09/05/95)
Rev. Thomas Biatek, professor, Upper Iowa University @ from Fayette, I.A, U.S.A.: (09/05/95)
Gary R. Uremovich @ from Springfield, OHIO/USA:
Clyde Waters @ ivyland29.voicenet.com from Philadelphia, PA USA:
May the peace of God be with you. :) (09/06/95)
David Robinson @ cddws62.who.ch from Geneva, Switzerland: A very
useful service. One of my problems is that it takes me ages
to formulate sermons - sometimes days - and having an on-line
Bible with commentaries available on my computer at work means
then when the inspiration finally gets going I can chase up the
ideas straight away without waiting till I get home. I'm not
sure my boss would approve, but there you are!
It would be helpful to have a detailed concordance on the Web,
but I haven't found one yet. I'd also find it useful to have
a Roman viewpoint in the commentaries. Has anyone thought of
putting Jerome on-line? Very many thanks (09/06/95)
Everett Goggans @ from Boston, MA USA: Keep up the
Good work, and may GOD Bless You!! [email protected] (09/06/95)
Richard T. Montgomery ([email protected]) @ from
Burns Lake, B.C. Canada: Thanks for doing what you are doing. The
Body of Christ will be more enriched as a result. (09/06/95)
Gail Griffin @ www-c8.proxy.aol.com from Chino, CA: May God
richly bless all who study here. His word is to be spread throught
the world...via the internet? Do you think John saw this on the Isle
at Patmos? (09/06/95)
Bill Gibson, II @ from Fayetteville, NC/USA:
Hendi Susanto @ crane.cems.umn.edu from Minneapolis, MN 55454 /
USA: What a nice work! God bless you! (09/06/95)
Nathan T Jones @ from Ithaca, NY USA: Wonderful
resource! I plan on returning. (09/06/95)
THE TIME (09/07/95)
Joseph M. Carney Sr. [email protected] @
ix-nas1-05.ix.netcom.com from Nashville, TN USA: Was just
browsing around and found your page. Looks great. I may add to
it is the future.... (09/07/95)
samuel wheeler @ www-e6.proxy.aol.com from baltimore, md/usa:
Alan and Apryl Pettengill @ www-d2.proxy.aol.com from Portland,
OR: Pleasent suprise encountering this page. Praise God!
Timothy P. Smitht @ from Rota, Spain:
Roberto Santiago, Jr. @ www-c8.proxy.aol.com from Chicago, IL
USA: (09/08/95)
Elder John Crockton @ piweba4y.prodigy.com from Fayetteville N.C.
28314: (09/08/95)
Vanneste Pol @ from Brugge /Belgium:
Norris Johnson [email protected] @ norris.micro.lsumc.edu
from New Orleans, Louisiana USA: Came across this great source
while browsing. God is Worthy to be praised. Their is no limit to
God's resources to get the Word spread. Continue and be blessed.
Hallelujah (09/08/95)
Jim Byers @ www-b2.proxy.aol.com from Nashville, TN USA:
John @ from LaHonda CA USA: How can I preach
Christian things on the Internet? On AOL I could easily do it and
it was simple. It seems to be harder to preach christian things on
the Internet If you know, E-Mail me at [email protected]
please? On AOL it was a since to post message and do all that
stuff. (09/08/95)
James B. Duvall @ tty10.com1.oknet.com from Owasso, OK US: Thank
You very much for your contributions. It is a refreshing
opportunity. (09/08/95)
Gordon McGregor @ grim.idirect.com from Toronto, Ontario.
Canada: Good to see an inspiring waystop on the infoway. Keep up
the excellent work. A soon to be regular. (09/09/95)
Gregory Butenko @ from Yekaterinburg/Russia:
Phyllis Jackson @ swrl-ir-11-83.calstate.edu from Long Beach,
Calif 90802: (09/09/95)
Don Kemp @ ad11-49.compuserve.com from Denton, TX/USA: Just
stopped by via the Aggies for Christ Homepage (09/09/95)
Pastor Arnold Strohschein @ from
Kamloops,BC/Canada: We were looking for information about the
Book of Revelation. re:Symbolism of numbers used in the Book
Deb Horn @ www-a1.proxy.aol.com from Portland, Oregon USA:
John Craven @ h-korazin.nr.infi.net from Greensboro, NC: What a
great resource. As a new "net" user I find the amount of
information to be staggering! In thinking of our upcoming study
of Galatians I searched for information and was pleased to find
more than I had bargained for. Thanks for providing such a great
service for the lord's work.
Bobby Durrett @ dd23-6.compuserve.com from Huntsville, AL:
William E. Forster, Jr. @ cs3-07.eph.ptd.net from Lititz, PA
USA: (09/11/95)
Andre Hefer @ from Johannesburg, South Africa:
Karl Lin @ www-e9.proxy.aol.com from Houston, TX/USA:
Garrett A. Rockey @ frank.mtsu.edu from Nashville, TN: Very
interesting concept. A dynamic study bible! I wonder how one
might key historic confessions to this resource? (09/12/95)
Jodi L Hendrickson @ steroid.ecst.csuchico.edu from Chico, CA
USA: Hey, buddy! I'm taking a ride on your home page here! Some
day I may be able to create one myself--who knows?! Talk to you
soon....=-) (09/12/95)
Dale Samuel Cohen @ www-c3.proxy.aol.com from Mesquite,
Texas: (09/12/95)
Matthew S. Cameron @ from MONROE LA:
Phil Hughes @ darcy.islandnet.com from Sidney, B.C., Canada: An
excellent beginning! I look forward to the inclusion of links
to relevant theological and philosophical studies, commentaries,
etc. (09/13/95)
Christian Deutsch @ palona2.cns.hp.com from Stuttgart, Baden
Wuerttemberg, Germany: I shall be browsing through this study Bible
from time to time (09/13/95)
Russell Johnson @ from Allen, Texas America: Hi my
name is Russell Johnson I am from curtis middle school here in allen
texas.We have some of the best technology in the united states.If you
are able to write back please do so. we will be very happy to have
somebody from the internet. We are in the prosess to be getting
several more computors here at curtis. We have over 100 in the whole
school building not including every teacher getting there own
laptop. OUR SCHOOL IS AWSEM.....................Well if anybody can
write back I will really like that. THANKS. (09/13/95)
Tyler Mitchell @ flash.lakeheadu.ca from Thunder Bay, Ontario:
- Praise God for His blessings (09/13/95)
Gregory Pittman @ from Columbia, South Carolina
USA: This is a great resource. I have not had a chance to utilize
the Study Bible extensively, but look forward to doing so in the
future. (09/13/95)
Rachel, Jim, Carly; Grandma Pat & Grandpa John Spies @ from East Millstone, NJ/USA: (09/13/95)
Dave Carmichael @ www-b3.proxy.aol.com from Florissant, MO 63033,
USA: This looks to be an excellent resource. I am in the process of
putting together a study on the gospel of Mark. I intend to use
it. [email protected] (09/13/95)
Jim Howat jchowat @ aol.com @ www-b6.proxy.aol.com from Long
Beach CA USA: Wonderful resource for Bible studies (09/13/95)
Bill Luton @ ix-mem-tn2-30.ix.netcom.com from Memphis, TN USA:
So glad I found this site! (09/13/95)
Richie Rump 'Rumpster' @ ppp-mia-53.shadow.net from Miami, FL
USA: JESUS RULES!!! visit the wesley
coffeehouse@university of Miami ever thursday at 9pm (09/13/95)
Sean E. Kelleher @ custer.umt.edu from Missoula, MT USA: Good
idea. (09/14/95)
Richard McCorry @ piweba1y.prodigy.com from Rochester, NY, USA:
First time signing on. Am a MDiv student interested in the resources
the WWW have to offer. (09/14/95)
Fulton Cook @ www-c5.proxy.aol.com from Fort Worth, TX:
Patricia Kooser @ yak-ts1-p05.wolfe.net from Yakima,WA/USA:
Thomas Arnemann @ ad34-133.compuserve.com from Bern
/Switzerland: God bless you (09/14/95)
Christy Freyman @ from Hot Springs, AR:
Elder James W. Kellam @ info.umd.edu from Salisbury, Maryland
USA: Associate Minister of St. Michael's Church of God in
Christ Princess Anne, Maryland Elder Ronald R. Deal,
Pastor Bishop Levi E. Willis, Jurisdictional Bishop
Ramon Melgoza,Jr. @ www-e4.proxy.aol.com from Oxnard, CA/U.S.A.:
LOving the lord Jesus christ is better than loving the material
things of this world. (09/15/95)
Ronald Lourens ([email protected]) @
wit393118.student.utwente.nl from Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS,
: I am glad to see, so many Christians who are interested in Gods
Word: The Bible. I ask every born-again Christian, especially those
who are living in HOLLAND, to send me an e-mail. Jesus is
still the same; yesterday, now and forever. Glory to Jesus,
who is the KING OF KING and LORD OF LORDS. (09/15/95)
Elza Lamb @ cust61.max2.indianapolis.in.ms.uu.net from Pewee
Valley, Kentucky U.S.A.: Looking for the COMING OF OUR LORD JESUS
CHRIST ! What a day that will be. (09/15/95)
Quinn Terrell Lacey @ dd30-131.compuserve.com from San Diego,
CA USA: (09/16/95)
Gavin Berry @ slipper124195.iaccess.za from Hout Bay (near Cape
Town) South Africa: I am very pleased to see a growing Christian
presence on the web. Well Done. Gavin (09/16/95)
Urshel L. Metcalf Jr. @ www-a2.proxy.aol.com from Warminster PA.
USA: Glory to God in the highest. The World needs pure teaching and
living of the Word. (09/16/95)
Jerry L. Phelps @ ft162.computek.net from Watauga, Texas / USA:
Your efforts here are truly a blessing to millions and we are very
thankful to all who have contributed. (09/16/95)
Martin (Marty) Fors @ cust19.max7.boston.ma.ms.uu.net from
Bradford, VT USA: I've used this a bit. Hope to see some more fine
sermons in place. God's blessing through Jesus to you all.
Tori Swingrover ([email protected] @ www-b4.proxy.aol.com from
Whittier, CA USA: (09/16/95)
Ron Brooks @ ppp11.jax-inter.net from Jacksonville, Florida: "Go
and make disciples of all nations....." This site is certainly
making huge strides at "all nations". Keep the faith. (09/17/95)
Bob Wanamaker @ ix-akr-oh2-06.ix.netcom.com from Massillon,
OH/USA: (09/17/95)
Crystal Komar @ ts1p16.ro.com from Madison, AL: I am a member of
the Church of Christ and am excited about the opportunity study
Gods words with other Christians and Non-Christians. May God bless
you and find you happy!! (09/17/95)
otis hall Jr @ n00026-103sul.unity.ncsu.edu from Raleigh, NC,
USA: this is truly a wonderful thing. I need this bible for my own
personal use in my room. but for now I have to use the actual good
book itself. (09/17/95)
Winston Gosse @ www.bconnex.net from Barrie Ontario Canada:
Helen Ann White @ dd5-010.compuserve.com from Kansas City, MO
USA: Thank God for you all... A wonderful help with my studies...
Wanda Moreno @ cpc.sp.trw.com from Moreno Valley, CA 92551:
Timothy Canwell @ piweba5y.prodigy.com from Gorham, Maine, United
States: (09/18/95)
Doug Rudy @ from Columbus, Ohio, USA: Fantastic!
What a treat to read the names and and comments of so many of
Christ's people in your guestbook. If you're in Columbus, check
out Xenos Christian Fellowship! (09/18/95)
Scott Sweet @ from Columbus, Ohio USA:
[email protected] This looks great, I'm looking forward
to spending some time here. If in Columbus or the WWW check out
Xenos Christian Fellowship. (09/18/95)
Tim Smith @ from Charlotte, NC USA: This is my
first time on the internet. (09/18/95)
John J. Wheaton @ dp1-026.ppp.iglou.com from Lebanon Junction,
KY/USA: (09/18/95)
Janne Matias Ylinen @ dynamic14.dialup.jyu.fi from
Jyv�skyl�/Finland: Blessed they which do hunger and thirst after
righteousness...Mt.5:6 (09/19/95)
James Strickland @ www-b2.proxy.aol.com from Chesnee, SC
USA: (09/19/95)
Alan C. Purves @ mac28.ed.albany.edu from Melrose, NY 12121 USA:
This looks like a marvellous work to explore. (09/19/95)
Terri Edgar @ from Republic, Missouri, USA:
Paula Luce @ www-e7.proxy.aol.com from Cypress, TX, USA:
Tishchenko Andrej @ m486-31.ictp.trieste.it from Dnepropetrovsk /
Ukraine: (09/19/95)
Timothy Kaftanic @ www-b3.proxy.aol.com from Marion, IN:
Ernest E. Miller ([email protected]) @ www-c2.proxy.aol.com from
McAllen, Texas, USA: Really appreciate this resource. (09/19/95)
Ian Barnett @ gatekeeper.hants.gov.uk from Winchester
England: Invaluable resource (09/20/95)
Patrick Day @ nic.smsu.edu from Springfield, Missouri USA:
Reading the guest book was awe-inspiring! With so much junk on
the NET it is refreshing to see something of worth! Please
continue to allow God to use you and touch millions of lives.
