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The Sankhyans use a number of arguments against Action or Karma. 'Karma causes both Punya and Papa, Good and Evil,' and so, it is said, 'the wise must give up all Karma'. In the Githa, Krishna has met this argument and shown the way to get the good out of Karma and avoid the evil. They further say that if Karma is engaged in, the results are a mixture of pain and pleasure, of benefit and loss, and it leads the doer either to heaven or hell or back again to the earth, that is to say, to bondage of some sort. So, they ask people to give up Karma and take no inaction. The Githa has a reply for this also. Karma will bring about bondage, only when it is engaged in with a view to the fruit thereof. When done without any thought of the fruit, it leads, on the other hand, to Liberation, or Moksha itself! Why, even liberated persons; engage in Karma, though they do not derive any benefit therefrom, just for promoting the welfare of the world! Or rather, whatever a liberated man does must automatically be conducive to the welfare of the world. Karma has to be engaged in; that is the means of securing the Santhi already won. If there is anything sweeter than all things sweet, more auspicious than all auspicious things, holier than all holy objects, verily, it is the Name of the Lord... or the Lord Himself. Give up the company of the worldly minded, the association with those infected by Asuric qualities. Keep away from every type of wrong doing. Seek always the company of the wise, the Good. Take refuge in Narayana; He, the Pure one, is the perfect Embodiment of Santhi, of Happiness and of Jnana. He, the Sri Hari, is seated within every one. He stays constantly in the place where devotees honour His Name, sincerely and with single mindedness. Therefore, first, you have to practice intense Bhakthi towards the Lord. Then, you can certainly attain real and permanent Happiness and Wisdom. Of what use is it to pursue the fleeting pleasures of the senses? Worship the Hari who lives in the cavity of your heart, nearer to you than your thickest friend, your father, mother or guru, who is all these and more to you. The physical body for whose sake you crave all this comfort and luxury is subject to damage and decay. One day, it becomes food for dogs and jackals. Hari, on the other hand, makes for Joy and the thrill of Holy Love. Surrender your heart to Him; He desires naught else from you. He can be won by no other means, neither by unlimited scholarship, nor by pompous vows and colourful ritual. |