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(al) Aarâf, bridge of, Int. p. lxix; Part I, p. 143; Part II, p. 32 note 1.

Aaron, I, 38, 94, 125, 152, 154, 201; II, 29 n, 36, 39, 41, 50, 51, 68, 86, 91, 92, 110, 172, 240 n.

Abbas, xxxii, xli, xiii.

‘Abd ad Dar, xvii, xviii.

‘Abdallah ibn Sa’hd ibn Abî Sar‘h, Mohammed's secretary, lvii; I, 126 n.

‘Abdallah ibn Ubai, xxxv.

‘Abdallah ibn Ubbai, chief of the 'Hypocrites,' lxiii; II, 74 n 2, 77 n 4, 284 n.

Abdallah ibn Umm Maktûm, II, 320 n.

‘Abd al 'Hareth, one of Adam's sons, I, 161 n 1.

‘Abd al Huzzâ, lx; II, 344 n.

‘Abd al Muttalib, xvii, xviii.

‘Abd ar Rahmân ibn Auf, xxiii.

‘Abd Menâf, xvii, xviii.

-- clan of, II, 341 n.

‘Abd Shems, xviii.

Abraham, xiii, xvi, xlvii, 1, liii, lxxiv; I, 17, 18, 19, 40, 40 n 3, 41, 50, 50 n 2, 54, 57, 58, 59, 80, 90, 94, 125, 133 n 1, 137, 183, 189, 212, 213, 219, 223, 242, 247, 263; II, 30, 31, 65, 93, 120, 124, 139, 179, 206, 246, 253, 269, 278, 329.

-- is cast into the fiery furnace, II, 171, 172.

-- station of, xvi, xvii, lxxiv.

-- surnamed, ‘Halîla ’llâh, the Friend of God, lxxi.

Abrahat al Asram, II, 341 n.

-- attacks the Kaabah, II, 341 n.

Abrogation of verses, lvii.

Abu’l ‘Abbas, I, 175.

Abu Bekr, xix, xxiii, xxiv, xxv, xxxiii, xliv, xlvi; I, 68 n 1.

-- hides with Mohammed in a cave, lvii; I, 179 n 1; II, 75 n 1.

Abu Gahl, xxxiii; II, 300, 336 n.

-- challenges Mohammed to cause a portion of the heavens to fall on the Qurâis, II, 300 n.

Abu ’Hâmir, I, 188 n 1.

Abu Lahed, xxix, lx; II, 144, 343.

Abu Sufiyân, xxxv, xxxvii; I, 164 n 1.

Abu Tâlib, xviii, xxiv, xxv, xxviii, xxix, xli, xiii.

Abyssinia, xxvi, xxvii, xl; I, 214 n 3; II, 341 n.

‘Âd, xlviii; I, 145, 146, 183, 210, 211, 239; II, 61, 86, 95, 121, 176, 193, 200, 227, 242, 247, 254, 256, 298, 330.

Adam, I, 5 n, 50, 54, 101, 138, 139, 140; II, 8, 9, 19, 31, 43, 44.

-- children of, I, 141, 159, 161 n 1.

Adam, Zafîy allâh, the Chosen of God, lxxi.

Adrian, persecution of, xv.

Æsop. See Loqmân.

A‘hmed, prophecy of, xlix; II, 281.

A‘hnas ibn Surâiq eTH THaqafi, I, 129 n 3.

(al) A‘hqâf, II, 227.

-- chapter of, II, 224.

Akabeh, xxxi.

-- pledge given at, by a deputation from the inhabitants of Medînah, xxxii; I, 9 n 1, 98 n 1.

Al ’asmâ’u l’husnâ, II, 13 n 1.

Alexander the Great, his prime minister, II, 23 n 3.

‘Alî ibn All Tâlib, xxxiii; II, 74 n 2, 143.

Allah, xii, xiii, xiv, xxiv, lxv, lxvi; I, 132 n 2; II, 13 n 1.

-- meaning of name, lxvi.

Allah ta‘âlah, xii, lxvi.

Allâhu akbar, II, 13 n 2.

Allât, xii, xiii, xxvii, xliii; I, 160 n 1; II, 9 n 1, 62 n 1, 252.

Alms, lxxi, lxxiii; I, 180, 181.

Amanuensis, employed by Mohammed, lvii.

Amînah, Mohammed's mother, xviii.

Amînah, one of Solomon's concubines, II, 178 n.

‘Amr, xli.

Amram, I, 50, n 1.

‘Amr ibn La’hy, xvii.

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Angel of death, II, 136.

-- fallen, xiv.

Angels, lii, lxviii, lxx; I, 161 n 1, 164, 169 II, 139, 145, 155, 168, 174, 181, 200, 205, 232, 245, 252, 300, 315, 317.

-- chapter of, II, 157.

-- 'daughters of God,' xiii, lxi; I, 256 n 2.

-- guardian, I, 233.

-- recording, 1, 195 n 1.

Ant, chapter of, II, 99.

Antichrist, lxxi; I, 94 n 2.

Antioch, II, 164 n.