Brian Elliott @ www-d3.proxy.aol.com from Waco, TX:
Dr. James Cogdill @ grail1106.nando.net from Wake Forest, NC
USA: I am interested in sermon resources on the net; this seems
like an excellent resource. (09/20/95)
Helen Cockrell @ from Orlando, FL, USA:
Lara D. @ from Texas:
Thomas E. Huntley @ ppp1.arcos.org from Brampton, Ontario,
Canada: Very interesting Web Site. I am the editor of the
PEACEMAKER Magazine which is published quarterly and distributed to
members of the Canadian Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers.
Some information I have scanned here has provoked thought for
upcoming articles. Thanks. [email protected]
Mr. Lynn P. Clayton, Editor, Baptist Message @
from Alexandria, Louisiana, USA: (09/20/95)
ken Koenig @ ken-slip.netconnect.com.au from Creswick, Victoria,
Australia: (09/21/95)
Brian E. Houx @ slc28.xmission.com from Ogden, UT: Even on the
Internet, God is active so how can satan even think he is winning?
Greater is He that is within us ... (09/21/95)
Dennis @ www-b1.proxy.aol.com from Oxford Jct., Ia. USA: "I
believe.." Mk.9:24 (09/21/95)
david m warren @ ts00-ind-27.iquest.net from brownsburg in 46112
usa: (09/21/95)
Richard S. Hanson @ piweba5y.prodigy.com from :
Jim Shannon @ from Mounds, Ok / USA:
@ ext-ns.dpie.gov.au from Canberra, Australia:
Eddy Liao @ from Taichung/TAIWAN:
Eddy Liao([email protected]) @ from
Taichung/TAIWAN: God keep you!! (09/22/95)
Paul Swann @ www-b5.proxy.aol.com from Marmaduke, Arkansas
USA: (09/22/95)
Brian Purvis @ piweba5y.prodigy.com from Raleigh, NC USA:
timothy gay @ www-a1.proxy.aol.com from ocala, florida
U.S.A.: (09/23/95)
Vicki Willhite @ webgate1.mot.com from Chicago, Illinois,
USA: (09/23/95)
Carmen Lattimore ([email protected]) @ www-e4.proxy.aol.com from Camp
Springs, Maryland (USA): Pastor and International Evangelist.
Teaching spiritual warfare and deliverance ministry. Howard Univ.
Seminary student. Thanks for this service! (09/23/95)
Paul A. Campbell @ vccsouth28.its.rpi.edu from Troy, NY, USA,
(May Pen, Jamaica, West Indies.): Keep shining the light and
reaching out to the world. "The Gates of Hell shall not prevail." My
the blessing of God the Father and the full fellowship of our LORD,
Jesus Christ be poured out on all those who us this service. (09/23/95)
Jill Bondurant @ slip6.nilenet.com from Colorado, USA: "For all
flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass.
The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the
word of the Lord endureth forever. And this is the word which by the
gospel is preached unto you." 1 Peter 1:24,25 (09/23/95)
Rev. Patrick A. Genseal at [email protected] @ worf.netins.net
from Pomeroy, IA USA: I'm new to the Net. It's great to see this
valuable resource being put to such good use. Keep the faith.
I'll visit again soon. (09/23/95)
Warren Fisher (email [email protected]) @ www-e9.proxy.aol.com
from Bellaire (Houston) Texas USA: This is a great resource! I am a
United Methodist and a Disciple Bible Study leader. I'm anxious to
hear from other Disciple leaders online. (09/23/95)
Brent Gasson @ queen.torfree.net from
Scarborough,Ontario,Canada: Fantastic! I'm using this service more
and more for Bible studies.Thank You! (09/23/95)
JIm Frego @ gp-pm1-025.cdsnet.net from Grants Pass,OR: 1st Time
visitor (09/24/95)
Elaine Chen @ ix-pas11-10.ix.netcom.com from Monterey Park, CA:
Thanks for the Bible information and helps. (09/24/95)
Keith Blowers @ piweba3y.prodigy.com from Freeland, MD: Will be
a very useful resource for my church Bible study classes, thank you
David Noethen @ ip136.akron.oh.interramp.com from Akron, Ohio
44303 USA: Very well done. Easy to use and navigate. I found my way
through the Catholic Benedictine WWW. They are an interesting group.
I would like to learn more about them (09/24/95)
Derrick Tate @ m1-142-24.mit.edu from Cambridge, MA: (09/24/95)
Robert Tadvick @ cust8.max6.seattle.wa.ms.uu.net from Bothell, WA
USA: (09/24/95)
Stuart Holderness @ ix-dfw15-17.ix.netcom.com from Tulsa , OK
USA: (09/25/95)
billy hughes @ joplin12.woodtech.com from joplin, mo/usa: i
teach a sunday school class and use your service for my studies
it is a help and a blessing. (09/25/95)
John Dean @ ppp-15.arias.net from Spokane, WA. USA:
Tola Salau @ from NY,NY: I'm happy to see this page
here. The Lord's work is going on smoothly in these last days.
Halleluyah (09/25/95)
Rev. Brent R. David @ pmtup2.ebicom.net from Tupelo, MS USA:
Will enjoy visiting here in the future! (09/25/95)
[email protected] @ tr29.travel-net.com from Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada: (09/25/95)
Eric Ang @ scctn02.sp.ac.sg from Singapore: (09/26/95)
Robert Kennedy @ ppp13.nsn.net from Nassau, Bahamas: What a
terrific idea! Blessings. (09/26/95)
Markku Hulkko @ stud2.ccu.ut.ee from Tartu, Estonia(Study),
Haapavesi, Finland(My Home, Sweet Home, yhyy!): I'm using the very
first day the WWW, and what did I found? Amazing? Yes! Whoever is
running this, I pray that He will take good care of you! Thanks!
Aaron Swenson @ pepper.plu.edu from Tacoma. WA/USA:
BC Brickell @ wtpc3.lab.uoknor.edu from Norman Ok. :
Efrain Alicea @ alum57.udar.columbia.edu from New York, NY:
Dale A. Currie @ srv1.freenet.calgary.ab.ca from
Calgary,Alberta,Canada: (09/26/95)
Jeff & Donna Gilbert @ www-e9.proxy.aol.com from Acworth(Atlanta)
GA USA: (09/27/95)
Jeff Larcomb @ cust52.max7.cleveland.oh.ms.uu.net from :
Michael Skinner @ client-71-150.online.apple.com from Yorba
Linda, CA USA: (09/27/95)
Ralph Findling @ from Waterloo, Ontario: Thank
you for making this and other resources available to me! (09/27/95)
Merrill Hall @ pm192.smartlink.net from Santa Clarita, CA, USA:
A great resource! (09/27/95)
Rick Clark @ from Fort Worth, TX USA: (09/27/95)
�yvind H�ie @ pc6.krs-pm2-1.eunet.no from Kristiansand,
Norway: (09/27/95)
Dr. Larry D. Stetler, [email protected] @ pc4865.bsyse.wsu.edu from
Pullman, WA: This is a tremendous asset to everyone seeking some
useful information on the net. I will be visiting often. (09/27/95)
Luke Wilder @ armlab33.wheaton.edu from Wheaton, Illinois USA: I
really appreciate these resources online, they are very
convenient even though I already have most of the paper stuff!
Keep up the great work! (09/27/95)
Deacon Ruffin @ holmes.sgate.com from Washington D.C.:
Matt and Valerie Tompson @ thesis25.med.uth.tmc.edu from Houston,
Texas / USA: (09/27/95)
Sarah Dundas @ smf-e9.facsmf.utexas.edu from Austin, Texas,
U.S.A.: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your
own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will
make your paths straight!!" (09/27/95)
[email protected] @ smf-e9.facsmf.utexas.edu from Austin,
Texas, U.S.A.: Incredible!! Praise the Lord!! (09/27/95)
Benny Southward @ usr17-dialup36.atlanta.mci.net from Corinth,
Ms USA: (09/27/95)
P. Calvin Lindstrom @ meibm27.cen.uiuc.edu from Champaign, IL,
U.S.A.: Another excellent way to use technology for the Glory of
God. If the printing press was used by God to turn civilization
upside down, imagine how God could use the Internet. (09/28/95)
Bill Zierfuss @ glhpx3.cen.uiuc.edu from Champaign, IL, USA:
First time visiting this site. (09/28/95)
Pat Moss @ peetem.mindspring.com from Alpharetta, GA: Thank
goodness with all the bad things one hears about the Internet there
is the opportunity for good! Let us hope that this page leads to
greater things for all who arrive here (either by accident - which
many of us know that nothing happens by accident! (God); or rather
someone arrives here to find that something that is missing within
them!.) (09/28/95)
Warren Rolle @ from Wasinton, DC:
Jos� Juan Rodr�guez Cervantes @ from Monterrey,
N.L. Mexico: (09/28/95)
Wake Norris @ from Nashville, TN usa!: WOW!
my home page (09/28/95)
JUAN CARLOS ROSA @ piweba1y.prodigy.com from BROOKLYN, NY, USA:
Peter Gosselink @ marlin.utmb.edu from Galveston, TX/ USA: God
Bless and Thankyou for this service (09/28/95)
drew m. drinkwater @ from conway, ar usa:
Ales Omahen @ guardian.hermes.si from Ljubljana, Slovenia: :)
@ fa137-695581.ucs.indiana.edu from : (09/29/95)
Bradford C. Fisher @ oa.ithaca.edu from Ithaca, New York/USA:
GOD IS IN CONTROL!!!!!!! (09/29/95)
David Eagle @ async5-14.remote.ualberta.ca from Edmonton,
Alberta: (09/29/95)
Rev. Faisal R. Youhari @ ix-ac1-04.ix.netcom.com from Vineland,
New Jersey USA: (09/29/95)
anonymous @ from lewiston, Id:
Jeremy Dow @ ns3.rutgers.edu from New Brunswick, NJ USA:
Grant Spencer @ ser2ip.pcs.mb.ca from Winnipeg, Manitoba/Canada:
Great Potential....When are we going to see more written in the
Apoc? (09/29/95)
Larry B. Horinbein @ from Myrtle Beach, SC / USA:
Praise the LORD and in all things give thanks! (09/29/95)
A friend @ tchm10a16.rmt.utk.edu from Knoxville, TN USA: Well,
it worked. Gosh, what can you say to such a great guy??? GO
GOD!!!! (09/30/95)
Lynden M. Brightwell II @ www-b5.proxy.aol.com from Springfield,
Oregon USA: (09/30/95)
William C.L.Ting @ from Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia:
Praise the Lord. (09/30/95)
Clark & Barbara Finnical @ gw3.att.com from St. Petersburg,
FL: (09/30/95)
Harry Colegrove @ cs1-01.man.ptd.net from Tioga, PA: Glad to see
that among all the smut on the net that there is something like
this out there! Keep up the good work! (09/30/95)
Lemuel N. Jordan @ www-h4.proxy.aol.com from Sterling, VA USA:
Thank you for providing this wonderful service (09/30/95)
Tim O'Brien @ slip887.rmii.com from Hollidaysburg, PA/USA:
Che Normandin ([email protected]) @ ts1-028.jaxnet.com from
Jacksonville, Florida 32211 USA: Great spot bless you (10/01/95)
Rick Flint @ sailor.lib.md.us from Springfield, Virginia/usa:
Thanks for helping to equip us! (10/01/95)
Bill Judt @ terranet.terranet.ab.ca from Grande Prairie, Alberta,
Canada: Very interesting site. Especially like the "What's New"
section, with bible study resources. I will show these to my parish
pastor. Good effort. Keep it up! (10/01/95)
Dave Higton @ freenet.edmonton.ab.ca from Edmonton AB. Canada:
Great idea. really useful in study and preparation. Added you to my
bookmark file (10/01/95)
Michael J. Sheehan [email protected] @ leo.nmc.edu from Cedar,
MI USA: Author: WORDS! A Vocabulary Power Workbook--Harcourt
Brace (10/01/95)
Ric Bennewate @ ppp12.rosenet.net from Roseburg, Oregon: I'm
just a beginner at this location! I'm sure I'll have other comments
later!! Thanks for letting me stop by! (10/01/95)
Rick Simon @ www-b3.proxy.aol.com from Minneapolis, MN USA:
Stan Pallis @ slip168-79.sy.au.ibm.net from Sydney.
NSW/Australia: email:[email protected] (10/02/95)
Pastor Gregory E. DiGiovanna @ from Seattle, Wa
USA: Great page!! This is a great resource for my studies. Keep up
the good work!!! (10/02/95)
nick rogers @ mourne.gpl.net from Belfast, Northern Ireland: The
work u are doing is truly the work of the lord i will pray for yr
continued success.. would u like a mirror site in the UK.. we
are looking at something located at the Belfast Bible College in
Belfast yours in christ nick rogers alt e mail
100126.1373@compuserve (10/02/95)
Lynn Jarvis @ dial2.netrix.net from Bigfork, Montana, U.S.A.:
Stephen Schandel Jr. @ usstyx.glaxo.com from Youngsville, North
Carolina: God Bless. (10/02/95)
Minister Michael Young @ godard.ucet.ufl.edu from
Gainesville/Florida/USA: (10/02/95)
Susan Kliebenstein @ netport-12.iu.net from Cocoa,Florida:
Sarah Bowker @ from Plano, Texas USA: EX- member
questions or concerns about the church, need someone to talk to or
pray with, please write [email protected] (10/02/95)
UNITED STATES: (10/02/95)
Terry Kushi @ from [email protected]: First
time visitor, but I'll be back often. Thanks for being there.
