'Upon these the second death has no authority' signifies that they do not suffer damnation. By 'the second death' is signified nothing else but spiritual death, which is damnation; for the first death
is the natural death that is the death of the body, but the second death is the spiritual death that is the death of the soul, which is known to be damnation. Also, because the second death is damnation
and the first is decease, this death not being spiritual, therefore the first death is not mentioned anywhere in the Apocalypse, but the second death is mentioned again in this chapter (verse 14),
then in the following chapter (xxi 8), and also earlier on (chap. ii 11). He who does not notice this can easily believe that there are two spiritual deaths because it is said 'the second deaths', when
yet there is but the one spiritual death that is understood here by 'the second death'. He can likewise believe that there are two resurrections because 'the first resurrection' is mentioned, when
yet there can be only the one resurrection; and therefore a second resurrection is not mentioned anywhere, as may be seen above (n. 851). From these considerations it is plain that by 'upon these the
second death has no authority' is signified that they do not suffer damnation.