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Sadhana - The Way of Life There have always been, there are and there will always be, teachers who reveal to man and who instruct him to attain the heights which he can reach by the fullest manifestation of his physical, mental and intellectual powers, through one-pointed steadfastness. The mind of man revels in external objects and in purposeless observation and criticism of the outside world. How then can it be trained to be steadfast? Each one should ask himself the question: Mahatmas and Mahapurushas were also persons like me; they were also embodied beings. When they could attain perfection, I can also succeed, if I follow their method. What do I gain if I spend my time in discovering the faults and weaknesses of others? Therefore the first sadhana is search for the faults and weaknesses within thyself and strive to correct them and become perfect. The unceasing toil of each succeeding day has as its aim and justification this consummation; to make one's last days sweet and pleasant. But, each day too, has its evening. If the day is spent in good deeds, then the evening blesses us with deep sleep, invigorating refreshing sleep, the sleep about which it is said that it is akin to Samadhi. Man has only a short span of life, here upon earth. But, even in this
short life one can, by wisely using the time with care, attain Divine
Bliss. Two men, in appearance the same, ostensibly of the same mould,
grow under the same conditions, but one turns out to be an angel while
the other stays on with his normal nature. What is the reason for this
varied development? Habits and the behaviours formed out of these habits,
and the character into which that behaviour has solidified. Man is the
creature of character. |