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As we are led through the valley of this Vahini by Bhagavan who holds us by the hand, He exhorts us to admire, appreciate and adore the seers and sages of many lands who have pioneered into this realm and laid down limits and bounds, preparatory disciplines and practices, to smooth the path and hasten the discovery of Truth. He writes of the Vedas and later spiritual texts, of the Forms of Worship that have stood the test of centuries of loyal acceptance, and of the Disciplinary Codes laid down for the four stages of human life and for humans with pronounced inborn characteristics - the vertical uplifting Sathwic, the horizontal expansive Rajasic and the dull declining Thamasic. He clarifies the role of Karma and its consequence. "Like a frail ship caught in a stormy sea, man climbs up a gigantic wave and reaches its froth-edged peak. The next moment, he is hurled into the trough, only to rise again. The rise and fall are both the consequences of his own deeds. They design the palace and the prison for man. Grief or joy is the resound, the reflection or reaction of one's own actions. The Jivi can escape both by cultivating the attitude of a witness, not involved in the activities he has to do." Bhagavan writes of 'Yoga' as the process of the "coming together of Jivatma and Paramatma, the Self and the Overself" and He elaborates on the path of Love (Bhakthi), of Selfless Activity (Karma), of mastery over the mind (Raja), of sublimation of Consciousness (Jnana). Bhagavan analyses the rights and responsibilities of the individual and society and reveals to us that they have the one underlying purpose of spiritual fulfilment. To sum up, the Sathya Sai Vahini is the Geetha given to us by the Person who, as Sanathana Sarathi, eager and ready to hold the reins of our senses, mind, consciousness, ego and intellect, and guide us safely to Prashanthi Nilayam, the Abode of Supreme peace, the Goal of all mankind. May we all be blessed by His Love and Grace. - N. Kasturi |