Antistes, I, 17 n 1.

Apes, Sabbath-breakers turned into, I, 9.

Apostle of the Gentiles, I, 156 n 1. Apostles, the twelve, II, 282.

Arab orators, 1.

Arab writers, I, 257 n 1.

Arabia, I, 191 n 1; II, 263.

-- boundaries of, ix.

Arabian prophets, I, 159 n 1.

Arabs, I, 256 n 2; II, 13 n 1.

-- ancient, I, 27, 40 n, 48, 64 n, 79, 176 n 1.

-- -- beacon fires, I, 106 n 1.

-- -- character, x.

-- -- Christian tribes, xiv.

-- -- formula for avoiding the evil influence of ginns in lonely places, II, 305 n.

-- -- formula of deprecation of hostilities during the sacred months, II, 85.

-- -- idols, xii.

-- -- Jewish tribes, xiv, xv.

-- -- manners, ix, x.

-- -- position of women amongst, xi.

-- -- pride of birth, x.

-- -- religion, xi, xiv, xv.

-- -- superstitions, xi, xii.

-- -- tribes of, I, 145 n 1.

-- -- vices, x.

-- battles, II, 221.

-- desert, I, 216 n 1, 259 n 1; II, 36 n 3, 234, 235, 241.

-- desert, ask to be excused from fighting, I, 185, 187.

-- desert and town, ix.

-- dislike of female offspring, II, 212.

-- disregard of treaties if they are themselves of superior strength to their enemy, I, 260 n 2.

--Himyarite, II, 219 n.

Arabs, hospitality, II, 147 n.

-- hypocrisy, I, 186, 190.

-- Jewish, xxx.

-- pagan, burying female children alive, I, 132 n.

-- -- mutilate the ears of cattle, I, 89 n 1.

-- -- offerings to idols, I, 132 n.

-- -- superstitions, I, 132 n, 134 n.

-- -- superstitious customs respecting cattle, I, 112, 115 n 1.

-- practice of divination amongst, II, 2 n 2.

-- relations to their adopted children, II, 144.

-- sacred months not to be put off, I, 178 n 1.

-- superstitious, II, 7 n 1.

-- superstitious about entering houses by the doors on their return from Mecca, I, 27 n 1.

‘Arafat, lxxiv; I, 29.

Arafât, Mount, xliv.

Archangels, lxix.

‘Arish, I, 133 n 2.

Ark, I, 38; II, 164 n.

Ar Rahman, lxi; II, 13 n 1.

Ashram, Abraha, the, xviii; II, 341 n.

Athar, I, 124.

Athar Nâgat en Nebî, I, 147 n 1.

Aus, xxx, xxxiv, xxxix; I, 59 n 1; II, 217, 239, 258.

Âyatu ’l Kursîy, I, 40 n 1.

‘Âyeshah, xliv; II, 74 n 2, 75 n 1, 77 n 5, 290, 307 n, 344 n.

Âzar, I, 124.


Baal, priests of, I, 68 n 2.

Babel, tower of, I, 253.

Babylon, I, 14, 14 n 2.

Babylonia, ix.

Ba‘hîrah, I, 112, 112 n 1.

Ba‘htnazr, I, 41 n 1.

Bâi.dhâvî, lxxx; I, 33 n 1, 177 n 1; II, 328 n.

Bait allâh, xiii; I, 17 n 2.

Balaam, I, 159 n 1.

Bedawîn, modern, xiv; I, 147 n 1, 256 n 2.

Bedr, battle of, xxxvi, xxxvii; I, 47 n 1, 61, 66 n 1, 86 n 1, 165 n 1, 171 n 1; II, 20 n 1, 62 n 2, 70 n 2, 257, 274 n, 276.

Bee, similitude of, I, 4 n 3.

Bekkah, xvi; I, 58.

Benu Bakr, xvii.

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Benu Ghanm, I, 188 n 1, 189 n 1.

Benu ‘Huzâ’hah, xvii.

Benu Kenânah, xvii.

Bethel, xiii; I, 17 n 2.

Bilâl, the first Muezzin, xxiii.

Bismillah, lxviii; I, 24 n 2, 172 n.

Byzantium, ix, xl.


Cain, I, 161 n 1.

Calf, golden, I, 6, 7, 12, 13, 155.

Camels, II, 321.

Captives, ransom of, I, 171.

Cannel, Mount, I, 68 n 2.

Cave, fellows of the, II, 14.

Chaldea, xi.

Christianity, x, xiv, xv, li, lii, lix, lxi.

Christians, I, 8, 15, 19, 54, 99, 105, 107, 109; II, 16 n 1, 58.

-- accused of perverting the Scriptures, I, 250 n 3.

Christian traditions, xlvii.

Confederates, the, siege of Medînah by, xxxix; II, 138, 138 n 1, 140 n, 142 n.

Constantinople, II, 125 n.

Creator, the, I, 128.


(ed) Daggâl, lxxi.

Dan, xii n 1; I, 13 n 2.

Dâr al Qarâr (Chapter xl, 42), the Abode of Rest, lxx.

