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Geethopasana: Adoring Him as the Master and Preceptor who teaches the Geetha and reveals the Way. The epic Mahabharata is revered as a Veda, the fifth one. It sets out the code of morality that man must adhere to for realising his goal, both here and hereafter. It is an inexhaustible treasure-chest of guidelines for righteous living and spiritual uplift. Here, the Lord can be seen on the theatrical stage of Dharmakshetra, with all the equipments and roles, the plots and counter-plots, the denouements and devices, for the Cosmic Play He is enacting in His own marvellous way. That play is the epic, the Mahabharata. In this play, the actors and actresses, the dialogues and texts, the cues and songs, have been assembled by Him. He is the cast, the director, the audience - all. It is Madhava who manifests Himself and manipulates in every thing and being. On one side, boundless material strength urged on by un-righteous greed, and on the other, the apparently limited strength of the Atman, the ever-righteous. In the Cosmic Confrontation and conflict between these two forces, the Lord stands forth as the arbiter, the supreme embodiment of the victory of Right over Might. This is the ultimate ambrosia available in the Mahabharata - the Bhagavad Geetha, the Song of Divine Triumph. The core lesson which the epic is bent on teaching is contained in the Geetha - the seeker surrendering, with the words, "Karishye vachanam thava - Your word shall be obeyed" and the Lord admonishing the seeker, "Swadharme nidhanam sreyah - In fulfilling the duty assigned to you lies your safety and prospertiy." All work should be tested on this criterion. The path of dedication to the Will of God (Bhakthi) should not be discarded, for it can lead you to all-round delight and bliss. Instead, if one closes his eyes and instills into himself the conceit that He is Brahmam, he will miss the joy and become a victim of anxiety. When you pound husk you cannot expect rice grains to result, can you? And, Krishna is no other than the very Brahmam! Adwaithopasana: "The body of the cow has milk in it. The milk has ghee in it. But, the ghee cannot be a source of strength to one. The milk has to be drawn, yeast added to curdle it, butter has to be churned out and clarified to produce the ghee which, when consumed by one can give one strength. So, too, though God is omnipresent and omni-motivating He has to be discovered and cognised in order to realise Bliss, Awareness. Like oil in mustard, butter in yogurt, like water inside the earth, like fire in timber, God is present but not patent in everything. God is in the human body and in the human mind. To become aware of Him there, spiritual effort is necessary. When that is undertaken, the unity of both can be realised. One will not thereafter experience "two" or "difference". The awareness of the one without a second is 'Liberation', release from bondage. |