Demand for realizing the expansion of consciousness in the
Cosmic Sound. |
Manifest Thyself to me, O Father, as the light of reason, as the
blaze of wisdom, as the breeze of amity and harmony. Manifest Thyself
through the song of atoms and electrons, and the vibration of their
music. Teach me to hear Thy voiceThy cosmic voice which
commanded all vibration to spring forth, which commanded each melody
to sing its own song. I want to hear Thy cosmic voice, undrowned
by creation's multitudinous songs. The magic wand of meditation
touches all sounds, and melts them into the One cosmic sound of
Aumcoursing down the earth, down the sky, and down
the stars. Appear to me as Aum, Aum, the cosmic song of all
sounds. All tissues of my body, all cords of my nerves, now sing
Thy cosmic song of Aum! |