Chapter XXVI - 147 | Home | Index | Previous | Next |
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"Now for the physical Thapas. Use the body and its strength and capabilities for the service of others, for the worship of the Lord, for the singing of His glory, for visiting places hallowed by His name, for regulated exercises in breath control, for holding the senses away from deleterious paths and for treading the path of God. The service of the sick and the distressed, the observance of moral codes and such beneficial acts must make it sacrosanct." "Vocal Thapas too has to be engaged in. Avoid talking too much; desist from false statements; do not take delight in backbiting and in scandalmongering; never speak harshly; speak soft and sweet; speak with the memory of Madhava ever in the background of the mind." "Of these three, physical Thapas, mental Thapas and vocal Thapas, even if one is absent, the Atmic effulgence (Atmajyothi) cannot radiate light. The lamp, the wick and the oil are all essential for a light; the body is the lamp; the mind is the oil and the tongue is the wick. All three must be in good trim. "Some pious people consider that acts of charity are also physical Thapas. It is good that they think so. But when doing charity, one has to do so after pondering over the place, the time and the nature of the recipient. For example, charities for schools should be given at places where there are no schools until then; hospitals have to be established in areas where diseases are rampant; the hunger of people has to be appeased where famine conditions have been caused by floods or droughts. The nature and condition of the recipient have to be considered while imparting teaching of Dharma and Brahmavidya, and while doing service of various kinds. The charitable act that removes from a person the deficiency that is most harmful to his progress is called Sathwic." "Krishna", interrupted Arjuna, "May I ask a question here? Charity, however done, is charity, is it not? Why do you distinguish between Sathwic, Rajasic and Thamasic. Are there any such?" Krishna answered, "Of course, there are. Among those who donate for charities, most are anxious to get name and fame; that is the motive for the act. They are after something in return for what they offer. Very few desire the grace of the Lord and nothing else. Gifts made with that one end in view, to receive the grace of the Lord are Sathwic. Gifts made expecting something in return like fame and publicity, esteem and power, or made in a huff or made reluctantly under pressure - these are to be classed as Rajasic." |