Dâr as Salâm (Chapter vi, 127), the Abode of Peace, lxx.

David, I, 9 n 1, 39, 52, 52 n, 94, 108, 125; II, 7, 100.

-- taught to make coats of mail, II, 151.

-- the parable of the ewe lamb, II, 177, 178.

Death, angel of, II, 136.

Deluge, Mohammedan account of the, I, 209 n 1.

Demons, lii.

Denarius, I, 55 n 2.

Deputations, year of, xliii.

Dervishes, I, 53 n 4.

Deuteronomy xxi. 1-9, I, 9 n 2.

Devil, the, I, 162.

-- tempts man, II, 276.

Devils, II, 168 n, 179 n.

-- appointed to watch unbelievers, II, 201.

-- are not allowed to listen at the gate of heaven, II, 98, 99, 250 n.

-- do not descend with the Qur’ân, II, 98.

Devils, on whom they do descend, II, 98.

-- pelted with shooting-stars, I, 51 n; II, 293, 305, 330 n.

DHu ’l ‘Heggeh, xxxix; II, 59 n 1.

DHu ’l Kifl, II, 53, 180.

DHu ’l Qa’hdah, xxxix, xl; I, 27 n 4.

DHu ’l Qarnâin, II, 24, 24 n 1, 25.

DHu ’n Navvâs, II, 327 n.

DHu ’nnûn, II, 53.

Dinâr = denarius.

Diodorus, xvi.

Dioscuri, liv.

Discrimination, the, I, 7, 26, 46, 55, 55 n 2, 166, 168; II, 50, 83.

Divorce, II, 138, 146, 270 n, 288, 289.

-- chapter of, II, 288.

Dog-star, II, 254.

Dolmens, I, 97 n 2.

Dualism, lii; I, 115 n 2.

Duwâr, xiii.


Eden, gardens of, I, 183, 235, 253; II, 160, 180, 191, 282, 338. Edom, II, 147 n.

Egypt, ix, xl; I, 8, 202, 220 n 1, 22r, 227 n 1, 230.

Egyptian, II, 91.

Eidolon of Jesus crucified instead of him, I, 53 n 3.

Elath, I, 9 n 1.

Elephant, chapter of, I, 214 n 3; II, 341.

-- year of, xviii; II, 341.

Elias, I, 41 n 1, 125, 147 n 1; II, 23 n 3, 53 n 1.

Elijah, 1, 68 n 2.

Elisha, I, 125; II, 180.

Elyâs, II, 172.

Enoch, xi; II, 31 n.

Enquirer, the, xv.

Ephesus, Seven Sleepers of, II, 14 n 1.

Esdras, I, 41 n 1.

Eusebius, I; 124.

Eutychians, li.

Eve, I, 161 n 1.

Exodus, II, 36 n 1.

-- ch. x. ver. 9, p. lxxv.

-- ch. xiv. ver. 30, I, 203 n 2.

-- ch. xxxii. ver. 20, I, 13 n 1.

-- ch. xxxii. vers. 24, 26, 27, I, 7 n 1.

-- 'Desert of the,' I, 147 n 1; II, 36 n 1.

Ezekiel, vision of, I, 37 n 2.

-- ch. xxxvii. vers. 1-10, I, 37 n 2.

Ezra, Mohammedan legend of, I, 177, 177 n.

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Farewell pilgrimage, xliv.

(al) Farqân, lvii.

Fasting, lxxi, lxxiii.

timah, II, 143 n 1.

Fatrah, the, xxii; II, 308.

Female children buried alive, I, 132 n 2; II, 212, 322.

Firdâus, II, 26 n 1.

Firdausî, II, 131 n 3.

Fire, how produced, II, 167, 265 n.

Flight, the, I, 176 n 1.

Friday, the day of public prayer, lxxii; II, 283.

(al) Furqân, II, 83 n 1.

Future life, belief in, xiv.


Gabriel, xxxvi, lxv, lxix; I, 2 n 2, 13, 13 n 2, 99, 179 n, 203 n 1, 221 n 2, 261 n 2; II, 10 n 2, 28 n 1, 41 n 1, 62 n 1, 98, 164 n, 174 n; 291, 308, 311, 322, 335.

-- appears to Mohammed in natural form, II, 251 n.

Gahîm (Chapter ii, 113), the Fierce Fire, lxx.

Gâlût = Goliath, I, 39.

Gannat al Firdaus (Chapter xviii, 107), the Garden of Paradise, lxx.

Gannat al ’Hilliyûn (Chapter lxxxiii, 18), the Garden of the Most High, lxx.

Gannat al ‘Huld (Chapter xxv, 16), the Garden of Eternity, lxx.

Gannat al Mâ’wâ (Chapter xxxii, 19), the Garden of Resort, lxx.

Gannat an Na’hîm (Chapter vi, 70), the Garden of Pleasure, lxx.

Gannat ’Hadn (Chapter ix, 72), the Garden of Eden, lxx.

Gehennum (Chapter xix, 44), Gehenna, lxx.

Genesis ch. i. ver. 2, I, 205.

