'And a holy nation'' means thus the spiritual kingdom. This is clear from the meaning of 'nation' as those governed by good, dealt with in 1259, 1260, 1416, 1849, 6005; and from the meaning of 'holy'
as that which has reference to truth springing from good, dealt with in 6788, 7499, 8127 (end), 8302, 8330, so that 'a holy nation' means the good from which truth is derived. Both expressions - 'a kingdom
of priests' and 'a holy nation' - mean the spiritual kingdom; yet there is a difference between them. 'A kingdom of priests' means those who are governed by good from truth, whereas 'a holy nation'
means those who are governed by good and by truth from this good. Those governed by good from truth use truths to look upwards to the Lord; but those governed by good and by truth from this good
are with the Lord, and see truths from Him. These two states come one after the other with those who are being regenerated, in whom the spiritual kingdom, that is, the life of heaven, is implanted by
the Lord. For they are led by means of truth on into good, thus into heaven since heaven consists in good; and when they are there they see truths in heaven and from heaven.