Jaren M. Pickens @ from Mt. Pleasaant,
Michigan/USA: (10/03/95)
Jason Schroer @ ppp09-09.rns.tamu.edu from College Station, TX:
Great reference material for Bible studies! (10/03/95)
christoph dittmar @ oracle.rz.uni-ulm.de from esterbuch4
88400biberach germany: [email protected] god bless you
increasing in the grace of christ (10/04/95)
Wesley Keirl @ poppy.hensa.ac.uk from Cardiff University, Wales,
U.K.: Jesus is ALIVE! (10/04/95)
Jim Swanepoel ([email protected]) @ pop105.dial.pipex.co.za
from Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa: What a brilliant way to use
the Web! Praise the Lord for technology (10/04/95)
AMOS ADEBAYO @ anonymous.chevron.com from NIGERIA: FINE
David Nations @ coral.stat.ufl.edu from Gainesville, FL USA:
Massimo Aprile @ volna47.vol.it from Naples Italy: I am a
baptist minister. I am interested in theological research. I
graduate at the Baptisti Theological Seminary of Rueschlikon (CH).
Tony Chi ([email protected]) @ johnvu.ingram.com from
Harbor City, CA/USA: Chinese Community Church of South Bay (10/04/95)
Christopher McMaster @ umslts1_17.umsl.edu from Florissant, MO
63033: (10/04/95)
Jeff Cooper @ from Ablinen, TX/USA: Awesome thing
you are doing here!! (10/04/95)
Jacinda Denison @ from Malibu, California, in the
Good ole U. S. of A.!: Pray. good. now pray some more. (10/04/95)
Robert K. Lee @ cu-dialup-0043.cit.cornell.edu from Ithaca, NY:
Great! (10/04/95)
John A Clifford @ piweba1y.prodigy.com from Colorado Springs,
Co/USA: (10/05/95)
CHERYL WILLIAMS @ shad.inst.bnl.gov from UPTON NY USA:
Jim Lewis @ ict02.southwind.net from Wichita KS USA: Great site,
but appears to lack a search function. (10/05/95)
Robert Brown @ pc6666.mac.cc.cmu.edu from Pittsburgh, PA USA: I
Should like to see the New American Bible used as an optional
selection.It has the best of American Catholic Scholarship, and is a
very readable text. I came to Christianity through Judaism, and
I wasn't necessarily raised on the more familiar Protestant Texts of
the Bible available in English. When I chose an English translation
of the Bible, I was attracted to the NAB because it was one of the
versions that kept the rythmn of the poetical portions of the Hebrew
Scriptures, but still put things in understandable English. I
may be reached at Carnegie Mellon University My address is
[email protected] (10/06/95)
Mike Wislon @ www-e4.proxy.aol.com from Mechanicsville, VA:
John Bailey @ p1179825.mdc.com from St. Louis, MO :
Edward W. Burrell @ adap900.scs.unt.edu from Denton, Texas,
76201, USA: interested in Biblical poetry contact
[email protected]
Pamela Smoot @ from Bloomington, Indiana/USA:
Mrs. Lorilei Jones @ van11329.direct.ca from Surrey, BC, Canada:
Searching for info re: Gensis 2:7 and its terminology in different
bible versions (10/06/95)
Raymond Willet @ fat-26.cybergate.com from Fresno, CA:
Ken Rohrer @ ip235.slip.indy.net from Indianapolis, IN USA: Wow.
I wish I had seen this page sooner. Looks like it will help me with
the small bible study group I am leading... (10/07/95)
@ ad29-132.compuserve.com from LONDON, ENGLAND: (10/07/95)
Debra K Reeves @ sneaker.oregoncoast.com from Tillamook, OR USA:
I'm so glad I found the Lord and brothers and sisters on line (10/07/95)
hgrcom @ magicall.dacom.co.kr from chollian.dacom.co.kr:
Kevin J Bianchini @ d136.aksi.net from Cooper city Fla.:
Mike Metcalfe @ from Dillon, Mt. USA: This is
where every christian can find the truth and perhaps discover the
courage to act upon it. (10/07/95)
AGAIN. (10/07/95)
Shawn L .Pike @ ndpla2.water.ca.gov from Red Nluff, California,
USA: This is my first day looking for Christian resources on the
Net (I have a Sunday School class to teach tomorrow), and I'm
STUNNED and very pleased at what folks have done in the name of
Christ. God bless you and please persevere. Wow! (10/07/95)
Kathy Gulan @ www-a2.proxy.aol.com from SanJose, California: In
search of Catholic info. (10/07/95)
Connie Smith @ from Indianapolis, Indiana: A most
valuable resource! (10/07/95)
Steve Morrison @ dd16-002.compuserve.com from Aliso Viejo CA/
USA: Where can I download a bible search program for both KJV and
Greek (10/08/95)
Ron Bull @ slip-08.ieway.com from Spokane, WA: I use your site
to snatch pieces of scripture and commentary remarks of things I
run across and want to study while I am on dialysis. I am a Kidney
Patient for the past 30 years. It may be a sermon verse or
something I hear on christian radio. Anyways.....I use your site
often.... Thanks, Ron Bull Bless Him! (10/08/95)
Charles Kitner @ www-c9.proxy.aol.com from Blairsville, Pa.
15717----------U.S.A.: (10/09/95)
Tedd L. Sain @ ess13895.caff.cwru.edu from Detroit, Michigan
48234: Praise my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His Father God!
Larry Viezel [email protected] @ j1u19.ulib.albany.edu
from Albany NY USA: I love the idea behind this page. I have to
bookmark it. If only there was more commentaries on the
Apocrypha. Where do I send my contributions? (10/09/95)
Brooke Floyd [email protected] @ from Springville,
Utah USA: This is great! I am excited to see so many Brothers and
Sisters out there reading the Lord's words! I guess the world isn't
as corrupt as I thought it was. Keep it up guys! (10/09/95)
John A. Paul @ from Kettering, Ohio: I
teach SS in a S. Baptist church and appreciate all the resources
available through this location. I especially like the
commentaries and the old sermons. Thanks! (10/09/95)
Peter Ho @ unogate.unocal.com from Hacienda Heights, CA USA:
Christopher T. Baker @ www-b2.proxy.aol.com from Wilmore, KY:
What potential!! (10/09/95)
Doug Hatton @ from LaGrange, Texas:
Justin A.B.Hee, Email:[email protected] @
ts900-203.singnet.com.sg from Singapore: This is great. Praise God
and you for putting this up...the potential this has...countries
where Bibles are still not easily available maybe even put this up
in various languages. any Christian reading this can email me to
share in experiences and the Word. (10/10/95)
Peter Malcolm @ user76-189.aecd.gov.ab.ca from Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada: I am delighted to find such a comprehensive Biblical
resource on the Internet. Thank you. (10/10/95)
MARTIN VANDERZWAN [email protected] @
village.village.ca from Chatham, Ontario Canada.: How refreshing to
find a Bible study on the net. It makes surfing the net worthwhile!
Praise The Lord! (10/10/95)
Jeffrey D. Burhenne @ from Toledo, OH USA:
Barbara Key @ mail.sri.org from Birmingham, AL, U.S.A.:
Bok-ki Kim @ edy2.iat.utexas.edu from Austin, TX:
J. Scott Faircloth @ from Harrisonburg, VA
United States: (10/10/95)
[email protected] @ ng58.netgate.net from los Gatos, CA usa: I would like to find an NIV that i could download for use on my MAC. Where do I go?
Thank you
Melvin L. Williams @ www-c5.proxy.aol.com from Philadelphia, PA
19136: (10/10/95)
Christopher Estep @ fat-26.cybergate.com from Clovis, CA: Hello
there. (10/10/95)
Jack Tie @ faith.waikato.ac.nz from Christchurch, New Zealand.:
I think this is the most powerful way of getting The WORD OF GOD
to the people on the Nets. I really like to thanks Whoever had
contribute to this Online Bible. May God Bless You all.. (10/11/95)
Niel van Schalkwyk @ from Centurion, South Africa:
It's great to have the Bible on-line! (10/11/95)
Jeffrey E Gall @ from Brunswick, Ohio /USA:
Thanks (10/11/95)
Michael Gile @ litec27.eng.rpi.edu from Troy, NY:
Gerald Jameson Jr. @ cust29.max6.atlanta.ga.ms.uu.net from
Memphis, TN: (10/11/95)
Kevin Burke @ f3ckpb.jhuapl.edu from Columbia, MD/USA: God is
Good. (10/12/95)
John Martorana @ nv-mvillano.cc.bellcore.com from New Brunswick,
New Jersey, USA: Praise the Lord for a great online service to the
body of Christ!!! (10/12/95)
Sandra J. Bedrossian @ sbedrossian.jpl.nasa.gov from Monrovia, Ca
L.A.: Enjoy your home page, God Bless (10/12/95)
Joann Nemec @ www-b1.proxy.aol.com from Bolingbrook IL. Good old
USA: Just found you on the internet. Glad to see God's wonderful
word online. God Bless you Joann (10/12/95)
[email protected] @ madison-2.nara.gov from woodbridge
,VA USA: I just started so I'll comment later. Thanks for putting
the Bible on the internet! (10/13/95)
Greg Carpenter @ carpenterga.sct.ucarb.com from
Cross Lanes, WV/USA: (10/13/95)
RONALD R. BURTON JR. @ arseneaw.navsses.navy.mil from
Sheri Schiff @ ix-all-pa1-19.ix.netcom.com from Allentown, PA
USA: (10/14/95)
Janz I. Mynderup @ pm2e1-18.valleynet.com from Fresno, CA - USA:
[email protected] (10/14/95)
Jerri Patterson @ fnts2-4.firn.edu from Tallahassee, FL
32308 US: (10/14/95)
Sharon Bigelow @ cd-29.continuum.net from Plainfield, CT U.S.A:
God Bless us, all of us. May I share with you and you and you
with me the knowledge and truth in gods word. (10/15/95)
Frank Codispoti @ www-b4.proxy.aol.com from Garden Grove, CA.
USA: (10/16/95)
Amy Stuber @ chronos.synopsys.com from Mountain View, CA, USA:
This is super! (10/16/95)
brian king @ from tarrytown ny: Just found this
site , looks interesting. (10/16/95)
Jeff Stingley @ www-b4.proxy.aol.com from Clinton, MS U.S.:
e-mail address is [email protected] (10/16/95)
Iggy Rautenbach @ www-d2.proxy.aol.com from NY , NY:
Stephen Kaas @ www-e2c.gnn.com from Atlanta, Georgia, USA:
Rev James Sherman @ from Oklahoma City, Ok
73149-2924: Great Idea. Tool sets etc. Word Processing Studies by
topics??? (10/17/95)
Lewis J. Franklin, Jr. @ ix-ron-ny1-09.ix.netcom.com from
NEsconset, NY USA: (10/17/95)
Gunnar Bakke Gabrielsen, email:[email protected] @
port-45.ppp.powertech.no from B�rum, by Oslo, Norway: (10/17/95)
Scott Bennett @ h-ecru.richmond.infi.net from Richmond, VA:
Julian T. Bolton @ ix-dc8-08.ix.netcom.com from Centreville, VA
22020-0292: Can you recommend an online source for the New Revised
Standard Version of the Bible? I am visually impaired and find
that Bible Study over the Internet a great advantage. Thank you
for providing your service to searching individuals like myself.
Jamie Bliven @ from Moscow, Idaho USA:
Matthew Myers @ dialup-20.remote.latech.edu from Ruston,
Louisiana / USA: (10/18/95)
larry conroy @ gw4.att.com from clearwater/florida: Zechariah
4-- 2 olive trees(1-left side isaiah53 (2)pslm 37 right
top of threshold and also bottom of door threshold "not by might,
nor by power,but by my spirit saith the Lord"
Most top of doorway=Psalm 118 *Thankyou=equals foundation"
Grace and mercy endureth forever...on both left,right of doorway
--light shines letters thru plastic film in front of spotlight--
Valerie Celeste Hall @ from Lakewood, Colorado,
USA: (10/18/95)
Rob Kaper @ turtle.stack.urc.tue.nl from Eindhoven, the
Netherlands: Hi there!
My page hasn't got
to do anything with this one, but hey! it's nice...
