That the nature of the conjunction of angels and spirits with man may be understood, I am permitted to mention some notable things by which it may be illustrated and verified. When angels and spirits
turn themselves to man they do not know otherwise than that the man's language is their own and that they have no other language, for then they are there in the man's language, and not in their own,
which they do not remember. But as soon as they turn themselves away from the man they are in their own angelic and spiritual language, and know nothing about the man's language. I have had a like experience
when in company with angels and in a state like theirs. I then talked with them in their language and knew nothing of my own, not remembering it. But as soon as I ceased to be in their company
I was in my own language. [2] Another notable fact is that when angels and spirits turn themselves to a man they are able to talk with him at any distance. They have talked with me from a distance as
audibly as when they were near. But when they turn themselves away from a man and talk with each other the man hears nothing at all of what they are saying, even if it be close to his ear. From this
it was made clear that all conjunction in the spiritual world is determined by the way they turn. [3] Another notable fact is that many spirits together can talk with a man, and the man with them. For
they send one of their number to the man with whom they wish to speak, and the spirit sent turns himself to the man and the rest of them turn to their spirit and thus concentrate their thoughts, which
the spirit utters. The spirit then does not know otherwise than that he is speaking from himself, and they do not know otherwise than that they are speaking. Thus also is the conjunction of many with
one effected by turning towards him.# But of these emissary spirits, who are also called subjects, and of communication by means of them, more will be said in subsequent pages. # The spirits sent
from societies of spirits to other societies are called subjects (n. 4403, 5856). Communications in the spiritual world are effected by such emissary spirits (n. 4403, 5856, 5983). A spirit when
he is sent forth, and serves as a subject, thinks from those by whom he is sent forth, and not from himself (n. 5985-5987).