That 'she called the name of Jehovah who spoke to her' means the state of the Lord's Interior Man when it thought about these things is clear from what comes before and after, and also from the meaning
of '[calling] the name' as knowing the nature of, dealt with already in 144, 145, 1754. It is the nature of this state, that is, of the Lord's state as it then was when He so thought about the rational,
that is described. The rational itself could not engage in such thought; only the Interior or higher Man, referred to in 1926, could do so. In no way does the rational have the ability to think
regarding its own nature, for nothing has the ability to see into itself. There has to be that which is more internal or higher that thinks regarding it, for this does have the ability to see it. Take
for example the ear. The ear is not able to know, still less to perceive, the utterance which it receives into itself; but it is the interior hearing which is able to do so. The ear merely makes out
the articulated sounds or expressions, the interior hearing being that which grasps the meaning, and after that the interior seeing or inner sight which perceives it. This is the manner in which through
hearing a person perceives the meaning of the utterance. It is similar with the things of sight. The first ideas received from visual objects are material, as they are also called; but sight still
more interior surveys them and in this way engages in thought. The same also applies to man's rational. The rational has no ability at all to see itself, still less to examine its own nature; but there
has to be something more internal to do this. Consequently when a person has the ability to do this, that is to say, to perceive anything false present in his rational and any truth shining out of it,
and more so if he is able to perceive anything fighting and triumphing, he may know that such an ability springs from the Lord's influx through the internal man. The Lord's Interior Man, referred to
above in 1926 and meant here, was that which had been joined to the Internal Man, which was Jehovah, and so was far above that rational. From that Interior Man, as in heavenly light, He saw and perceived
what the nature of the rational would be if truth alone and no good dwelt in it.