The Gateless Gate

Fri, 25 Apr 1971 00:00:00 GMT
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Osho - The Gateless Gate
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My beloved,

Love. That which is never lost cannot be found.

And to search for it is absurd.

But, the moment this absurdity is understood, all seeking stops by itself.

And that which is never lost is found!

That is why I say: seek and you will not find.

Because, the very seeking is the barrier.

The search itself is the hindrance.

Because it creates the seeker, the Ego, the illusion that I am.

And, I am not.

Do not seek and you will find it - the I-am-not-ness.

This nothingness is the gate.

The gateless Gate.

Riko, once, asked Nansen to explain to him the old problem of the goose in the bottle.

"If a man puts a goosling into the bottle", he said, "and feeds the goosling through the bottleneck until it grows and grows and becomes a goose, and then there just is no more room inside the bottle, how can the man get it out without killing the goose, or breaking the bottle?"

"RICO!" shouted Nansen, and gave a great clap with his hands.

"Yes, Master", said Rico with a start.

"SEE!" said Nansen "the goose is out!"


(To, Shree Inderraj Anand, Road, Bombay-26)

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It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for
the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of
publicity during these years.

-- Brother David Rockefeller,
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   C.F.R. and Trilateral Commission Founder

[Freemasonry, occult, Kabbalah, propaganda, brainwashing, mind control,
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