ix |
Vishnu and the Goddess of the Earth |
1 |
The Four Castes |
12 |
Duties of a King |
13 |
Weights and Measures |
23 |
Criminal and Civil Law |
24 |
Law of Debt |
42 |
Writings |
46 |
Witnesses |
48 |
Ordeals |
52 |
Inheritance |
61 |
Funeral Ceremonies |
75 |
Funeral Oblations |
83 |
Impurity |
87 |
Women |
106 |
Sacraments |
112 |
Studentship |
116 |
Crimes |
131 |
Hells |
140 |
Transmigration |
144 |
Penances |
149 |
Duties of a Householder |
189 |
Rules for a Snâtaka |
224 |
Self-restraint |
231 |
Srâddhas |
232 |
Pious Gifts |
263 |
The Hermit |
276 |
The Ascetic |
279 |
Meditation on Vishnu |
287 |
Conclusion |
291 |
General Index |
303 |
Sanskrit Index |
307 |
Additions and Corrections |
312 |
Transliteration of Oriental Alphabets adopted for the Translations of the Sacred Books of the East |
313 |
Âpast.--Âpastamba's Dharma-sûtra, ed. Bühler.
Âsv.--Âsvalâyana's Grihya-sûtra, ed. Stenzler.
Gaut.--Gautama's Dharmasâstra, ed. Stenzler.
Gobh.--Gobhila's Grihya-sûtra, in the Bibl. Ind.
M.--Mânava Dharmasâstra, Calcutta edition, with the Commentary of Kullûka.
Nand.--Nandapandita, the commentator of the Vishnu-sûtra.
Pâr.--Pâraskara's Grihya-sûtra, ed. Stenzler.
Sânkh.--Sânkhâyana's Grihya-sûtra, ed. Oldenberg, in the fifteenth volume of the Indische Studien.
Y.--Yâgñavalkya's Dharmasâstra, ed. Stenzler.
Âpast. and Gaut. refer also to Dr. Bühler's translation of these two works in the second volume of the Sacred Books of the East.