'After the sons of God went in to the daughters of man, who bore children to them' means at that time when they immersed doctrinal matters concerning faith in their own evil desires and became Nephilim.
This is clear from what has been stated and shown just above at verse 2, that is to say, 'the sons of God' means doctrinal matters concerning faith, while 'daughters' means evil desires. Nothing else
is born of this union than their treating the holy things of faith as worthless and their profaning them. For a person's desires which stem from self-love and love of the world stand utterly opposed
to all that is holy and true. Moreover evil desires prevail with man, and therefore when the holy and true which have been acknowledged by him are immersed in such desires he is done for, since these
cannot be rooted out and dispersed. They cling to every one of his ideas, and in the next life it is ideas that are communicated from one person to another. Consequently as soon as any idea of what
is holy and true is brought out, so too is the unholiness and falsity attached to it, which is perceived instantly. Consequently such people have to be separated and forced down into hell.