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A word to those who are overwhelmed by the burden of worldly responsibilities and anxieties and to those who find themselves unable to pray to the Highest, either because they have condemned themselves undeserving or because they have no faith in the Highest: Enormous is the number of those who live their days in joy. You too were joyful and are so now. But, everyone is destined to disappear one day, as generations have already done. Therefore, every one must desire and adopt every means to attain, not only joy, but what is far more valuable, peace of mind and an ideal exemplary life. Born an human beings, one should not disown the unique nature of humans. One should not forget even for a moment the genuine characteristics of humans. One should never degrade oneself to the level of beasts; or a level which is far worse and despicable, that of demonic beings (Asuras). Man must firmly resolve that he would not allow himself to fall into these depths. The spiritual path alone can arouse and sustain that resolution, that alone can awaken and strengthen such yearning. It is necessary to emphasise that, in order to successfully confront the problems that arise in one's daily living, one has also to possess intelligence and skill, in addition to the qualities of justice, virtue and spiritual excellence. Both these attainments are essential for progress, as essential as two wings for a bird or two wheels for a cart. The importance of the higher path that leads to the Highest can be realised only by experiencing and understanding the world. The world is enchanting, because it is a tantalising appearance, though it is fundamentally untrue. It is a phenomenon that is fading out. When this Truth is realised, one becomes aware of the Cosmic Sport of God and the Eternal Universal Being. This state of Consciousness cannot be won through the piling of wealth or of worldly power or the acquisition of knowledge and skill. It can be won through the purification of one's consciousness in all its facets and the earnestness with which the search is pursued. During that search, there naturally arise various obstacles like doubts and dogmas, purposeless arguments and flimsy fancies. From the coming Yugadi (New Year) Festival Day, this series under the
name Leela Kaivalya Vahini, will dissolve all such obstacles and fill
you with Ananda. It will lead you to the path of spiritual progress. Meanwhile,
await the message. |