(6) A man is then given a suitable wife, and a woman, likewise, a suitable husband. This is because the only married couples who can be accepted into heaven so as to remain there are those who have
been inwardly united, or who can be united as though into one. For married couples in heaven are not called two but one angel. This is meant by the Lord's words, that they are no longer two but one
flesh.* The reason these are the only married couples who can be accepted into heaven is that they are the only ones who can live together there, that is, who can be together in the same house and
in the same bedroom and bed. For all those who are in heaven are associated according to the affinities and close similarities of their love, and their homes are determined accordingly. This is because
there are no dimensional spaces in the spiritual world, but they have appearances of space, and these appearances are determined according to the states of their life, and their states of life
are determined according to states of love. Consequently, no one in the spiritual world can stay anywhere but in his own house, which is provided and appointed for him according to the nature of
his love. If he stays anywhere else, his chest labors and he has difficulty breathing. By the same token, two people cannot live together in the same house unless they are likenesses of each other.
And they cannot live together at all as married partners unless their feelings for each other are mutual. If these feelings of attraction are external and not at the same time internal, the very house
or place separates them, repels them and drives them away. So it is that, in the case of people who after preparation are introduced into heaven, marriage is provided with a partner whose soul
inclines to union with the soul of the other, to the point that they do not wish to lead two lives but one. That is why, after separation, a man is given a suitable wife, and a woman, likewise, a suitable
husband. * Matthew 19:6, Mark 10:8.