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Of course, there is no philosophy existent that can be satisfying to all types and levels of mental equipment. Each has a distinct value. The stages of intellectual development, or the powers of reasoning are different from each other. So, the three schools of philosophical interpretation mentioned above (the Dwaithic, the Visishta-dwaithic and the Adwaithic) attain acceptance among different temperaments and different groups of people. Therefore, no one school has the right to claim superiority and impute inferiority. Only those who are unwise will resort to such tactics. When people approach us with fanatic views, we must meet them with a smile, eager and yearning, filled with devotion to God. One can get intoxicated, of course, but, only as a result of quaffing the wine of Prema. When some one who is frantic for work approaches us we must share with him our skill and strength and join with him in work. By this means, it is possible to bring harmony between followers of various faiths and philosophic thoughts. It will bring together schools of thought and belief. If only this principle of harmony and harmonious co-operation had become a permanent asset of each man, how excellent it would be? How happy the world would have been, if every one had this knowledge that his view point can at best be only partial and that it requires the harmonious commingling of many other facets to posit Truth? Yoga means 'coming together'. In India, where yoga is flowing in the veins of every one since ages, it is possible to have the harmonious co-existence of many faiths and beliefs, which is the ideal type of Universal Religion. Those who can heroically put their faith into daily living can accomplish this 'together-ness' in the human community. Togetherness or Union can be established between one's outer behaviour and inner nature. The Sadhaka, intent on the path of Prema, can strive for Union between himself and the embodiment of Prema, namely, God. The Vedantin can achieve the Union of all that is in the one concept of God. The path of Yoga is designated differently in Sanskrit under different contexts; but, those who are able to conceive and execute the Union are revered as Yogis. Those who strive through activities and achievements to establish the Union are the Karma-yogis; those who follow the Prema path, are the Bhakthi-yogis; those who strive to manifest their latent powers and canalise them are the Raja-yogis; those who stick to logical analysis and rational interpretations and attain intuitive perception are the Jnana-yogis. In the Bharathiya spiritual history, these four types recur again and again. |