Greetings, RJKAP (10/19/95)
William W. Klein @ www-d1.proxy.aol.com from Denver, CO
usa: (10/19/95)
[email protected] @ res175.wpic.pitt.edu from
NAME!!! (10/19/95)
John Barker @ from Ammanford, Dyfed, Wales U.K.: (10/19/95)
Pierre Guay @ toronto18.netrover.com from Montr�al, Qu�bec,
Canada : (10/19/95)
Paul Greene @ csis-7.olivet.edu from Cissna Park, IL, USA: My
Home Page is a Chrysalis Home Page. See at
http://www.olivet.edu/~pgreene/welcome.html (10/19/95)
Elizabeth Nobles @ pm-nb1-41.coastalnet.com from New Bern, NC
USA: I am taking a class offered through my church and I need some
info on biblical anthropology. Please help. My address is
[email protected]. Thanks (10/19/95)
Rev. Dan L. Cloud @ www-c9.proxy.aol.com from Bloomington, In.,
USA: (10/19/95)
Gerald R Hall @ slip9.island.net from Nanaimo, B.C., Canada:
"Excellent tool" (10/19/95)
mike mcafee @ from gresham, or usa: (10/19/95)
Mike Vredevoogd @ lvl-pc335.usc.edu from Los Angelos CA USA:
Pastor Bill Balson @ www-h2.proxy.aol.com from Merrimack, NH: I
always appreciate a note from a fellow believer. By the grace of God
we be victorious. Keep the faith. Cling to your hope. Don't let
others steal your joy. (10/20/95)
Justin Springer, evangelist @ ppp.hic.net from Pearland, TX/USA:
Great source. (10/20/95)
@ ppp.hic.net from : (10/20/95)
Lloyd Jones @ from Portland, Oregon USA: I have been studying
the old testasment with satisfaction until
I tried selecting I and II Kings and Chronicles and started
receiving Error Code 400. I received the error codes yesterday
and I am continuing receiving them. I don't want to continue
my study until this problem is fixed. Thank You!
Scott E. Blades @ a06m.dtc.net from Wichita, Kansas USA: Praise
Jesus! (10/20/95)
Michael C. Peponis @ pm004-20.dialip.mich.net from Detroit, MI:
Jim Chan @ novice.uwaterloo.ca from Scarborough,
Ontario/Canada: (10/20/95)
Rain @ saffron.hensa.ac.uk from England: (10/20/95)
Phillip E Packard @ www-proxy.crl.research.digital.com from
Candia, NH USA: (10/20/95)
gerald boersma @ port15.odyssey.on.ca from exeter ontario
canad: (10/20/95)
Herb Presley @ freenet.edmonton.ab.ca from Sherwood Park,
Alberta, Canada: Very Interesting! (10/20/95)
Larry Heindel @ ix-sj36-05.ix.netcom.com from San Jose,
California/USA: (10/21/95)
Brian Paul McClure @ from Bethany, West Virginia/United States:
I thank the people who have put this on the internet, it is very
informative and helpful. (10/21/95)
Peter Engholm @ dialup100-108.swipnet.se from Trelleborg,
Sweden: Bible is OK (10/21/95)
Steven Woods @ dd23-017.compuserve.com from New York, N.Y.: May
God be continually represented on the "Net". (10/21/95)
Charles Williamson @ www-h2.proxy.aol.com from Decatur,
Alabama: (10/21/95)
Brook Kellogg @ from Seattle WA: (10/21/95)
Jerry Lewis @ dial-2.r1.sccmdn.sunbelt.net from Lugoff,SC:
Jon Bourg @ fw02-25.ppp.iadfw.net from Arlington, TX USA:
Brett Christoffersen M.D. @ portb21.chattanooga.net from
Chattanooga, TN U.S.A.: It would be nice to be able to download a
book at a time as a text file. That way the user could port it
into a word processor and search it for the verse he/she is looking
for. --- just an idea. (10/22/95)
Walthea L. Allan @ ix-eve-wa1-18.ix.netcom.com from Everett, WA/
USA: It's wonderful to find a way to explore God's word with the
world community. (10/22/95)
Bill Wray @ thp003.net-works.net from Lemoyne, Pa: God is in
control even on the net!!!!!! I'm a Bible teacher in various prisons
in central pa. and excited to see this type of study helps available.
Also have a recording studio that specializes in song development and
also own a music store. If anything here interests you e-mail me.
[email protected] (10/22/95)
Jim Hall @ sunsite.unc.edu from Nashville, TN USA: Great
Website! (10/23/95)
Bill Miller [email protected] @ ts03-ind-1.iquest.net from New
Palestine, Indiana: I've been looking for something like this for a
long time. Thank you Jesus (10/23/95)
Mike Smith @ gravyman1.bcl.net from Quincy, IL USA: (10/23/95)
Keith Hauser @ from Kearney, NE : (10/23/95)
Tim Peterson @ from Arcata, California, USA: I came upon the
World Wide Study Bible by accident and am thrilled to see such an
effort. (10/24/95)
POOPATHI MANICKAM S @ from LAIE HI 96762 : (10/24/95)
Johnny Andersen @ from F.G.E. Rostrupsvej 20, Dk-8000 Arhus C.
DENMARK: Who will write a letter(by mail)to tell me about Jesus
Christ? My adress is, Johnny Andersen, F.G.E. Rostrupsvej 20,
Dk-8000 Arhus C. DENMARK. I need to know more about God and how to
find peace in my life, I will appreciate very much any letter or
comment etc. Thank you very much all of you! (10/24/95)
Esther Andersen @ from Grofthojparken 164, 4, Lejl. 52, Dk-8260
Viby J. Denmark: Please help me to understand that Christianity is
better than Islam, at the moment Im having trouble finding out
which religion to choose! Please write to me today, thank you very
much! My adress, Mrs. Esther Andersen, Grofthojparken 164, 4,
Lejl.52, Dk-8260 Viby J. DENMARK. GOD bless you! (10/24/95)
Karl Christensen @ from Arhus, Denmark: Merry christmas in
advance (10/24/95)
Richard Autry @ ppp4.gp.magick.net from Grants Pass .OR.
PO.BOX.55.97526: It taks to long to log on to the texs (10/24/95)
J. Mark McPherson @ dal09-08.ppp.iadfw.net from Plano, Texas,
USA: email is [email protected] (10/24/95)
Anthony Ardezzone @ slip37-253-74.ibm.net from Nesconset, NY:
This is a great idea,now the whole world can read the gospel! (10/24/95)
Richard E. Neubauer (Marjorie E.Kerr Neubauer) @
ad31-135.compuserve.com from 2760 Foxgate Drive, Minnetonka, MN
55305-3612: Great idea. Hope to see some of our friends in this
list. (10/24/95)
Peta Dudley @ rosie.uh.edu from Houston, TX/USA: (10/24/95)
Neil Vanniman @ leopard.arbor.edu from Spring Arbor, Mi USA:
Dr. Geof Staniford, Chester College @ opaccm51.chester.ac.uk from
Chester, Cheshire, United Kingdom: The Study Bible will be an
invaluable resource for my preparation of Bible study material for
home group study. (10/25/95)
Luke Smiley @ ip033.phx.primenet.com from Phoenix, AZ: I haven't
had a chance to really check out your site yet, but it looks good
so far :-) (10/25/95)
Philip Coppola @ ad09-012.compuserve.com from Indianapolis, IN
46142: (10/25/95)
josh and serena cupp @ port-3-16.access.one.net from Fairfield,
Pierre Cardin @ magi02p06.magi.com from Ottawa Canada: I would
like to see more explanation on gap theory and exactly the seven days
of creation dilemna. [email protected] (10/26/95)
F. Wilson Myers @ from Carlisle, PA: (10/26/95)
Neil Taylor @ chive.cant.ac.uk from Canterbury, England: This is
one of the best parts of the net. Keep up the good work of sharing
the good news. GOD Bless you all. E-Mail address is
[email protected] and I'd love to hear from any fellow Christians
out there. (10/26/95)
Jim Robinson @ pm2_bu_14.terminus.com from Lompoc, CA/USA:
[email protected] Thanks! (10/26/95)
Lloyd K. Mitchell @ ppp0.cyberport.com from Farmington, NM, USA:
As a member of the RSOF, I believe that this work is truly wonderful
for all of those that will partake. (10/26/95)
Rev. Thomas H. Smith, DD @ maria-4h.aip.realtime.net from 811
Russet Valley Dr., Cedar Park, TX 78613-4426 USA: Wonderful!!
[email protected] @ ip-pdx08-45.teleport.com from Or,
USA: (10/26/95)
Hillery R. Schanck @ www-c4.proxy.aol.com from Virginia Beach,
VA, USA: Boy, this is fabulous! (10/26/95)
Kathleen Rose @ osf1.gmu.edu from Fairfax, VA/USA: (10/26/95)
Sarah Yong @ from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: (10/26/95)
David J. Blacksmith @ ad31-141.compuserve.com from Manchester
Ctr., Vermont USA: (10/26/95)
Amos Goh Yoong Shin @ galaxy.cz3.nus.sg from Singapore: Let
everything that has breath praise the Lord! (10/26/95)
Chan Haw Ling @ galaxy.cz3.nus.sg from Singapore: So glad to see
that with all the trashy things on the Internet, there are many
brothers and sisters on this WWSB. It's great stuff, praise God!
Craig Melvin @ ip040163.iac.net from Cincinnati, OH: What a
powerful study tool of the WORD! My thanks to the creaters of this
home page and praise be to GOD. (10/27/95)
Jesse Lopienski @ ix-sea7-09.ix.netcom.com from Kirkland, WA
98034: I would like to see Christian resources in Polish and Russian
alongside. (10/27/95)
Maribeth C. @ from Warren, MI, USA: I recently came back to
Jesus Christ and my life will never be the same again -- PRAISE THE
LORD! His blessings in my life overwhelm me all the time
(para-phrased from a song)! I just came across this site and I am
soooooo excited. It's great to be able to take a break at work and
be filled with the wonderful Word of the Lord. He certainly can lift
your spirits high! Thank you for this awesome addition to the
Internet. God Bless All! (10/27/95)
Alf Redekopp @ access.mbnet.mb.ca from Winnipeg, MB Canada: Just
browsing! First time here! (10/27/95)
J.J. Rosenthal @ pm1_8.harbornet.com from Gig Harbor, Wa.,
USA: (10/27/95)
Kathleen Kisner @ lab01.bridlib.smu.edu from Dallas, Texas
USA: (10/27/95)
Ralph Cain @ pm112.westol.com from Greensburg, Pennsylvania
USA: (10/27/95)
Craig Alexander @ max2-160.hiwaay.net from Huntsville, Al.: Hi
..... (10/27/95)
Craig Alexander..... :) [email protected] @ max2-160.hiwaay.net
from Huntsville, Al.: Hi ..... (10/27/95)
Karla L. Booker, M.D. @ www-b1.proxy.aol.com from Ellenwood, GA
USA: (10/27/95)
Rebecca Krouse @ ella.mills.edu from Oakland, CA: Jesus loves
you! (10/28/95)
Rev. Russell L. Horn @ from Redding, CA: [email protected].
Delighted to see others already working hard in this much needed
area. Will link to it through my home page and devotions in the
future. Interested individuals can find me at
http://members.gnn.com/revrhorn/index.htm. (10/28/95)
Mike Lerma @ linda.teleport.com from Castle Rock, WA USA: I
just discovered this server. I also have a homepage that I am
developing. You can check it out at
http://www.teleport.com/~kerux Leave me a message if you access
this page because I would like very much to have your imput. Thanks
Susan Clark @ acs.eku.edu from Richmond, Ky/USA: (10/28/95)
Nancy Wemmerus @ leech.cs.umd.edu from Falls Church, VA, USA:
Doug Brown @ ecom4.ecn.bgu.edu from Macomb Illinois: I want to
learn more about the bible. I was wondering the order in which the
bible should be read? (10/29/95)
around the world. Be the Lord's friend first!! (10/29/95)
G. Michael Greene @ from Hebron, Indiana/USA: Excellant!!!!
Jesse G Duke @ screamer.gnn.com from Tyrone, GA USA:
Sean Farley @ annex-p1.tdi.net from Allen Park, MI, USA: I
aplogize for my quick judgement. I assumed that the 'apocry..' was an
NIV related text. I hope you will accept my sincerest apology
and I hope that you will ignore my previous message Praise God!!
[email protected]
ron rubino @ rube.dialup.access.net from commack ny usa:
John H Lee @ pacific-23.vf.pond.com from Ardmore PA USA:
Robert Iversen @ net-1-232.austin.eden.com from Austin Tx 78758:
dan espiritu @ dragon.ti.com from baguio city, philippines:
great work!! to all filipinos out there, please pray for our
country. do write if i can be of help. (10/29/95)
Derrick Ang @ ts900-1715.singnet.com.sg from Singapore:
Chris Ingram @ aist015.gtri.gatech.edu from Atlanta, GA USA:
Thanks for organizing useful Christian resources on the Web. (10/30/95)
r. williams @ from philadelphia, pa: thanks for allowing the
Lord to use you in this way. It's gratifying to be able to study
the word on the net. How was Solomon when he died? (10/30/95)
John Laney @ from Tallahassee, FL: Thank you for all your
efforts. The Lord has blessed us be having you on the net. (10/30/95)
Sean Jardine @ pool6_6.odyssee.net from Montreal,
Quebec/Canada: (10/30/95)
Mihyoung Ryu @ from Seoul/Korea: Nice to meet you. May God fill
this site with His ability. (10/30/95)
Jim Hufnagle @ from Orangevale, California - USA: Wonderfule
idea to have a bible study on-line! (10/30/95)
Jim Hufnagle [email protected] @ from Orangevale, California -
USA: To the glory of our wonderful Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ!
