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"When you are able no longer to talk to me, Read my Whispers from Eternity"
— Paramhansa Yogananda

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Our Dream World

Whispers from Eternity
A Book of Answered Prayers
1949 Edition

by Paramhansa Yogananda

Make me feel that everything is Joy.

I am the sea foam of happiness, spumed out of the sea of joy. The ocean of my life bounds with the billows of joy. And the endless ripples of my laughter and eddies of life, after spreading through all hearts, will retire to sleep on the bosom of infinite joy. I am a ripple of joy, seeking to dance with all billows of joy. I am a ripple of joy, struggling to be the ocean of joy. Make me the lighthouse of joy, guiding storm-tossed vessels of life to safety, to the shores of joy. Let every vine of activity bear clusters of joy. Let me drink the divine wine extracted from the vineyard of all life's little joys.


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