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People in their ignorance hesitate to accept the rigours of spiritual discipline, considering them as so many fetters on free living. They decry the Divine command and denounce the Grace Divine. That command is not understood and appreciated, it is disobeyed and even fought against. But the wise man who sows wheat will be blessed by a harvest of wheat; the fool sows tears and weeps because wheat does not grow. For every one in the world, whether we believe it or not, two plus two make four; the result does not depend on your likes and dislikes. The fact that in every being there is the Supreme is similar inescapable Reality. God will not give up if denied or enter if invited. It is there, it is the being's very Being. This is the Truth and if you want to know it and experience it, develop the vision of the Jnani; without that, you can never see it. As the telescope alone enables you to see things that are far away, so the 'Jnanascope' or Jnanadrishti is essential to see Brahmam immanent in every being. As the child refuses to believe in things beyond its circle of vision, the weakling afraid of the travail of winning that Drishti refuses to believe in the All-pervasive, All-inclusive Brahmam! A set of persons with curious ideas have cropped up recently and they strut about with great pride, for they have no yearning for God, even no use for God; they are Sevaks and they are satisfied with Service! But the essence of Seva is selflessness and abnegation of the fruit thereof; the Sevaks have no right to look down upon the godly and the Spiritual aspirants as inferior. For, that is but reaching for the fruit while neglecting the tree! Selfless service is the final fruit of the Godward Discipline. How can the fruit be gained without the long and laborious nurture of the tree? The very foundation of Nishkaama Karma is Prema towards all beings, Prema that seeks no reward. Without spiritual experience of this higher Love, selfless service is impossible. At present, the world is full of persons who clamour for good profit
for themselves but are unwilling to give good value for the things they
receive. They want God, but are engaged in the cultivation of some other
crop! They do not seek it and strive for it day and night; they have,
on the other hand, installed the god of wealth in their hearts and spend
all their time and energy worshipping it and praying for its favour. |