When the spirit is in the state of his interiors it becomes clearly evident what the man was in himself when he was in the world, for at such times he acts from his proprium. He who was in the world
interiorly in good then acts rationally and wisely, and even more wisely than in the world, because he is released from connection with the body, and thus from those earthly things that caused obscurity
and interposed, as it were, a cloud. But he who was in evil in the world then acts foolishly and insanely, and even more insanely than in the world, because he is free and under no restraint. For
while he lived in the world he was sane in externals, since by means of externals he made himself appear to be a rational man; but when he has been stripped of his externals his insanities are revealed.
An evil man who in externals takes on the semblance of a good man may be likened to a vessel shining and polished on the outside and covered with a lid, within which, filth of all kinds is hidden,
in accordance with the Lord's saying:
Ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which outwardly appear beautiful, but inwardly are full of dead men's bones and of all uncleanness. Matt. xxiii. 27.