-- ch. vi. ver. 2, I, 14 n 2.

-- ch. ix. vers. 20-25, I, 209 n 2.

-- ch. xi. ver. 13, I, 147 n 1.

-- ch. xv. ver. 9, I, 41 n 2.

-- ch. xxviii. vers. 18-19, p. xiii.

Gentiles, I, 48, 56; II, 282.

-- prophet of, xlvii.

George, St., II, 23 n 3.

Gerâdeh, one of Solomon's wives, II, 178 112.

Ghassan, xiv.

(al) Ghazzâli, lxx.

Gibt, ancient Arab idol, I, 79.

Gideon, I, 38 n 4.

Gihâd, I, 32 n 2; II, 7 n 1.

Ginns, xii; I, 127, 131, 142, 160, 160 n 3; II, 7 n 1, 69, 156, 259 n, 260, 305 n, 306, 345.

-- listen to Mohammed's preaching, lxx; II, 304.

-- serve Solomon, II, 102, 151.

--their creation, lxix.

Giordi. See Gûdî.

Gnat, similitude of, I, 4.

God, names of, lxvii; II, 277.

Goddesses of the Qurâis, II, 186 n, 252.

Gog, lxxi; II, 25 n 1, n 2, n 3.

Goliath, I, 39 n 1; II, 1 n 4.

Gomorrah, I, 183 n 1; II, 255, 298.

Gordyæi. See Giordi.

Gospels, I, 254 n 1; II, 86 n 1.

Goyim, I, 48 n 1.

Greeks, II, 42 n 1, 235 n.

-- chapter of, II, 124.

-- prophecy of the victory of, II, 125, 125 n.

Grove, the, I, 249; II, 67, 242.

Gûdî, Mount, where the ark rested, I, 210, 210 n 2.

Gulf of Oman, ix.

Gulf, Persian, ix.


Habbâb, II, 33 n 1.

’Hab’hab, xiii.

Habîb, II, 164 n.

‘Hadab, II, 54 n 2.

‘Hadhramaut, II, 86 n 3.

Hadîgah, xix, xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxiv, xxix, xlix, lxxvi.

Hadîth, lxvi.

‘Hafsah, II, 290 n.

‘Hagg, xvii, liii, lxxvi; I, 29 n 1 and 2.

-- meaning of word, lxxv.

-- pilgrims, I, 50 n 2.

-- rites of, xiii, lxxiii, lxxiv, lxxv.

(al) ‘Hagr, I, 244, 249.

-- chapter of, I, 244.

-- meaning of name, I, 244 n.

‘Hâlid ibn Walîd, xxxviii, xli, xlii; II, 239.

Hâmân, Pharaoh's vizier, II, 108, 108 n 1, 112, 121 n.

‘Hâmî, I, 112, 112 n 1.

‘Hamr, includes all intoxicating drinks, I, 32 n 3.

‘Hamzah, Mohammed's uncle, xxxviii; I, 264 n 1; II, 192, 193, 194.

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‘Hanif, xv, xxiv, lii; I, 19, 54, 90, 124, 133 n 1, 137, 204, 263; II, 59, 338.

Harîrî, Maqâmat of, lvi; II, 16 n 3.

’Harûbah, II, 283 n.

Hârût, xiv; I, 14.

‘Hasan, II, 74 n 2.

Hâshim, xvi, xviii, lx.

’Hâsî ibn Wâil, II, 33 n 1.

‘Hâtib ibn abi Balta’hah, warns the Meccans of an intended attack by Mohammed, II, 277 n 2

‘Havârîyûn, I, 53 n 1.

Hâwiyeh (Chapter cl, 8), the Abyss, lxx.

Hazrag, tribe of, xxx, xxxi, xxxiv; I, 59 n 1; II, 239 n.

Heaven, names of, lxx:

  Dâr al Qarâr (Chapter xl, 42), the Abode of Rest, lxx.

  Dâr as Salâm (Chapter vi, 127), the Abode of Peace, lxx.

  Gannat al 'Fluid (Chapter xxv, 16), the Garden of Eternity, lxx.

  Gannat al ’Hilliyûn (Chapter lxxxiii, 18), the Garden of the Most High, lxx.

  Gannat al Firdaus (Chapter xviii, 107), the Garden of Paradise, lxx.

  Gannat al Mâ’wâ (Chapter xxxii, 19), the Garden of Resort, lxx.

  Gannat an Na’hîm (Chapter vi, 70), the Garden of Pleasure, lxx.

  Gannat ’Hadn (Chapter ix, 72), the Garden of Eden, lxx.

Heifer, chapter of, xlii; I, 2.

Hell, I, 70, 80, 165, 182, 183, 184, 186; II, 293, 301, 309, 317, 322, 329, 337, 340.

Hell, names of, lxx:

  Hâwiyeh (Chapter cl, 8), the Abyss, lxx.

  Hutamah (Chapter civ, 4), the Raging Fire that splits everything to pieces, lxx.

  Gahîm (Chapter ii, 113), the Fierce Fire, lxx.

