However, those of them who are such as can be saved are in places of vastation, where they are reduced to the uttermost despair. There is no other way that evils and falsities of that sort can be subdued
and taken away. When they are in a state of desperation, they cry out that they are beasts, abominations, hateful, and therefore damned. When in that state, some of them even cry out against
heaven; but they are forgiven for this because it is due to their despair. The Lord restrains them from going beyond fixed limits in calling down curses. After extremes of suffering, because their bodily
parts are virtually dead, these are eventually saved. I was also told that, when these people lived in their world, they believed in some supreme Creator without any Mediator; but when saved, they
are taught that the Lord is alone God, Saviour and Mediator. I saw some of them after extremes of suffering taken up into heaven; and when they were received there, I felt such a happy tenderness
as to wring tears from my eyes.