May this board bring a bonding of christians around the world! (10/30/95)
Clyde V. Fleet @ from Woodbridge, Va.: Study to show thyself
approved ... (10/31/95)
Josh Creason @ station-18.lib203.wfu.edu from Winston-Salem, NC
27109 USA: (10/31/95)
@ simi.is from Reykjvik, Iceland: This is a very interesting
place. To bad I don't have the time
to stay (10/31/95)
Dave Grubb @ gate.chips.ibm.com from Shoreham,Vt/USA: This is
Great (10/31/95)
Abraham Sommerville @ apollo.dmacc.cc.ia.us from Des Moines,
Iowa. USA: (10/31/95)
Gordon Li @ ip15.asiaonline.net from Hong Kong: Ah ah ah.
Gretchen M. Johnson @ gjohns.oralsurg.lsumc.edu from New Orleans,
marian clark @ from Tulsa, ok usa: (10/31/95)
Tom Kirkham @ gemsgw.med.ge.com from Dousman, WI, USA: I am a
bible believing evangelical Christian. Home Church is Westbrook
Church, Delafield, WI (10/31/95)
Mark and Tracey Anderson @ www-h7.proxy.aol.com from Boise,
Idaho/USA: We are new to the Lord and wish to learn more
E-mail address is [email protected] (11/01/95)
Danrence Parson [email protected] @ from nashville ,Tn/United
States of America: I did not know that bible text could be read on
the internet system. Now that I see that I can read biblical text.
I will come to read more often the materials which are in the
system. (11/01/95)
Bob Leo @ it41.tsca.ornl.gov from Knoxville, Tennessee/USA: This
site has been a personal lift for me today. Reading about the
unbelievable God we serve on the Net is incredible. This media
has been used for so many evil things, it is great to have a place
where we can glorify God together and drink in His Word. Thank
You! (11/01/95)
John S. Thomas @ j7.jhb2.jaring.my from Johor Bahru, Malaysia:
I'ts really great what you people are doing ! God Bless you real good
!! (11/01/95)
Jeff Wong @ from Surrey, BC, Canada: (11/01/95)
carri rogers @ www-h4.proxy.aol.com from mt morris mi USA:
todd michael kliewer @ www-e8.proxy.aol.com from okc, ok usa:
Neil Vanniman @ leopard.arbor.edu from Ellsworth, Mi USA:
Marty Mills @ martym.inms.com from Pearl, MS /USA: (11/02/95)
G.W. Kelley, Sr. @ www-e1.proxy.aol.com from Olive Branch, MS /
U.S.A.: (11/02/95)
Amie @ www-c6.proxy.aol.com from USA: Thank you for this
wonderful reference. I found what I was looking for. I don't know
why I couldn't find it anywhere else or why I sought it, but thanks
for creating this reference. For His is the Kingdom, the Power and
the Glory, for ever and ever. (11/02/95)
David Crouse @ www-e6.proxy.aol.com from Portland, Or., USA:
Wherever two or more are gathered Jesus is there too. (11/02/95)
luke norris @ pc196037-c035.dc.peachnet.edu from stone mtn, ga
usa: (11/03/95)
Mary Deems Howland @ norfolk.nadn.navy.mil from Bethesda, MD
USA: (11/03/95)
Anne Henry @ from Fairfax, Virginia, USA: This is great!! The
excust that I had for not reading the Bible was that I did not have
time. Now I can look it up when ever I am not busy at work. Thank
You (11/03/95)
Wyn Jones @ from Wales: (11/03/95)
Wen-Jen Hung @ lvl-mac016.usc.edu from Los Angeles, CA/USA: (11/03/95)
Marc Konynenberg @ caspian.coc.powell-river.bc.ca from Powell
River British Columbia Canada: What an excellent resource!! It is
great to see so many fellow Christians involved in making the
internet a fantastic resource for the Christian community. Keep up
the good work and may God's richest blessing be upon those who have
undertaken such a task. God Bless!!!! (11/03/95)
Jared Vaughan @ kb269-14.ucis.dal.ca from Dartmouth Nova Scotia,
Canada: (11/03/95)
Garry Runions @ from Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada: (11/03/95)
[email protected](Bob Renko) @ ip107.vivanet.com from Kendall,
New York(USA): Great possibilities - I will try to support when
possible. I an 4th Grade Catechist always looking for resources.
Thanks (11/03/95)
James S. Coates @ www-e4.proxy.aol.com from Mt. Prospect, IL
USA : eMail [email protected] (11/03/95)
Scott Tucker @ shiva2.hok.com from Houston, Texas: (11/04/95)
Robert Lloyd Lee [email protected] @
ppp-66-24.dialup.winternet.com from Minneapolis, MN, USA: New to the
net... fascinating! (11/04/95)
Aaron F. Devine @ sppc2094.uwsp.edu from Stevens Point, WI/USA:
Bob Vandergriff [email protected] @ from Lenoir City,
Tennessee 37771: (11/04/95)
REV. CHARLES E. MCAFEE @ www-e5.proxy.aol.com from KNOXVILLE,
TENNESSEE/KNOX: (11/04/95)
Harrie Werkman @ asyn03.gn1.noord.bart.nl from Veendam/The
Netherlands: (11/05/95)
Kevin Lynn @ p12.tpl1.nwrain.net from Tacoma,WA USA: Just
looking up information to help me out with a spritual problem.
Roger Webb @ ix-or13-26.ix.netcom.com from Newberg, Or. U.S.A.:
James A. Williams @ www-h5.proxy.aol.com from Boca Raton, Florida
U.S.A.: (11/05/95)
Herm VanderHelm @ skag1-19.cnw.com from Mt. Vernon Wa: (11/05/95)
Scott Lindley @ ix-sac7-02.ix.netcom.com from Auburn, CA/USA:
MARTIN CHEW @ dyn101.ppp.pacific.net.sg from SINGAPORE: JUST
VISITING. (11/06/95)
Anita Van Harten Cater @ from Arlington, VA: Excellent layout
and design. Good job. (11/07/95)
John Franklin Crocker, IV @ from Boston, Massachusetts:
[email protected] (11/07/95)
Aden Pavkov @ from Doylestown, OH: (11/07/95)
Clinton Hegney @ main005b.ndscs.nodak.edu from Wahpeton, ND/USA:
Thank you for providing this service. I think that this will
reach out to a lot of people. (11/07/95)
david lacy hall @ from chattanooga TN: I am a graduate of the
college and grad school. Say hi to Dr. J. Scott (11/07/95)
LEVIATHAN @ www.bconnex.net from Barrie, Ontario/Canada: (11/07/95)
Rev. David Orange U.M.C. @ from McCalla, Alabama USA: I
use this resourse a great deal and find it extremely helpful in
preparation for bible study on Wednesday night. Thanks for this
wonderful program. (11/07/95)
Carter Pearce @ csruss20.cswnet.com from Russellville,
Arkansas/U.S.A: Needs more information. (11/07/95)
Rev. Herman J. Wiebe @ eagle36.sasknet.sk.ca from Drake,
Saskatchewan, Canada: (11/07/95)
Ken & Nelda Reed @ cs006p04.nam.micron.net from Caldwell, ID
US: Just got here! (11/07/95)
Brent Minter @ piweba2y.prodigy.com from Waco, TX/USA: I am
using this site for references to use to satisfy outside reading
assignments in a New Testament class at East Texas Baptist
University. I have found the resources herein to be very helpful.
Thank you for providing this service. (11/07/95)
Elizabeth Garth @ from Stuttgart, Germany: This is a great idea
and a great way to use the net. (11/08/95)
Jacobi Rentier @ rulug6.leidenuniv.nl from Leiden, Holland:
Johann karvonen @ kippari.uku.fi from Finland: (11/08/95)
Todd Primm @ sun61.bioch.bcm.tmc.edu from Houston, Texas:
Fantastic idea! I use it for helping me study for the small
group I am in.I'm sure God will bless you guys for doing
this wonderful thing. (11/08/95)
James Witcher @ arnet-210.arn.net from Amarillo, Texas, USA:
Excellent Site. Thanks for supporting such a complete set of
study tools. I had asked for bible software for Christmas, but
with resources like these, who needs software clogging up the
hard disk? [email protected] (11/08/95)
[email protected] @ curry.adm.hd.co.harris.tx.us from
houston, texas/usa: This is truly a blessing to have something like
this on the Internet. I just happen to be browsing on the Net and
blundered upon on this information. Truly God works like miracles
because I needed some-\ thing like this this morning (11/8/95).
This is some valuable information that can lift any spirit and one
can also grow stronger in Christ with the communication that is
possible with this program.
God bless.
Phillip Packard @ www-relay.pa-x.dec.com from Candia, NH/USA
: I like the ability to be able to ... read the bible
on-line ... do passage and pharse searchs great work
thank-you Would like to see this become more of a Bible
Study (11/08/95)
John Kraus @ b2lab1.ac2.siue.edu from Edwardsville IL, USA:
Daniel D. Wheaton @ from St.John's, NF, canada: (11/08/95)
Ardella R. Brantrley @ from Swainsboro, Georgia 30401-1053:
Great area for Christians (11/08/95)
Patricea D'cruz @ j2.brf3.jaring.my from petaling, Selangor,
Malaysia: Wonderful piece of work on the Internet. For those who
don't know, a large population of Malaysian are Christians. Keep up
the good work and God Bless!! (11/08/95)
Joel Thompson @ port5.bitstream.net from Mpls, MN USA: Cool
David Choong Wee @ paiute.cs.berkeley.edu from Berkeley, CA:
Your Bible is an incredible aid for those of us interested in
understanding the Word more. God bless. (11/09/95)
Robert J Croll @ cerberus.fon.sprintcorp.com from Overland Park,
KS/USA: I've saved the bookmark for this location. From time to
time, I will come back to remind myself that there is only One
whom I serve - the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
[email protected] (11/09/95)
J. Aarnio @ nrcpa-148.research.nokia.fi from Helsinki/Finland:
Edea Baldwin @ from Columbus, MS/USA: Hi! I was
just researching early Christianity for my Latin
research report and I found your page. I made a link to it from
my homepage. I'm sixteen, and I go to the MS School for Math &
Science. My email address is [email protected] and
my homepage can be found at
DeeDee (11/09/95)
Finding God on the Internet study group/Salem-In-Ladue UMC @ from St. Louis, Missouri/USA: (11/09/95)
Joe Grubbs @ from Kingsland Ga USA: (11/09/95)
Ryan Herrmann @ from Knoxville, TN/USA:
Kathryn Wright @ from : (11/10/95)
Larry A. Spoonemore @ from 3660 Glenloch Rd.
Franklin, GA. 30217: (11/10/95)
Robbie Fitzgerald, [email protected] @ from Oak Ridge,
TN/USA: I learned a song years age - "Pass It On" - about passing on
the Love of God. One way to accomplish this is by passing on His
Word. I intend to tell others of this web site, my way of passing
it on. (11/10/95)
Melanie R. Stafford @ from Durham, NC: (11/10/95)
Eric M. Jusino @ from Wheaton, IL: No, it wasn't
spiritual seeking that brought me to this page, it was a computer
science class... The prof plugged the page in class... and it just so
happens that it's his page! Go figure. thanks, dr. Plantinga. (11/10/95)
Bruce Lyon @ from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: (11/10/95)
Darby Shafer @ from Newburg, WV /USA: I am
looking for studies on New Testament scriptures--right now Luke
21:5-7 Historical and social context of passage. Is this the
right URL for finding info on this? (11/10/95)
Chris Huber @ from Durham, NC/USA: Wonderful
resource! (11/12/95)
Aaron D. Mock @ from Trafford, PA/U.S.: One of
the best christian reference links in the net! (11/12/95)
Gary Kendrick @ from Killen, Al / USA: I look
forward to visit this site often. Greetings to all. (11/13/95)
Mark Metcalfe @ from Nashua, NH: I maintain an
email distribution list for bi-weekly sermons from my dad, Dr.