  Gehennum (Chapter xix, 44), Gehenna, lxx.

  Lathâ (Chapter lxx, 15), the Flaming Fire, lxx.

  Sa’hîr (Chapter iv, II), the Blaze, lxx.

  Saqar (Chapter liv, 58), the Scorching Fire, lxx.

’Hîd al Az‘hâ, lxxiv.

(al) ‘Hi.dhr, I, 41; II, 23 n 3.

Higâz, ix.

Higrah, the, xxxiv; I, 16 n 1, 20 n 2, 32 n 1.

Hind, xxxvii.

Hirâ, Mount, xxii.

Hittatun, I, 7, 7 n 4; II, 157.

Holy Ghost, I, 113.

Holy Name, the, II, 178 n.

Homer, liv.

Homicide, I, 135.

Homoiousians, li.

Honein, xlii, xliii; I, 176 n 1.

Hour, the, I, 16, 249, 258; II, 16, 33, 56, 57, 62, 84, 126, 130, 135, 148, 150, 195, 204, 215, 231, 254, 257, 319.

House, the, I, 17, 18, 58, 111, 163, 243; II, 59, 60, 143.

Hubal, xii.

Hûd, I, 145, 145 n 2, 210, 211, 215; II, 95, 227.

Hudâibîyeh, I, 97 n 1; II, 236, 237 n.

-- expedition of, II, 234 n, 235 n.

--house of, xl, xli; II, 237 n.

-- oath of fealty at, xliii.

Husein, II, 74 n 2.

‘Hutamah, II, 341.

‘Hutamah (Chapter civ, 4), the Raging Fire that splits everything to pieces, lxx.

‘Hutbah, lxxii.

’Huzair ibn Sara‘hyâ, I, 41 n 1.

(al) ’Huzzâ, xii, xiii, xxvii; II, 62 n 1, 252.

Hypocrites, xxxiv, xxxvii, lxiii; I, 169, 182, 183, 184; II, 140, 142, 145, 148, 149, 234, 265, 284.

Iblîs, lxix; I, 5, 50 n 2, 138, 246; II, 8, 20, 44, 94, 181.

Ibn Abbâs, II, 230.

Idols of the Arabs, xii, xiii, xv; I, 4 n 1; II, 185 n, 186 n.

Idrîs, II, 31, 53.

Idumæa, I, 146 n 1.

Ifrît, lxx.

Igmâ’h, lxvi.

I‘hfâ’un, meaning of word, II, 35 n 2.

(el) I‘hlâs, chapter of, II, 344 n.

I‘hrâm, II, 59 n 2.

Iliad, liv.

‘Illiyûn, II, 324.

Imam, I, 17 n 1.

Imâmam, meaning of word, I, 26 3 n 2.

Immunity, chapter of, I, 172.

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Imrân, I, 50.

Iram, terrestrial paradise of, II, 330.

Iron, chapter of, I, 266.

Isaac, lxxiv; I, 18, 19, 50 n 2, 57, 125, 213, 219, 223; II, 30, 51, 80.

Isâf, xiii.

Isaiah, murder of, II, 1 n 4.

Isfendiâr, II, 131 n.

Ishmael, xiii, xvii, lxxiv; I, 17, 19, 57, 94, 125; II, 31, 53, 172, 180.

Islâm, li; I, 15 n 1, 19 n 1, 30 n 1, 55 n 1, 57, 59 n 1, 60 n 1, 74 n 1, 97, 131, 147 n 1, 175n 1, 181 n 1, 183, 188 n 1; II, 184, 206.

--conquests of, I, 237 n 2.

-- meaning of word, li, lxv.

-- position of women under, lxxv.

-- practical duties of, lxxi.

Israel, I, 17, 30, 37, 58, 100; II, 31.

-- children of, I, 6, 37 n 2, 107, 108, 113, 153, 202, 203 n 2; II, 1, 1 n 1, 12, 37, 38 n 3, 91, 106, 137, 195, 215, 219, 282.

Isrâfîl shall sound the last trumpet, II, 255.


Jacob, I, 18, 19, 57, 94, 125, 213, 219, 223, 226 n 2, 227; II, 27, 30, 51, 180.

Jacobites, li.

Jebel Musa, I, 147 n 1.

(al) Jelâlâin, commentary of, lxv.

Jeremiah, imprisonment of, II, 1 n 4.

Jericho, I, 7 n 2.

Jerusalem, I, 7 n 2, 20 n 2, 41 n 1; II, 244 n.

-- taken by Persians, liii; II, 125 n.

--temple at, II, 1 n 4.

Jesus, xxvi, li; I, 12, 19, 39, 53, 53 n 3, 57, 94, 95, 104i 108, 113, 114, 125; II, 29, 139, 164 n, 206, 216 n, 269, 282.

-- an eidolon crucified instead of, I, 53 n 3.

-- Rû‘ha ’llâh, the Spirit of God, lxxi.

Jethro, I, 149 n 1, 249 n 3.

