[verse 15] 'And the merchants of these things who were made rich by her shall stand afar off for fear of her torment, weeping and mourning' signifies the state before damnation, and the fear and lamentation
then of those who have made gain by various dispensations and promises of heavenly joys. By 'the merchants of these things', namely of 'the fruits of the longing of the soul' and of the 'things
fat and splendid' treated of in the preceding verse, are signified those who have become rich by means of various dispensations and promises of heavenly joys, that is, have made gain. By these 'merchants'
are understood all in their ecclesiastical order, both the higher and the lower ones, who have made gain by such means. That the higher ones are included is plain from verse 23 of this chapter
where it is said:-
Because thy merchants used to be the great ones of the land.
That the lower ones [are understood also is plain] from verse it, as may be seen above (n. 771). By 'to stand afar
off for fear of her torment, weeping and mourning' is signified while they are still in a state remote from damnation, and even then in fear of the penalties and in lamentation, as above (n. 769) where
similar things are said.