From this universal origin of all the constituents in the created universe, they each derive there the same characteristic, that they progress from their first element to their last elements which are
relatively in a state of rest so as to terminate in them and abide. Fibers in the human body thus proceed from their first forms until they become tendons, and likewise fibers with their vessels from
their first forms until they become cartilages and bones, so as to rest on them and abide. Because such is the progression from firsts to lasts of the fibers and vessels in a person, their states
therefore follow a similar progression. Their states are sensations, thoughts, and affections. These, too, proceed from their first origins where they are in a state of light to their last forms where
they are in a state of comparative darkness, or from their first origins where they are in a state of warmth to their last forms where they are lacking in warmth. Now because such is the progression
of these, such also is the progression of love and all its constituents, and of wisdom and all its constituents. In a word, such is the progression of all the constituents in the created universe. The
point here is the same as that demonstrated in nos. 222-229 above, that degrees of two kinds exist in the greatest and least of all created things. The reason degrees of both kinds exist in the
least of all things is that the spiritual sun is the one single substance from which springs all else, according to the spiritual ideas of angels (no. 300).