Jews, xiv, xlvii, l, lix; I, 8, 10 n 1 and 2, 15, 19, 20 n 2, 48 n 1, 54, 55 n 1, 103, 105, 106, 107, 134, 263; II, 42 n 1, 58, 272 n, 275, 282.

-- accused of perverting the Scriptures, I, 125 n, 250 n 3.

-- of Qurâithah, II, 142.

-- of YaTHrib, xxxi.

-- sins of the, II, 1 n 4.

Jewish tradition, xlvii.

Job, I, 94, 125; II, 52, 179, 179 n.

John, I, 51, 125; II, 28.

St. John ch. xvi. ver. 7, quoted II, 281 n.

-- ch. xx. ver. 16, quoted I, 56 n.

John the Baptist, murder of, II, 1 n 4.

Jonas, I, 94, 125, 173, 202; II, 53, 295, 297.

Jordan, I, 52 n 1.

Jorhamites, xvii.

Joseph, xxi; I, 219, 220, 220 n 1, 221, 222, 224, 224 n, 225, 227, 227 n 1, 228, 229; II, 13 n 2, 77 n 5, 193.

Joshua, II, 53 n 1.

Judaism, xiv, xv, xxxv, li.

Judges vi, I, 38 n 4.

Judgment day, II, 106, 107, 255, 262, 297, 298, 311, 314, 315, 318, 319, 321, 323, 325, 329, 338, 339.

-- signs preceding, lxxi.


Kaabah, xiii, xvi, xvii, xviii, xxvi, xxviii, xxxix, xli, xlii, liii, lxxiv, lxxv; I, 16 n 1, 17 n 1, 2, and 3, 20 n 2, 111, 165 n 2, 243 n 1; II, 1 n 2, 69 n 2, 248 n.

-- model of the, in heaven, xvi; II, 248 n.

Kâfûr, II, 312.

Kalîmu ’llâh, I, 39 n 2.

KauTHar, II, 342.

Khâibar, Jews of, II, 235 n, 236 n, 237 n.

Khâulah bint THa‘labah, II, 270 n.

Khorassan, veiled prophet of, xlv.

Khosrou, xl.

Kifl, II, 53 n 1.

Kindeh, xiv.

Korah, II, 116, 116 n, 121.


Lailat el Qadr, lxxiii.

Land, the Holy, I, 100.

Lathâ (Chapter lxx, 15), the Flaming Fire, lxx.

(al) Lau‘h el Ma‘hfûth, lxxv.

Loqmân, II, 131, 132.

Lord's Prayer, liv.

Lot, xxv; I, 61, 125, 148, 213, 214, 215, 248; II, 20 n 1, 27 n 1, 52, 97, 104, 120, 173, 176, 242.

-- wife of, II, 292.

Lote tree, the celestial, II, 252.

--trees, II, 152, 152 n.

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Magicians, I, 151.

Magog, lxxi; II, 25 n 1, n 2, n 3.

gûg, II, 25, 54.

(al) Mâisar, games of chance, I, 32, 32 n 4, 52 n 1, 97 n 2, 110.

Mâlik, the keeper of hell, lxix; II, 217.

Manât, xii, xiii, xxvii; II, 62 n 1, 252.

Manichæans, lii.

Manna, I, 7.

Maqâm Ibrâhîm, lxxiv.

Maqauqas, xl.

Mârab, bursting of the dyke of, II, 151, 153 n.

Marriage among the Arabs, xi.

-- with whom lawful, II, 146.

-- with women who have come out from the infidel ranks, II, 279, 280.

Mârût, xiv; I, 14.

Marwâ, Mount, xiii.

Mary, Coptic slave, xl; II, 290.

Mary, daughter of Imran, II, 292.

Mary, son of, li; I, 12, 39, 51, 52, 93, 95, 100, 104, 108, 113, 114, 177; II, 28, 29, 68, 215, 269, 282.

Mary, Virgin, I, 50 n 1; II, 292.

Mecca, ix, xiii, xvi, xxiv, xxvi, xxx, xxxi, xxxiii; xxxv, xxxvii, xli, xliii, xliv, xlv, xlviii, xlix, liii, lix, lxiii, lxxiii, lxxiv; I, 16, 17 n 20 n 2, 22 n 2, 27 n 1, 30 n 1, 58 n 1, 82 n 1, 97 n 1, 126 n 1, 164 n 1, 165 n 2, 176 n 1, 187 n 1,188 n 1, 192 n 1, 214 n 3, 242 III, 260 n 1, 264 n 1; II, 9 n 1, 44 n 1, 70 n 1, 87, 123, 168 n, 213, 236, 275, 332 n, 336 n, 341.

-- invasion of, by the Abyssinians, xviii.

Medayen, II, 125.

Medînah, ix, xviii, xxxi, xxxiv, xxxvii, xxxix, xli, xliv, xlviii, lix, lxxv; I, 20 n 2, 30 n 1, 32 n 1, 163, 183 n 2, 187, 187 n 1, 188 n 1; II, 123 n 1, 140, 239, 284, 285, 287, 320.

-- Jews of, xxxv.

Mehdi, coming of, lxxi.

Merciful, II, 317.