Russell Metcalfe. Send mail to [email protected] if you would
like to be added to my distribution and receive sermon notes twice a
week. (11/13/95)
Don Mathis @ gw4.att.com from Lilburn, Georgia - USA: (11/13/95)
Kevin W Fee @ Willow.Bridgewater.EDU from : Remember me in your
prayers (11/13/95)
Chris Stone @ gladstone.uoregon.edu from Eugene, Oregon, USA:
Praise God! (11/14/95)
CHING SOOFUNG @ metabelis.rmit.EDU.AU from 4/375 ABBOTSFORD ST,
Chris Stone @ gladstone.uoregon.edu from Eugene, Oregon, USA:
Praise God! (11/14/95)
James Zika @ from Port Charlotte, Florida:
larry conroy @ gw3.att.com from clearwater,florida: -THE LIGHT
Bj�rn Asserhed @ infix.ida.liu.se from Norrk�ping; Sweden
: Theres just one ting to say: WUNDERBAUM! (11/15/95)
Don Berry-Graham @ pm1-17.nornet.on.ca from 107 Main St. South
Waterford Ontario, N0E 1Y0: (11/15/95)
Jarrette Allen @ tiger4.ocs.lsu.edu from Baton Rouge, LA/USA:
Wayne Shwed @ gw1.att.com from Linden, New Jersey , USA: (11/15/95)
Daniel Richmond @ danr.csb.varian.com from Antioch, Ca: (11/15/95)
Tedd Cadd ([email protected]) @ from West Richland,
Washington, USA: Just found this place. I'm looking forward to a
respite during my rather hectic days. (11/15/95)
Lana Hoyer @ www-d1.proxy.aol.com from Wichita Falls, Tx: I just
found your site and think its great! I am looking forward to
exploring what you are offering. I am looking for a quick reference
for topics I need to look up from time to time. Don't know if you
have that but will be looking. Thankyou and God bless, Lana (11/15/95)
Christopher W. Francis @ figmnt.tayloru.edu from Upland,
IN/USA: (11/15/95)
John Wolf @ from LaHonda USA: This is my favorite
site on the web!! (11/15/95)
Tony D. Marable @ from Cookeville, TN/USA: This
is my first visit to this Page. I've not seen much of it, so I'll
not form an opinion at this point. (11/16/95)
Craig Beaman @ piweba5y-ext.prodigy.com from Fort Worth, TX
USA: (11/16/95)
Charles Bailey @ from Liberty, Mo. USA:
Betty Slaton @ ppp6.cyberview.net from Denham Springs, LA
USA: (11/16/95)
Penny Werner @ cs2-03.eph.ptd.net from Lititz, Pennsylvania/
USA: (11/16/95)
Gary Yiu @ noc-annex1-p3.dsphere.net from Los Angeles, CA, USA:
Jonathan Ang @ ts900-1601.singnet.com.sg from Singapore,
SINGAPORE: May be contacted at [email protected] (11/17/95)
Mark Merrick @ from Costa Mesa, CA: Glad to see
that someone is taking time to organize and distribute religious
information in a careful manner! Thank You. (11/17/95)
Mike Schmitt @ dppp15.buffnet.net from Williamsville, NY
14221-2728 (USA): email - "[email protected]" (11/17/95)
William Evans @ ivyland15.voicenet.com from Chalfont, PA:
Rich Lenahan @ rlenahan-mac.qualcomm.com from Ramona, CA USA:
Don't forget to thank the Lord for everything in your life,
everyday of your life. (11/18/95)
Amy Joy Ray @ from Eagle River, Alaska, USA: I am
thrilled to find another way the knowledge of God is being made
available in all the world. I pray that many will have their
understanding of our God deepened by this resource. (11/18/95)
EL SHADDAI @ from M�xico, D.F. M�xico: La
uni�n hace la fuerza. Internet es una gran herramienta.
Iglesia Presbiteriana EL SHADDAI Tel. (915) 663-0643
[email protected] (11/18/95)
Elaine Turner, MD, FACP @ h-snow.richmond.infi.net from Richmond,
VA: What a great web page. Congrats on a job well done from a
Wheaton alum! ('68) (11/18/95)
Rob Goodson @ gemini.tntech.edu from Cookeville, Tennessee USA:
Thanks for having the Bible on-line. Please send me any notice of
changes in the location of this link and it's address. Again Thanks!
My e-mail address is as follows: IN [email protected]" �+
Carol A. Manasco @ www-e3.proxy.aol.com from Grovetown, Georgia,
USA: Always looking for ideas for church newsletter. (11/18/95)
Byron Kendrick @ ras2.austinc.edu from Pottsboro, Texas USA:
Just got her... Looks good (11/18/95)
Jon Buchanan @ ix-cha-nc3-19.ix.netcom.com from Charlotte, NC /
USA: I am truly excited to find God's word so carefully
compiled and available to all who seek it. I welcome
correspondence from fellow Christians everywhere. Drop me a
line at above address. (11/18/95)
Wayne Brandtner @ from St. Paul MN USA: Agreat
idea! Really apreciate the Darby Translation. (11/19/95)
Nancy Schweigart [email protected] @ www-b5.proxy.aol.com from
Wellsville, NY USA: We are looking for a downloadable copy of the
King James Bible that we can put on our BBS, Just the text, so we can
set up a "read the Bible Through in a Year" program for our
users....can you direct us where we might be able to find one? Thank
you! Nancy Schweigart of The Wizard's Workshop BBS 716-593-9954
Jessie J. Reeves @ pc1053.metrolink.net from Satellite Beach
Florida United States: Here to serve the Lord in a big way....(man
of few words) (11/19/95)
Julie Fagerstone @ screamer.gnn.com from Thornton, Colorado,
USA: Great to see this on the Web! :) (11/19/95)
Max Wiles @ bak-ppp53.lightspeed.net from Bakersfield Ca.USA.:
Ian R. Colle @ www-h6.proxy.aol.com from Aurora CO USA: (11/19/95)
Jason Olson @ dobie.dsnet.com from San Jose, CA: God Bless! (11/20/95)
Bryan Malatesta @ public.hlp.com from Houston, TX USA: (11/20/95)
D. Brian Paley @ artslab46.usask.ca from Saskatoon: I was just
checking out the Christian neighbourhood hoping to find some links
to add to my new home page. (11/20/95)
Michael Morrell @ morrell.tiac.net from Maynard, MA USA:
Thanks (11/20/95)
Merlette Schnell @ pc172.rels.ucalgary.ca from Calgary, Alberta,
Canada: Thank you for providing this valuable resource on the net.
Duane Aiuppy @ from Meadville, PA/United States
of America: I am so glad to see so many sights like this one
popping up on today's internet. I think what you have here is
great. Don't let Satan stop what you've started. God bless!
Alphonzo Adams / [email protected] @ from Gary, In/USA: Praising the Lord from Gary, In.
Feel free to write! Great site! (11/20/95)
[email protected] @ er150-03.dur.ac.uk from Durham -
England: If anyone from UCS is reading this then please get in touch
with me. I think that it's really good to have a resource such as
this on the web. (11/20/95)
Deanna Ranneklev @ mpngate1.ny.us.ibm.net from Somers, NY; USA:
Looking forward to starting you "bible study" on Revelation.
I'll let you know how it turns out! (11/20/95)
Larry T. Ware @ job237a.bradley.edu from Peoria, IL/USA: I'm new
to the NET and enjoy the wealth of good spiritual food that's here
for the taking! (11/20/95)
David W. Jones @ lsip10.ionet.net from Lawton, Ok USA:
Rebecca Miller @ millikin-216.millikin.edu from Decatur, IL
USA: I found this resource very useful for researching Amos. Thank
you! You are the only resource I found on the internet. It was
very hard to search; I kept finding things on Tori Amos!
John Gordon @ m-10.IP1.SineWave.com from Oakland, CA USA:
Extremely helpful, useful (11/21/95)
John Dunleavy @ ix-dc15-23.ix.netcom.com from Springfield, VA
USA: (11/21/95)
Russell Williams @ Kay-Abernathy.tenet.edu from Waxahachie, TX
USA: Glad to see you 'on-line'!! Looks good! (11/21/95)
jon mcdougald @ from auburn, wa usa: (11/21/95)
Eva. Linton Hwang @ magicall.dacom.co.kr from Seoul Korea: Thank
you for your Web Services. (11/21/95)
Stephen Kaczkowski @ ts1-port-13.acs.ucalgary.ca from Calgary
Alberta Canada: Ifound your page to be extremely helpful in doing a
paper for a university class.Thank you. (11/21/95)
Dana Glenn Hunt @ ad33-146.compuserve.com from Atlanta, GA USA:
Thank you for providing this wonderful service. (11/21/95)
The Rev. Michael R. Martin, LC-MS Lutheran Chaplain @
via-annex4-64.cl.msu.edu from East Lansing, MI U.S.A.: I am a 1979
graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. I am
currently working as a prison chaplain. Specifically, I am chaplain
for the Corrections Camp Program. It is a system of 15 minimum
security camps located throughout the upper and lower penninsulas of
Michigan. I serve spiritual needs of about 3,300 prisoners. I would
be willing to correspond. My online address is
[email protected]. (11/21/95)
Ronald A. Milligan @ from Cleveland, Ohio ---
USA: Praise the Lord! (11/22/95)
Pamela Glass @ from Atlanta,GA: I would like to
say that this is a very resourceful page for Christians that are on
the internet! (11/22/95)
Keith McVean @ br-b123-23.sheridanc.on.ca from Orangeville,
Ontario, Canada: (11/22/95)
Jermain Lam @ pc33-l1-cislab.SLCC.edu from Salt Lake City,
Utah, USA: (11/22/95)
William Haltom @ from San Angelo, TX USA:
Michelle Taylor @ ppp6659.ConnectI.com from San Antonio, Texas /
USA: (11/22/95)
Albert G. Shaw @ d15.wazoo.com from Tularosa, New Mexico: (11/22/95)
Sami Petri Silto @ from Kotka, Finland: As you
can see I�m not "local"? Well anyways I just wanted to thank you
for adding these really facinating page here. It is a really big help
to me. I�m the only active young adult in this 56.000 town.
Sometimes when I go through internet and see all our church stuff I
really don�t feel as an outsider or that different at all. Keep
this up. If somebody wants to contact me my adress is : Loitsutie 14
D 29, 48350 Kotka, Finland. Thanks again !!! (11/23/95)
@ from : (11/23/95)
Timothy L. Hilgeford @ from
Jonesboro,Georgia,America: (11/23/95)
Dennis V Humphries @ port-1-4.access.one.net from Cincinnati,
Ohio USA: (11/23/95)
Samuel M. Stauffer @ from 180 Hartman Bridge Road,
Ronks, Lancaster County, PA 17572: I am enjoying my time on your web
site. Thanks!! (11/23/95)
[email protected] @ from
Greenville, SC USA: - I am a KING JAMES BIBLE Christian! (11/23/95)
Christopher Gait @ www-h5.proxy.aol.com from Arlington, VA, USA:
This work has some marvelous potential. I was pleased and surprised
to find the works which many Christians ignore (i.e. the so-called
Apocrypha) which we Orthodox Chrisians value greatly.
I will add something if I find I have something worth saying.
God Bless (11/23/95)
George B. Flint @ ix-dfw13-28.ix.netcom.com from Plano, Texas:
Michael Dixon @ from Spokane, WA/Spokane: This
is my first venture into your web. (11/24/95)
Garry L. Simons @ gsy.port.net from Brooklyn, New York : This is
my first visit to this site. Although I am a newbie, I can think of
nothing I would rather be new in. Having found this site was worth
the journey. I will visit regularly and contribute if I may.
LEON W. YEONG @ ad15-023.compuserve.com from KANEOHE, HAWAII,
U.S.A.: (11/24/95)
Ivan Wheeler @ wlboppp49.epix.net from Lawrenceville, PA
Steven D. Hronec @ www-c6.proxy.aol.com from Orlando,
Florida/USA: (11/24/95)
Carole French @ md-006.jbr.intellinet.com from Jonesboro,
AR/USA: I'm scanning the internet, and this area is one that I
landed on. (11/25/95)
Samuel De Hoyos @ www-proxy.crl.research.digital.com from Salem,
New Hampshire/USA: Thank you all for being led by the Spirit...
Glory to God!!! (11/25/95)
Chris Reichen @ shelob.aracnet.com from Aloha, OR USA: Please
check our sight out http://www.aracnet.com/~bern and sign our guest
book. (11/25/95)
jennifer juergensen @ piweba5y-ext.prodigy.com from
Yardley,PA/USA: (11/25/95)
Mike Santer @ sot-mod49.aladdin.co.uk from Southampton,
England: (11/26/95)
Stephen Pastiva, Jr @ spastiva.navsea.navy.mil from Washington,
DC: May the Lord's peace be always with you. (11/27/95)
MORE. (11/27/95)
Justin Slaughter @ conted142-05.Colorado.EDU from Golden,
Colorado USA: (11/27/95)
Jose Luis Rivera @ www-h6.proxy.aol.com from Chula Vista CA.
91910/ USA: God bless you! (11/28/95)
Roger M. Robillard @ from Pierrefonds Quebec
Canada: Just browsing at the moment but thsi will be bookmarked for
future visits (11/28/95)
Paula Herrmann @ victory.CV.COM from Franklin, Ky USA: It's
nice to see the whole Bible and not just the King James version.
Patrick Burks @ BIGMO.MSCC.CC.TN.US from Winchester,TN/US: I
like being able to read the Word of God over the Internet. I think
that is totally awesome (11/28/95)
Harmony Suda @ svcrppp60.epix.net from Dallas, Pennsylvania,
USA: The World Wide Study Bible is really great. I enjoyed it very
much. Keep up the good work! Thanks! (11/28/95)
david m. ross @ ix-pl10-24.ix.netcom.com from hayward,
california: this is great! (11/28/95)
Stephen Blott @ dinet243.spokpl.lib.wa.us from Spokane,
Washington/U.S.: Our Dad is awesome so learn to trust Him, and Him
alone. Even though we are sinful and constantly fill our own
pleasures, His character is to forgive. (11/28/95)
Steven R. Payne @ timats1-1-9.tima.com from Bedford, IN 47421:
john houts @ max2-05.sound.net from kansas city, mo: email
[email protected] hi to all my friends from saint paul school of
theology. (11/28/95)
JIM BOTTOS @ from : (11/29/95)
Carole Hudson @ fn1.freenet.edmonton.ab.ca from Beaumont,
Alberta, Canada: It's neat to find bible resources onn the internet!
