For they are worthy. That this signifies, that it is done to them as they themselves do, is evident from the signification of being worthy, namely, that they are in falsities of evil, because they have
falsified the truths of the Word and of doctrine; this being signified by its being given to them to drink the blood of the saints and of the prophets which they have shed, consequently, that it is
done to them as they themselves have done. For it is according to order that one's works do follow every one, and judge every one; and hence it is done to every one as he himself has done. This, therefore,
is what is meant here by being worthy, or having so merited.
Continuation concerning the Fifth Precept:-
[2] There are, for example, the administrators of the goods of others, higher and
lower. These, if they deprive their kings, their countries, or their masters, of their goods, either clandestinely by any arts, or under pretence by fraud, have no religion, and consequently no conscience.
For they hold in contempt the Divine law concerning theft, and make it of no account. Such persons, although they frequent places of worship, are devout in hearkening to preachings, attend the
sacrament of the Supper, pray morning and evening, and speak piously from the Word, yet, notwithstanding all this, nothing from heaven flows in, and nothing of heaven is in their worship, piety, or discourse,
their interiors are full of thefts, rapines, robberies, and injustice, and so long as these evils are within, the way into their minds from heaven is closed; therefore the works which they do
are all evil. [3] But the administrators of goods, who shun unlawful gains and fraudulent profits, because they are against the Divine law concerning theft, have religion, consequently, also, conscience.
The works, moreover, which they do are all good, for they act from sincerity for the sake of it, and from justice for the sake of it. They are also content with their own, feel cheerfulness of
mind, and gladness of heart, as often as they bethink themselves that they have not been guilty of fraud. And after death they are welcomed by the angels and received by them as brothers, and are presented
with goods abundantly. But it is quite different with evil administrators. These after death are cast out from societies, and afterwards ask for aid, and at length are sent into the caverns of
robbers to labour there.