I am Thy Bird of Paradise wishing to fly in Thy Astral Airplane.
Thine astral airplane of earthly parting came to take my soul away.
I wondered through what strange skies I was to soar, and to what
lands I was to travel.
I asked the mystic Pilot of Cosmic Law whither I was going. The
Silent One answered, soundlessly:
"I am the Pilot of Life, mistakenly called the terrible Death
by ignorant earth-folk. I am thy brother, uplifter, redeemer, friendunloader
of thy gross burden of body-troubles. I come to fetch thee away
from the valley of thy broken dreams to the highland of light, where
poisonous vapors of sorrow can never climb.
"I have mercilessly broken thy cage of flesh-attachment, that
thy soul-bird may be free. I have broken thy chains of disease and
mental fears. Thy long imprisonment behind the bars of bones made
thee unwillingly become used to the cage. Thou didst want thy freedom
always. Now, why art thou fearfilled, when thou hast won thy long-craved
"O bird of paradise! hop into My plane of omnipresence! Fold
thy long-fluttering wings and restfully ride with me, anywhere,
everywhere, in thine ethereal home!"