It seems as though prior elements are less perfect than subsequent ones, or simple elements less perfect than composite ones; but the prior elements from which subsequent ones originate, or the simple
elements from which composite ones originate, are nevertheless more perfect. The reason is that prior or simple elements are more naked and less covered over with substances and materials devoid of
life. They are also, so to speak, more Divine, and consequently nearer to the spiritual sun where the Lord is. For perfection itself resides in the Lord, and thus in the sun which is the first emanation
of His Divine love and wisdom. Therefore it exists as well in those subsequent elements which most immediately follow, and so on in order down to the lowest elements, which are less and less perfect
the further removed they are. If prior and simple elements did not have in them such surpassing perfection, no person, and no animal either, could be produced from sperm and afterward continue
to survive; nor could the seeds of trees and bushes sprout and reproduce their kind. For the more prior any prior element is, and the more simple any simple element is, the more perfect it is, and therefore
the more immune to harm.