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The Jivi can realise itself only by the destruction of all limitations. The mind is the greatest of these. The mind undergoes two stages while being destroyed, Rupa-laya, annihilation of patterns of the mind and Arupa-laya, annihilation of the mind. The agitations of the mind stuff are the Rupas. Then comes the stage of equilibrium where there is the positive Ananda of Sath and Chith; where also the Arupa or formless Mind disappears. The annihilation of mind is of two kinds, namely, the mind pattern and the mind itself. The former applies to sages, liberated while still alive; the latter to Videha Mukthas. Now, only the Rupa-laya is possible. This makes the person enjoy the Bliss derived from the experience of the Identity with Brahmam. So, the mind is a limitation on the Jivi; it has to be conquered; the body-consciousness must disappear; steady faith has to be cultivated in Jnana; delusion will then fade away; all 'I-feeling' will go; every moment, the spring of Sath-Chith-Ananda will well up in the individual. That is the real Sakshathkara. The Acharyas too emphasise this discipline and dwell on this bliss. This verily is the Truth. To entitle one for embarking on the inquiry into the Atma, one must be endowed with the Sadhana Chathushtaya or the Four Qualifications. Scholarship in all the Vedas and Sastras, asceticism, mastery of ritual, dedication to japa, charity, pilgrimage - nothing will help in granting that authority. "Saantho dantha uparathi thithiksha...", says the Sruthi; so equanimity, self-control, withdrawal of the senses, steadfastness - these alone confer that title; not caste, colour, or social status. Be it a Pandit versed in all the Sastras, a Vidwan or an illiterate, a child or youth or an old person, a Brahmachari, Grihastha, Vanaprastha or Sanyasin, a Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaisya, or Sudra, or even an outcaste, man or woman, the Vedas declare: "Every one is qualified, provided one is equipped with the Sadhana Chathushtaya". Mere reading of the Sastras does not entitle one; the attainment of Sadhana
Chathushtaya mentioned therein is essential. The doubt might then arise:
how can a person who has not read the Sastras attain Sadhana Chathushtaya?
My answer is: how does the person who reads them attain them? "Because
he knows the Sastras, he does act in a spirit of dedication to the Lord,
gets mental purification thereby, and acquires Vairagya, renunciation,
and other qualifications in increasing measure". Now, how can these be
cultivated by one who does not know the Sastras? it is asked. Why can
he not cultivate them? By the accumulated fruits of the educative influences
and good deeds in the past births, it is possible to become qualified
for Atmavichara in this birth, without Sastric study. |