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As said in the Gita, the Lord's feet are everywhere, the Lord's hands are everywhere. His eyes, His ears are everywhere. So He sees all, He does all. Devoid of senses, He makes all senses function. To grasp this mystery, the path of Jnana has to be trodden. When a person develops into a full Jnani, he becomes It and It is merged in him and both become indistinguishable. Then he realises that he is the inscrutable, the indefinable Brahmam, not limited by the illusory super-imposition of name and form. When fire burns, its light can be discerned from a distance; but those who are far cannot hope to feel its warmth. So too, it is easy to describe the splendour of Jnana for persons who are far from acquiring it; only those who have actually neared it and felt it and are immersed in it can experience the warmth and the joy, emanating from the passing away of the illusion. For this, continuous Thapas, continuous meditation on God are needed. The Pure Essence can be known by the Sadhana of Bhakthi. The goal of Bhakthi is indeed Jnana. When an author writes a play, the entire play will already be in his mind, before he sets pen on paper, act after act, scene after scene. If he has no picture of the entire drama in his mind he will never entertain the idea of writing it at all. But take the case of the audience. They can grasp the story only after the drama is fully over; it unfolds itself scene by scene. Once they have understood the theme, they too can confidently describe to others the purport of the play. Similarly, for the Lord, this Drama of Time with its three Acts, the Past, the Present and the Future, is as clear as crystal. In the twinkling of an eye He grasps all the three. For He is Omniscient; it is His Plan that is being worked out, His Drama that is being enacted on the stage of Creation. Both the actors and the spectators are lost in confusion, unable to surmise its meaning and its development. For how can one scene or one act reveal its meaning? The entire play has to be gone through for the story to reveal itself. Without a clear understanding of the play in which they are acting their roles, people cling to the error that they are Jivis and waste away their lives, buffeted by the waves of joy and sorrow. When the mystery is cleared, and the play is discovered as mere play,
the conviction dawns that you are He and He is you. Therefore, try to
know the Truth behind Life, search for the Fundamental, bravely pursue
the underlying Reality. Seekers of Jnana must always be conscious of this.