Merwah, Mount, near Mecca, I, 22.

Messiah, xxx, li; I, 52, 93, 95, 100, 108, 177.

Michael, xiii; I, 13 n 2.

Midian, I, 14.8, 183, 214, 216, 249 n 4; II, 37, 61, 86 n 3, 109, 110, 121.

Minâ, lxxiv; I, 50 n 1; II, 236 n.

-- vale of, II, 59 n 1 and 3.

Miracle, alleged at Bedr, I, 165 n 1.

Miriam, 1, 50 n 1.

Mista'h, a relation of Abu Bekr, who had assisted in spreading the scandal about ‘Âyeshah, II, 75 n 1.

Moab, II, 147 n.

Mohammed, lxv; I, 13 n 2, 15 n 1, 32 n 1, 50 n 1, 97 n 1, 126 n 2, 165 n 2, 175 n 1, 183 112, 188 n 1, 197 n 1; II, 229, 236 n, 238.

-- accused of unfair division of the spoils, II, 149.

-- adopts Mecca as his qiblah, I, 20 n 2.

-- amour of, with the Coptic handmaiden Mary, II, 233, 290.

-- ancestors, xvi, xvii.

-- attempts the pilgrimage to Mecca, xxxix; II, 236.

-- bidden not to hasten the revelation of the Qur’ân, II, 311.

-- bidden to pray by night, II, 308.

-- birth, xviii.

-- 'black drop' taken out of his heart, II, 335 n.

-- chapter of, II, 229.

-- character of, xlvi.

-- children of, xix.

-- compromise with the idolatrous Meccans, II, 62 n 1.

-- concludes truce at ‘Hudâibîyeh, II, 237 n.

-- conspiracy to murder him, xxxiii.

-- death of, xliv.

-- death of his wife ‘Hadîgah, xxix.

-- defeated at Ohod, xxxvii, xxxviii.

-- destroys the idols, xiii.

-- early life of, xix.

-- expedition of, against the Jews of Khâibar, I, 16 n 1.

-- first call of, xx.

-- first collision of, with the Meccan army, xxxv; I, 164 n 1.

-- first converts of, xxiii.

-- flight of, to Medînah, xxxiii; I, 187 n 1.

-- hysterical symptoms of, xxi.

-- inspired through Gabriel, I, 2 n 2.

-- invited to Medînah, xxxi.

-- marriage of, with the divorced wife of Zâid, II, 139 n.

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Mohammed marries ‘Hadîgah, xix.

-- mental struggles, xxii.

-- 'night journey' of, to heaven, II, 137 n 2.

-- oath of fealty sworn by him at ‘Akabah, I, 98 n 1.

-- pedigree, xviii.

-- personal description of, xix.

-- persons supposed to have helped him in compiling the Qur’ân, I, 261, 261 n 4.

-- prophecies concerning him, xlix; I, 21 n 1, 99 n 2; II, 281 n 1.

-- proscribed by the Qurâis, xxvii, xxviii.

-- put out to nurse, xviii.

-- receives a check at ‘Honein, I, 176 n 1.

-- removal of the ban, xxviii.

-- reproved for neglecting a poor convert, II, 320.

-- repulses a poor blind man, II, 320.

-- 'seal of the prophets,' lxxi.

-- second revelation, xxii.

-- secret of his success, xlv.

-- sent to both men and ginns, xix.

-- takes Mecca, xlii.

-- takes refuge with Abu Bekr in a cave, xxxiii, xxxiv; I, 178 n.

-- takes revenge on the Jews, xxxvii.

-- tomb of, at Medînah, lxxv.

-- victorious at the battle of Bedr, xxxvi.

-- vindicated from the charge of being a mere poet, II, 167.

-- vision of the congregation of the ginns listening to the recitation of the Qur’ân, xxx.

-- vision of the 'night journey,' xxxi, xxxii.

-- visits Tâ’if, xxv.

-- wives of, II, 142 n 5, 147.

-- wounded at the battle of Ohod, xxxviii; I, 61 n 1.

Mohammed, Rusûl allâh, the Apostle of God, lxxi.

Mohammedan commentators, I, 121 n 1.

Monophysites, li.

Monotheism, xv, xlix.

Monothelites, li.

Month, sacred, I, 27.

Moon, chapter of, II, 254.

-- alleged miracle of its being cleft asunder, II, 255 n.

Mosaic law, I, 9 n 2.

Moses, I, 6, 7, 8, 12, 15, 19, 37, 38, 39 n 2, 57, 93, 94, 500, 125, 136, 147 n 1, 151, 152, 154, 155, 156, 157, 201, 202, 206, 216, 217, 238, 239; II, 1, 12, 21, 22, 23, 30, 35, 36, 36 n 1, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 50, 61, 68, 86, 90, 92, 93, 100, 107, 108, 109, 112, 113, 121, 137, 139, 149 n, 172, 193, 194, 195, 203, 206, 214, 225, 228, 240 n, 247, 253, 281, 318, 329.

-- mother of, II, 108.

Mosque, I, 16, 176; II, 306.