Thanks! (11/29/95)
Charles Nightingale @ dps25-01-p02.kn.saix.net from Durban,
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: This is my first time on the Internet
and the Lord has blessed me by leading me to your WWSB, what a
blessing, and thank you to Meliane Kwan from Andrews University for
having your location on her personal web page. What a wonderful way
to spend your quite time ! I'll be back, that's for sure.
eMail: [email protected] (11/29/95)
Brad Miles @ ix-pal-il4-28.ix.netcom.com from Prospect Heights,
IL/USA: This is Great! God is Great! (11/29/95)
Christopher E. M. Genders @ Panther742.eiu.edu from Charleston,
Illinois: (11/29/95)
Si-En Chang @ from Chung-Li/Taiwan: (11/30/95)
Yolanda I Giles PO Box 3755 @ from Pojoaque,
N.M. 87501: Thanks for making this so readily available - great
resourse -- I'm working with Women's Restoration Ministry in
Espanola N.M. We do, humbly, recovery bible studies for women who
have come out of drug abuse, alcoholism and domestic abuse-- so you
see your resourse is vital to our work- God Bless your work in a
mighty way . (11/30/95)
Shawn Emory Wiggins @ coll-nov.uwinnipeg.ca from Winnipeg,
Manitoba/Canada: (11/30/95)
ROBERT R BUTEAU @ ncia117b.ncia.net from BERLIN,NH: GREAT FIND
ON THE INTERNET. (11/30/95)
Rev. Rik B. Wadge @ dialup107.ccis.com from California City, CA./
U.S.A.: Thankyou for providing this service. God bless!
James E Bellaire @ from IWU Marion, Indiana, USA:
This is great! (11/30/95)
Santosh Baboo @ gemsgw.med.ge.com from Bangalore, India: Looking
around for something to read .... Glad such a facility is
available... (12/01/95)
Jimmy Bates @ east.ge.com from Greenville, SC USA: (12/01/95)
Paul Spears @ rtop.reshall.ksu.edu from Manhattan, Kansas:
James Barton @ ad63-138.compuserve.com from Kettering, OH/USA:
JOHANES HERMANTO @ www-16-158.gnn.com from PASADENA, CA ,USA:
[email protected] (12/02/95)
Rodney B. Phelps @ www-c9.proxy.aol.com from Colorado Springs,
CO/United States: (12/02/95)
Aril Svartdahl @ oslo314.telepost.no from Oslo in Norway
(Scandinavia): Hello - to all my sisters and brothers inthe body of
Christ all over the world. I am new on Internet, but it is a good way
to share and give testemonies of what God is doing all over the world
today. He iss doing great things here in Norway too. I am pastoring a
pentecostal church (600 members) in Oslo, the capitol of Norway. If
you want to know more about Norway, pleas write me a note to my
E-mail adress: [email protected]. Pray for Norway, Scandinavi and all
Europe. God bless you all! (12/02/95)
David W. Jones @ lsip20.ionet.net from Lawton, OK / USA:
William Faircloth @ pdial32.wisedial.wilmington.net from
Wilmington, NC USA: (12/03/95)
Patrick Furgerson @ gateway.ps.net from Fairfax, VA/USA: This is
an excellent resource. I can see after just a short period of time,
that I'll be coming by here often. [email protected]
Glenn Laubaugh @ upibm.up.edu from Jenning's Lodge, Oregon,
USA: (12/03/95)
Barrett Gady @ london.physics.purdue.edu from Dayton, IN:
JIM BOTTOS ([email protected]) @ from EASTON
PA. U.S.A.:
Al Hilgendorf @ from Menomonie, WI 54751:
Helpful for preparing for Bible study. (12/04/95)
Drew Bauman @ d134.aksi.net from Ft.Lauderdale,Fl-The good old
U.S.A: (12/04/95)
Hank Chungho Chien @ gopher.nsysu.edu.tw from Tainan, TAIWAN:
Linked to Hank's Forensic Page (
for the Daily Bread and for memory of the first Western Doctor
Maxwell in Taiwan in 1865. (12/05/95)
Greg Shantz @ from Scarborough, ON, CAN: Visit my
Home Page at "http://learn.senecac.on.ca/~geshantz"
E-Mail "[email protected]"
It's great to have a page like this on the Net. It does make it
easier for Christians to find others that are on the Internet to
make conversation easier and to deepen our faith in Christ!! (12/05/95)
Andy Nase @ gemini.tntech.edu from Cookeville, Tn./USA: I think
this program is the best on the internet!!! (12/05/95)
John R. Harrison ([email protected]) @ vax1.rain.gen.mo.us from
Slater, Missouri, USA: Where is the NRSV? (12/06/95)
gary w. udouj sr. @ slip1.fs.cei.net from ft. smith, arkansas
usa: (12/06/95)
David Bellchambers @ netcomuk.demon.co.uk from Farnborough,
Hampshire, United Kingdom: (12/06/95)
Rick Little @ dragon.ti.com from Quinlan, Texas: This is great.
Jack Webb @ from Dallas, Tx: I need a Web page for
our non-profit organization. Can you give me contacts that we can
hire to do this? Thanks, Jack [email protected] (12/06/95)
Alex Daskalkais @ cc37.butler.american.edu from Washington Dc :
This is the best Web site I have ever seen. Thank you so much for
providing this service. (12/06/95)
@ www-b2.proxy.aol.com from : (12/06/95)
Dennis Sorensen @ piweba3y-ext.prodigy.com from Tustin, CA
USA: What a great ministry to have on the 'Net. (12/06/95)
Dave Herron @ janus.pec.co.nz from New Zealand: Looks really
good. I'm sure I'll be a regular visitor. Thanks for
putting it together. (Email [email protected]). (12/07/95)
larry conroy @ from clearwater,florida: Thankyou
for this Great Blessing and share these words... ..forever.. Zech
4 (2 olive trees= 1. isaiah 53 2.psalm 37) "Grace and Mercy
endureth forever" top left and top right of doorway "Not by might
nor by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord" above and on the
bottom threshold of doorway. ---These Words are light shining from
the lampstand onto the doorway of any christian whenever the
Trumpet of Battle sounds (psalm 118 above top of doorway)...to the
Church.. ...note...The Battle is Not far away and we shall be
Blessed with the Victory ...Read the Word daily and you will walk
in his Blessings Daily..thankyou (12/07/95)
Erik Oiolf Sorensen @ debet.nhh.no from Norway: (12/07/95)
Robin Els @ ix-grn-sc1-15.ix.netcom.com from South
Carolina...USA: Be blessed in your endeavors...this world is
hungry for Jesus...that's what we're here for...thanks for having
this little "haven" here....to help spread Him to all. (12/07/95)
Ian McKeown @ bu1812.wlv.ac.uk from Lichfield / England: What a
wonderful way to spend a couple of hours, browsing through the bible
on the internet! (12/07/95)
Christer Sundqvist @ ppp-7.wakkanet.fi from Parainen, Finland:
Blessings from Finland! You have an excellent Internet-site for
Bible-hungry people. I'll be back often to have a closer look at your
material. Keep up with that good work.
Yours, christer http://www.wakkanet.fi/~christer/ (12/07/95)
Syed Hashmi @ from Columbus, OH : I am doing
research on Original Manuscripts of Bibal. Do you have
any documantation that can help me? For example, I like to find
out where the orignal documents were found that make up the new
Bibal, what language they were found in, who found them etc...
If you have anything along these lines please send me an e-mail
at [email protected] or call me (614) 860-4360....
Thank You.. (12/07/95)
Kurt F. Martin @ medstud04.mayo.edu from Rochester,
Arie &Jeannette de Jong @ ad52-019.compuserve.com from Anna
Paulowna,Netherlands: WHOOOW!!! (12/07/95)
Fred&Claudia Schiele @ ad52-019.compuserve.com from
Thalitter,Germany: This needs no comment. (12/07/95)
Scott Wolf @ Cust60.Max7.Cleveland.OH.MS.UU.NET from :
Chuck Tatum @ async12.groupz.net from North Augusta, SC/USA:
Cristy L. Nagle @ pm031-09.dialip.mich.net from Coldwater,
Michigan USA: Thanks! (12/08/95)
Ian McKay @ wtaskr7.ccinet.ab.ca from Camrose, AB, Canada: I'm
just looking for a good, Bible-based Bible study. (12/08/95)
Michael Martinez @ cs37-108.usafa.af.mil from PO Box 2851
USAF Academy, CO 80841-2851: thank you! (12/08/95)
Ken Lawson @ www-c2.proxy.aol.com from Lexington, Ky USA:
Carolyn May @ from Washington, MO 630909:
David A Pulkinen @ www-c8.proxy.aol.com from Windham, Maine
USA: (12/09/95)
Rick Ehlinger @ from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma:
email: [email protected] (12/09/95)
charles j. trent @ www-c5.proxy.aol.com from powhatan, va.
23139: (12/09/95)
@ www-c5.proxy.aol.com from : (12/09/95)
David P. Cotner II @ dd41-138.compuserve.com from Pensacola, FL
32514-3826: I like this WWW site! I will be back again and again!
Thank you and keep up the good work. God bless . . . (12/09/95)
(The Rev.) Charles T. Chapman, Jr. @ from
Plainview, TX, USA: Thank you for this resource. (12/09/95)
Randy L. Johnson @ host11.cyberg8t.com from Ontario, Calif,
USA: (12/09/95)
Robert Greener @ from Pocatello, Idaho: Great
Jesus be with you all! (12/09/95)
Pastor A.L.Thompson @ tsppp129.cac.psu.edu from McClellandtown,
PA: Excellent (12/09/95)
Kandace Behnken @ au.oro.net from Yuba City, CA US: %0a
Elvin Nabors @ from Portsmouth, Ohio/ USA: (12/10/95)
J.David Curlee @ from Austin, Tx, USA: Just
starting to look around (12/11/95)
Guillermo Pino G @ pcdida09.minagri.gob.cl from Chile:
Felicitaciones, es una bendicion tener acceso a esta pagina
mi mail
es [email protected] (12/11/95)
Jerry S. Hahn E mail: [email protected] @
247.arlington-2.va.dial-access.att.net from Santa Monica, CA.
U.S.A.: Thank you for being! (12/12/95)
Lawrence Telfer @ from Sunderland, England:
Bryan Dennett @ from Wichita, Kansas/USA: It only
takes a small seed (12/13/95)
Huey Paul Calvain @ from Indianapolis, In 46206 :
Stephen Hwang @ rpa14.gl.umbc.edu from Laurel, MD / USA:
Renee White @ bbox.base.bellcore.com from Piscataway, NJ/US:
Kjell-Arne Kristiansen @ tonsberg2-ppp4.oslo.net from N-3233
Sandefjord. Norway: (12/13/95)
Claudia Diaz Corral @ uachih.uachnet.mx from Chihuahua, MEXICO:
This is great! (12/13/95)
Raoul Vaneigem @ frame.frame.com from Paris, France: The old
dogma rushes over the edge. It looks down... and falls.
Palace towers crumble in the face of everyday life.
A scrap of myth ain't much of a shackle, but the rubble's scattered
wherever you look.
To keep you in line, these days, it takes more than one "ism."
We're subdued, now, with burning issues and elevator rock,
Polite brutality..., the latest causes, sexy cars and TV.
Ten thousand pinpricks kill as surely as a couple of blows with a club.
So what's the use? ...Trading one lie for another.
Below the surface, something never seems to fit;
Roaming the streets -- ready to spring.
It confronts you when you try to hide yourself;
It touches your elbow, catches your eye -- and the dialog begins.
Yet those who talk of "revolution," and forget daily life,
Who ignore my dreams to live beyond survival,
Who don't see how love is subversive, or refusing constraints is positive;
Such people -- they have a corpse in their mouth.
But there's an energy locked up in everyday life.
Yes, there's an energy still locked in daily life.
"Others are happy... Is it all just me?"
Ah, to try to adapt -- that's a no-win game.
In the ebb and flow of a crowd, the pointless retreats and attacks,
Deadly gestures and glances tangle and ricochet.
People touch without meeting -- isolation mounts;
Emptiness overcomes me as the crowd grows more dense.
The crowd drags me out of myself, installing thousands of
Little sacrifices in my empty presence.
In a gloomy bar where everyone's bored to death,
A drunken young man breaks a bottle against the wall.
He cries out across the void, but no one raises an eye;
He'll try again, but his voice must ring loud... and clear.
Love's songs are crippled by the fear
That we'll finish up alone as before.
The boat of love breaks up on the reefs of daily life.
We'll smash that old world, before it wreaks our desire!
Yes, there's an energy locked up in everyday life.
Oh, there's an energy still locked in daily life.
All those dead, mechanized, specialized actions
Steal a bit of my life a thousand times a day.
The tears and cries of childhood stay locked up in our hearts.
