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"When you are able no longer to talk to me, Read my Whispers from Eternity"
— Paramhansa Yogananda

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Our Dream World

Whispers from Eternity
A Book of Answered Prayers
1949 Edition

by Paramhansa Yogananda


Fairy dream faces, like fresh flowers,
May bloom in the vase of my gaze for my soul to see;
But the Face that vanished behind space
Cannot be replaced by these new faces.

There are faces of transcendent beauty,
Faces of exquisite charm, faces tender and true;
There are faces of sweetness and wisdom,
But there's no face like the Face of You.

There are faces tainted by fires of lust,
Faces the wise cannot fathom, faces a child cannot trust;
There are faces of beauty, steeped in glory through and through;
But, O Cosmic Mother, they are dim beside You.

There's the violet, the lily, the lotus, the rose—
Fragrant faces of flowers blooming under the snows;
There are faces of stars, and the moon and the sun,
But for me there's one Face evermore, only one.

After the search through aeons unnumbered,
The never-ceasing streamlets of my dreams
Have melted in Thy silver ocean-face,
Where smiling love forever softly gleams.

Countless silver rays of living beauties
Have melted into one transcendent grace:
The beauties of a million, million ages—
To make, at last, Thine omnipresent face.

Without Thy face, there is no light for me
In all the unplumbed depths of land or sea;
Thy beauty-rays are rainbowed over all
Eternity, while planets rise and fall.

On the lips of laughter, on roses in the dawn,
It is Thy smile forever glowing there—
An immortelle of glory, heavenly sweet,
With fragrance of unceasing, selfless prayer.

In the calm lake of my breathless bosom,
Whence all ripplets of desire no more
Play little games like children—
The glimmer of Thy face is spreading o'er.

In the cleansed mirror of my memory,
In the deep crystal pool that is my heart,
I see Thine omnipresence trapped for me,
Of my own Self forevermore a part.

As I, awakening, pass through gates of light,
Thy wisdom-face is all my soul can see.
Faded, the pale pleasure-stars of dream-skies,
In the omniscient light enfolding Thee.

Auroras, lights squeezed from shimmering hives of atoms,
Flashing feelings, burning vitalities, worlds of flame,
Dumb stones and speaking minds—all melted together
To form Thy one face and to spell Thy one name.

My vision, withdrawn from viewing pulsating centuries,
Throws its countless eyes within to search eternity;
And all I seek, O Cosmic Mother, all I crave forever,
Is the light of one face—the face of Thee!


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