And thou shalt put the table outside the veil. That this signifies influx through the celestial things that belong to love, is evident from the signification of "the table on which were the breads of
faces," as being the receptacle of celestial things (n. 9527, 9545); and from the signification of "outside the veil," as being outside the uniting intermediate through which there is mediate influx;
for by "the veil" is signified the uniting intermediate (n. 9670), and because that table was behind the veil, therefore there was signified influx through the celestial things of the inmost heaven,
which are the goods of love. That there is mediate influx from the Lord through the inmost heaven, and immediate influx from Himself, can be seen from the places above cited (n. 9682e). With every good
which makes heavenly life, thus eternal life, with man and with angel, the case is this. The inmost of good is the Lord Himself, consequently is the good of love which is immediately from Him; the good
which next succeeds is the good of mutual love; then the good of charity toward the neighbor; finally the good of faith. This is the successive order of goods from the inmost. From this it can be
seen how the case is with immediate and mediate influx. In general it may be said that insofar as a good succeeding in order (that is, a more external good), has in it a more interior good, so far it
is good, for insofar it is nearer to the Lord Himself, who, as before said, is the inmost good. But the successive arrangement and setting in order of interior goods in exterior, varies in each and all
subjects according to the reception, and the reception is according to the spiritual and moral life in the world of everyone, for the life in the world remains with everyone to eternity. [2] The influx
of the Lord is also immediate with everyone, for without immediate influx the mediate effects nothing. Immediate influx is received according to the order in which the man or angel is, thus according
to the Divine truth which is from the Divine, because this is order (n. 1728, 1919, 2447, 4839, 5703, 7995, 8512, 8513, 8700, 8988); and so it is order itself with man that he should live in the
good which is from the Lord, that is, that he should live from the Lord. This influx is continual, and is adjoined to each and all things of the will of man, directing them as much as possible into order,
for man's own will is continually leading him away from order. It is the same with the voluntary and involuntary things in man. His voluntary things continually lead away from order, but the involuntary
ones continually bring back to order. It is for this reason that the motion of the heart, which is involuntary, is completely removed from man's will, and in like manner the action of the cerebellum;
and that the motions of the heart, and the powers of the cerebellum, direct the voluntary things, to prevent them from rushing beyond bounds and extinguishing the life of the body before its time;
and therefore the primal activities of both the involuntary and the voluntary things in the whole body go on conjointly. These things have been said in order in some measure to illustrate the idea
about the immediate and the mediate influx of the celestial things of love and the spiritual things of faith from the Lord.