For ever? ...Oh, so you feel it, too...
We have no true bond, unless it's based
On my will, with yours, to live for our own desires.
To be on the side of delight -- and real festivity,
Can hardly be distinguished anymore from rebellion.
But what spark of humanity, of a possible creativity,
Can remain alive when I'm dragged out of sleep every day,
Scrambled about in traffic, deafened by machinery,
Then tossed out in the streets, where the crowd comes together in boredom?
They buy out our strength, twisting time into money,
As we work for all the junk they need us to consume.
But what do I want with a world set up in terms of profit?
I demand to live and play. I refuse to be used anymore!
And there's an energy locked up in everyday life.
Yeah, there's an energy still locked in daily life.
After the experts unveiled plans for a "better life,"
We stopped believing suffering could last forever.
So when they only offer us new sedatives, or shrug it off as "just the way it goes,"
All that crap is weaker, now, than the hope they first inspired.
Then to justify submission, we're told "work makes us free;"
From Henry Ford to Mao, they teach the duty to produce.
But all that our sacrifice serves -- is the power held over us,
By managers, priests, ...or even "radical leaders."
Up till now, tyranny has merely changed hands;
The Left and Right carry on their lovers' quarrel...
While Power, kept safely out of reach, tries to smother any ideas of our own,
By staging contrived debates, with many little sides to take.
Oh, there's a hundred different ways of supporting the side of Power,
But its deepening cracks will yield to our only way out.
There's an energy locked up in daily life -- that can move mountains,
We've only just joined the great game, where the stake is freedom.
There's an energy locked up in daily life -- that can move mountains,
We've only just joined the great game, where the stake is freedom.
We've only just joined that great gamble, whose stake... is freedom!
Don Taylor ([email protected]) @ dial19.radiks.net from
Bellevue, Nebraska USA: (12/13/95)
Jeff Cox @ ACS.BU.EDU from Boston, MA USA: I am going to explore
the resource. (12/13/95)
Jim Shannon @ tcp61.intellex.com from Mounds, Ok.:
Rick Byham @ j7.glg5.jaring.my from Dalat School - Penang, 11200
Malaysia: Cool site!! (12/14/95)
Theo Sinnema @ RC1098-F217.tem.nhl.nl from Netherlands: This is
a great idea,
Greetings from Leeuwarden, Holland!!!
Mary Elizabeth Sodomin @ from Albany, New York:
Aaron Luchini @ slip15.vvm.com from Temple, TX USA:
Hal Harless M.S.M.I.S., B.A. Linguistics @ www-b3.proxy.aol.com
from Rowlett, TX/USA: Ph.D. candidate in Biblical Studies at Tyndale
Theological Seminary. I have a html document of a paper I wrote on
Daniel 9. The URL is http://users.aol.com/harlessh/web/danwk.htm
Sonny Eppes @ from greenville, SC: very helpful in
preparing my sunday school lessons
thank you and my God bless
your work!
Sangjung Shin @ kravaris-mac.engin.umich.edu from Ann Arbor, MI /
U.S.A: (12/15/95)
Christy Freyman @ dup10.inetp.com from Hot Springs,Ar, USA:
George McLain @ eb1ppp10.shentel.net from Berryville, VA USA: I
have found this page very useful as background and extended
material for my bible studies group. Thanks very much. (12/15/95)
Robert & Teresa Eubanks @ ppp1.rapidramp.com from Longview, Texas
U.S.A.: (12/15/95)
Mark Myers @ sl16.chrysalis.org from Arlington, Tx/USA:
[email protected] (12/15/95)
RICHARD L. BARNES @ interlock.inet-hou.com from DUNCAN, OK: I
Robert Kooy @ slipd156.dial.gov.bc.ca from Abbotsford, BC,
Canada: (12/16/95)
Urban Gavelin @ ad74-012.compuserve.com from Ottershaw, Surrey,
UK: Just looked into your site.
The WW Study Bible looks great!
Keep it up!
Urban Gavelin
Joe DiFernando @ 116.Exis.Net from Norfolk, VA USA: (12/16/95)
Johnny Warren @ node10.datastram.net from Dublin, Georgia, USA:
Thanks! (12/16/95)
C Y Chin @ tw900.eng.cam.ac.uk from Cambridge, UK: A Great
Resource! Thanks. (12/17/95)
rohwondoo @ from seoul,korea: (12/17/95)
Nathan Strait @ pm088-05.dialip.mich.net from Grand
Rapids/MI/USA: (12/17/95)
Marie Anne Dockins @ pt10.an2.ameritel.net from Mechanicsville,
MD 20659: I hope to find resources here to help me increase my
understanding of God's word and how it applies to my
walk with Him. (12/17/95)
Vivien Hibbert (KiwiViv) @ www-b6.proxy.aol.com from Grand
Prairie, Texas%2fUSA: Thanks for this service. I will use it
often. Keep me posted. Blessings (12/17/95)
Ray Constantine @ dialup-10-a-7.gw.umn.edu from Stillwater, MN
USA: Any chance of search capabilites? I am, nonetheless
of the work put into this venture.
Karen Cowling @ Cust53.Max1.Denver.CO.MS.UU.NET from Arvada,
Russell E. Sykes @ ad65-137.compuserve.com from Tallahassee,
Florida: Member of the 1st. Baptist Church Tallahassee, Florida
Saved by the Grace of God! (12/18/95)
@ ad65-137.compuserve.com from : (12/18/95)
Christine L. Petersen @ P202700.SRC2027.UIC.EDU from Chicago, IL
USA: Hey! This is great! Finally The Holy Bible OnLine in the
Thanks! (12/18/95)
Irena Spiegel @ prusec.prusec.com from New York, NY: What a
valuable resource! Never could I have imagined that
computer techology could contribute to the assistance
of perpetuating the good of mankind which is found in his love
of God. Thank you! (12/18/95)
William L. Estep @ dialup45.gnatnet.net from Kingsland, GA: What
a wonderfull web site. Thanks, you have helped a great deal in my
Craig Barrow @ golden.ripco.com from IL USA: Originally from NZ
- Studing at Moddy Bible Institute, Chicago (12/18/95)
Paul Dowsett @ sladl1p42.ozemail.com.au from Adelaide,
Australia: (12/18/95)
Chee-Yen Liew @ frost.hu.mtu.edu from Houghton, MI, USA: (12/18/95)
Mark Newton @ doberman-gate.stanilite.com.au from Perth Western
Australia Australia: (12/18/95)
Sonya Watson @ panther.med.unc.edu from Chapel Hill, NC, USA:
I have certainly enjoyed the Bible Gateway. (12/19/95)
Carlo Falco @ news.ti.com from Mesquite, Texas USA:
Bart Daling @ pc035.pczaalciv.utwente.nl from Enschede,Holland:
I really was happy that this was available on the net as well (12/19/95)
Trent Arnold @ annex-070.gower.net from Mineola, TX: (12/19/95)
Jeffrey Salomon @ port7.pub-annex.usa.net from Pueblo, CO:
Baptist Minister, Church Planter (12/20/95)
Wendel Bauman @ edslink2.eds.com from Ferndale, Michigan U.S.A.:
Praise the Lord!!! He has risen!!! The truth has been told by
His Word. (12/20/95)
lois spencer @ adm54.hh.uth.tmc.edu from Houston, TX: (12/20/95)
Dan McCarty @ from Couerdalene Idaho USA: I've
been looking for on of these bibles on the web for a long time. Hope
it proves usefull to me. (12/20/95)
John HIll @ piweba2y-ext.prodigy.com from Lake Station, IN USA:
Peter Nelson @ dd45-133.compuserve.com from Mancos Co: (12/21/95)
Matthew Myers @ from Johnstown, Pa. 15905: I
really enjoy comming to the bible page off of the internet in my
school. I am a Senior at Westmont Hilltop High School in Johnstown,
Ronald Hart @ ip-vanc2-01.teleport.com from Vancouver,
Washington, USA: Pastor of Walnut Grove Chjurch in Vancouver,,
Washington. Suburb of Portland, Oregon. New on the wweb and not
very computer literate. Glad to see Christian resources available.
My e-mail address is [email protected] (12/21/95)
C.Wayne Norris D.D.S. @ piweba5y-ext.prodigy.com from
Pattison,Tx. USA:
Gail Davis @ from Wichita Falls, Texas/USA: God
bless you all! What a wonderful thing to have on the web.
We hear so many negative things about the web, but God's
people are doing God's work wherever they get the opportunity.
Love you and appreciate you!
James Callender @ from Cambridge Springs,
PA/USA: (12/22/95)
gary udouj @ slip9.fs.cei.net from ft. smith ark: thanks for the
good work (12/23/95)
Andrew Smith @ slip8.global1.net from Albany, NY USA: Excellent
reference. Keep it up. (12/23/95)
�sa Berglund @ ipcs3-7.modem.umu.se from Ume�,Sweden:
Hello evrybody! Im searching for Christian friends around the world,
if anybody is interested in contact with a swedish christian
medicalstudent, please contact me on the adress
[email protected] (12/23/95)
Randy Shaw @ pppm21.netwave.net from Aurura, Il. USA:
Sabra Knape @ dial6.e-tex.com from Tyler, TX /
USA: Thank you for your work on this project! (12/23/95)
Alvan Lewis @ cadb147.cadvision.com from Calgary,
Alberta/Canada: I am a pastor hoping to find help in sermon
research. (12/23/95)
Timothy A. Fike @ slip8.slip.siue.edu from Collinsville, IL :
Joe Mabry @ sbd0129.deltanet.com from San Bernardino, CA: My
first visit...but certainly not the last! I will return again
and again. And, I hope I will be able to add to what's here!
Good job. (12/24/95)
William E. Forster, Jr. @ cs2-05.lan.ptd.net from Lititz, PA
USA: (12/24/95)
Johnny Fry @ from Stollings,WV: (12/25/95)
Judith H. Taylor @ www-f1.proxy.aol.com from
Suffolk, VA / USA: (12/26/95)
Thomas J.Edwards @ piweba4y-ext.prodigy.com from Fairmont,Wv.
U.S.A.: Hi I am interested in bible studies and would like to find
more on the subject if you have any info please pass it on to me at
zcvt70a@ prodigy.com
thanks (12/26/95)
MASAKI YOSHIO @ piweba5y-ext.prodigy.com from SHAUMBURG, IL
Terry J. Stavnyck @ Cust24.Max1.Montreal.QB.MS.UU.NET from
Montreal, CANADA:
Scott Blondin, guitarist for GOD, Victory Outreach San Francisco
@ www-d1.proxy.aol.com from San Francisco, CA 94134 This city
MIGHT.AMEN. (12/27/95)
Rob Mellen Jr. @ ppp12.ns.net from Rancho Cordova, CA: (12/27/95)
Girma Damte @ PM1-227.puc.edu from po box 600, Angwin, CA 94508:
your presence in the web is a blessing to me. Thank you and keep up
the good work. (12/27/95)
The Min Sing @ server.indo.net.id from SURABAYA, INDONESIA:
Stephen moschella @ ws902.terc.edu from Miford MA 01757: (12/28/95)
E. Carl Moore @ annex-080.gower.net from Tyler, Texas / USA:
Kierkegaard would have used a Mac! (12/28/95)
Mark D. Schumer @ lwbyppp128.epix.net from Chambersburg pa.
USA: (12/28/95)
Lyn Elliott @ TRENTU.CA from P.O.Box 1829 Blind River, ON Canada
P0R 1B0: (12/28/95)
Jonathan R. Smith @ ad63-140.compuserve.com from Gig Harbor,
Washington, USA: Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him
show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes
from wisdom...the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all
pure; then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy
and good fruit, impartial and sincere....somewhere in James.... (12/29/95)
Fred L. Wilson @ vaxa.isc.rit.edu from Pittsford, NY: Just began
to look - hope I can find full text (12/29/95)
Chris and Cathy Pharo @ cht-d154.atcon.com from P.O. Box 344,
Cornwall, Prince Edward Island, Canada : (12/29/95)
[email protected] @ chaos.idirect.com from Small, Canadian
town: What a great way to spread the bible WORLDLY! Fascinating
list of names. Thank you internet!!
Jamie Roberts @ access-1-5.RollaNET.org from 10430 County Rd.
8170 No. 2 Newburg, Missouri 65550 USA: (12/29/95)
Reed Wortman - [email protected] @ swo-101.golden.net from
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada: Thank you for the work on this link. I
find that I really enjoy the Commentary.
God Bless You and your
work!! (12/30/95)
Frank Roy @ pppb52.erols.com from Upper Marlboro, Md., USA: I
appreciate all the Bible text and helps available here.
Keep up the good work. God bless. (12/30/95)
Frank Wo @ pool023.Max19.New-York.NY.DYNIP.ALTER.NET from
Woodside NY 11377-3311 USA: (12/30/95)
Erik Gustafsson @ dd54-165.compuserve.com from Portland, Oregon
USA: The Guest book is great. Will be visiting again. (12/30/95)
David Kenneson @ am1-242.atmnet.com from Oceanside, CA/USA:
Scott A. McGinnis [email protected] @ ednet1.osl.or.gov from
Bend, OR USA: (12/31/95)