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There are a few other forms of worship which merit mention. The Gowdeyopaasana is one such. Sri Krishna, formulated and incorporated in the unmanifest Immanence, as Purushothama and Radha, formulated and incorporated as unmanifest Universal Energy, are both visualised, and known as Krishna-Radha or more commonly, Radha-Krishna. Madhava is another name of Krishna, signifying that He is the master of Cosmos or Prakrthi. So, the name used in this Upasana or worship is Radha-Madhava. The recitation of this Name is held by the adherents of this path of worship to be capable of leading to the ecstasy that can confer liberation from all forms of bondage. The acharyas or founders of this Upasana declare this to be the attainable goal. The Lord is the very embodiment of the nectar of delight. Living beings can get immersed in spiritual delight only when they imbibe that nectar. The Sruthi texts proclaim that those born in Ananda can live only in and through Ananda. The sacred name Radha-Madhava is the key, it is said, to the treasure-house of that precious nectar. Radha-Madhava is Prakrthi-Purusha and this dual category is assumed to represent the duality of Jivatma and Paramatma, the Individual Soul and the Universal Soul, the Wave and the Ocean. Worship is offered to both through that Name. Vallabhacharya proclaimed "Krishnasthu Bhagavan Swayam" (Krishna is the Lord Himself). Attaining Him was explained to be equal to merging in the Universal, the goal of genuine monists. Saivopaasana is also a notable path. This emphasises the worship of Siva as formulated in the Lingam or Symbol. "Lingam Sarva Kaalam". The Infinite Lingam is the symbol of the Primal Energy which forms the basic cause of the origin, condition and progress of the 'elements' that compose the Cosmos. The Lingam is the Form of Siva Himself and realising it as such is asserted as the ultimate goal, liberation. Virasaivopaasana advocates the worship of Siva, the Lord or Isvara, as the one and only, everywhere and always. The merging of the individual in the splendour of the Linga or Isvara is the acme of all Sadhana, the achievement of Liberation. |