Life Is Playful and Festive

Fri, 16 Apr 1971 00:00:00 GMT
Book Title:
Osho - The Gateless Gate
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Beloved Mukta,

Love. To me meditation means: be playful and transcend all seriousness.

See: life is not serious.

Look around: 'existence is notserious.'

Only disease is serious.

And of course, DEATH.

And the exploiters of death: The Priests!

Life is playful andfestive and, therefore,purposeless.

It is not going anywhere - because there is nowhere to go.

It is always Here and Here.

It is always Now and Now.

It is just abundant energy overflowing from here to here and from now to now.

And, once you know it and be it - you are in that ecstasy which is the purpose of purposelessness!

Don't be a MIND and you will know it and be it.

Meditation is no-mindness.

Mind is thinking and thinking is going astray from the BEING.

Mind is forgetfulness of that-which-is.

Meditation is coming back HOME.

So, Mukta, come back home.

And, I create situations so that you may remember the forgotten.

And, I will go on creating situations unless you are back.


(To, Ma Yoga Mukta, alias Mrs. Catherine Venizelos, Seville Ave, Rye, New York, U.S.A.)

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"Israel won the war [WW I]; we made it; we thrived on it;
we profited from it.

It was our supreme revenge on Christianity."

-- The Jewish Ambassador from Austria to London,
   Count Mensdorf, 1918

[Zionism, chabad, Nazi, ZioNazi, Judeo-Nazi, racism, fascism,
Illuminati, Freemason, NWO]