All things in the heavens are organized in accordance with Divine order, which is everywhere guarded by the services performed by angels, those things that pertain to the general good or use by the
wiser angels, those that pertain to particular uses by the less wise, and so on. They are subordinated just as uses are subordinated in the Divine order; and for this reason a dignity is connected with
every function according to the dignity of the use. Nevertheless, an angel does not claim dignity to himself, but ascribes all dignity to the use; and as the use is the good that he accomplishes, and
all good is from the Lord, so he ascribes all to the Lord. Therefore he who thinks of honour for himself and subsequently for the use, and not for the use and thereby for himself, can perform no duty
in heaven, because this is looking away backwards from the Lord, and regarding self in the first place and use in the second. When use is spoken of the Lord also is meant, because, as has just been
said, use is good, and good is from the Lord.