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As authoritative texts of the basic beliefs of Bharthiya Culture in the spiritual field, the Upanishads, the Brahmasutra and the Bhagavadgita, the Prasthanathryas, or the Three Sources, have to be reckoned. Many in India feel that the A-dwaitha Vedanta alone is the correct one. But, this attitude is not a correct one. The Upanishads are the very Voice of Iswara. The Brahmasutra is the supreme embodiment of the principles and doctrine propounded by Vyasa; it is the most important of the texts depicting philosophic doctrines. It harmonises the entire body of philosophic beliefs; though based on earlier texts and dissertations, there is no conflict between the earlier and later. In the aphorisms of the Brahmasutras, each conclusion attains fulfilment and reconciliation. The Bhagavadgita acts like a Commentary provided by God, for Vedantha. All sects of Hinduism, who claim to be authentic and orthodox, accept the Three Sources as their basic texts - whether they are Dwaithins, Visishtadwaithins or A-dwaithins (Dualists, Qualified-non-dualists or Non-dualists). Whoever desired to propagate a new interpretation or a new attitude or theory - Sankara, Ramanuja, Madhwacharya, Vallabhacharya or Chaitanya - had to propagate it through commentaries from that standpoint on the Three Sources, the Prasthana Thraya only. Therefore, to assert that Vedantha can be used only with reference to the Upanishads and the doctrines that they teach will be a great mistake. All conclusions drawn from the Prasthana Thraya are genuine and deserve the name Vedantha. Visishtadwaitha as well as Dwaitha have as much claim to be known as Vedantha as Adwaitha. This Unity in Diversity, this Harmony of difference, this is the core of the current of Bharathiya thought. There is milk in the body of the cow. The milk has ghee in it. But, the cow cannot derive any strength through that ghee. The milk has to be taken out of the animal, it has to be boiled, and a little sour curd poured into it in order to curdle it; then, when the milk is transformed into curds, it has to be churned and butter separated and rolled. Afterwards, the butter has to be melted and clarified, to get the ghee. The ghee thus prepared can be fed to the cow and then, it would be rendered stronger. So too, just consider - God is omnipresent. Yet, He is not amenable to man, unless man does Sadhana. |