-- Meaning of word, lxxii.

-- 'Remote,' II, 1.

-- 'Sacred,' xxxi, lxxiv; I, 20, 21, 27, 28, 31, 97, 167, 173, 175; II, 1, 58, 237.

Mother of cities, II, 205.

Mother of the Book, the, see Umm al Kitâb, I, 211, 237.

Mu’e.dh.dhin, lxxii.

(al) Mughâirah, lxv.

Muhagerîn, xxxiv; I, 172 n, 187 n 1; 139, 275.

Mu’harram, I, 96.

(al) Muk:anna‘, xlv.

Munâfiqîn, xxxiv, lxiii.

Munkir, lxix; II, 232 n.

Muqâm Ibrahîm, I, 17 n 3.

Mûsâ allâh, II, 18.

Musâilimah, a false prophet, xlv; II, 235 n.

Muslims, I, 14 n 1, 18 n 1, 24 n 2, 32 n 1, 110 n 3, 127, 152 n 1, 164 n 2, 176 n 1; II, 65.

-- their flight to Abyssinia, xxvi.

-- they prepare for flight to Medînah, xxxiii.

Mata, xli.

Mutanebbi, xlv.

(al) Muttalib, xviii.

Muz’hab, xxxii.


(an) Na.dhîr, Jews of, II, 274 n, 276 n.

(an) Na.dhîr ibn el Hareth, II, 300.

-- prefers the Persian legends to the Qur’ân, II, 131 n.

Naggâsî, xxvi, xl.

Nagrân, xiv.

-- persecution of Christians at, II, 326 n.

Na‘ha‘h tribe, patois, I, 236 n 2.

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Names, the excellent, lxvii.

Nasr, xii; II, 303.

Nâufel, xviii.

Nebi Sâleh, I, 147 n 1.

(an) Nebîy el’ ummîy, xlvii.

Nebuchadnezzar, I, 41 n 1; II, 1 n 4.

Nebuk, II, 152 n.

Negd, ix.

Nehemiah ii. 13, I, 41 n 1.

Night journey, xxi; II, 1 n 1, 251 n.

Nights, Arabian, I, 128 n 1.

Nimrod, I, 40 n 3.

Noah, xxv; I, 50, 94, 125, 144, 145, 183, 200, 201 n 2, 207, 208, 209, 210, 215, 239; II, 1, 3, 20 n 1, 31, 51, 61, 66, 86, 94, 119, 139, 164 n, 171, 176, 190, 193, 242, 247, 255, 269, 302.

-- chapter of, II, 302, 303, 304.

-- wife of, II, 292.

Noah, Nabîy allâh, the Prophet of God, lxxi.

Noah's son, I, 209 n 2.

Nöldeke, lvi, lx.

Numberers, the, II, 72.

Nûn, meaning of word, II, 295 n 1.


‘Obed Adâma, I, 161 n 1.

Offspring, female, buried alive, I, 132 n 3, 256 n 2.

Ohod, battle of, xxxvii, xli; I, 61 n 1, 66 n 1, 264 n 1.

’Omâiyyat ibn Abi Zalt, I, 159 n 1.

‘Omar ibn el ’Hattâb, xxiv, xlvi, lvii.

’Ommaîyat ibn ‘Half, II, 17 n 1.

Ommaiyeh, family of, xviii.

Orators, Arab, I.

Osamer, xliv.

Othman, Caliph, xxiii, lix; I, 172 n 3.


Parables, liv.

Paradise, xlii, lxx; I, 15, 31, 62, 63, 69, 89, 139, 140, 142, 143, 155, 207, 237, 253; II, 31, 65, 85, 123, 164, 166, 169, 205, 207, 216, 225, 226, 229, 230, 242, 243, 267, 277, 292, 299, 312, 316, 317, 322, 325 n, 329, 331, 342 n.

παράκλητος, xlix; II, 281 n.

Paul, St., liv.

Pen, chapter of, II, 295.

Pentateuch, li; I, 254 n 1; II, 86 n 1, 113 n.

περικλυτός, xlix; II, 281 n.

Persia, ix, xl, liii; II, 125 n, 235 n.

Persian Gulf, ix.

Persian invasion, II, I n 4.

Petra, I, 244 n 1.

Pharaoh, xxv; 1, 6, 47, 151, 152, 153, 154, 169, 170, 201, 202, 216, 226 n 2; II, 36, 37, 38, 39 n 1, 40, 68, 90, 91, 92, 92 n 1, 93, 100, 107, 108, 110, 112, 121, 176, 192, 193, 194, 195, 214, 215, 218, 219, 242, 247, 247 n, 257, 298, 307, 318, 327, 331.

-- Mohammedan legend of, I, 203 n 2.

-- surnamed 'of the stakes,' II, 176.

-- wife of, II, 108, 292.

Phineas ibn Azûra, I, 68 n 1.

Pilgrimage, lxxi; I, 28, 173; II, 59. See ‘Hagg.

-- ceremonies of, liii.

-- farewell, xliv.

Pit, fellows of, II, 326.

Poets, II, 98.

Power, night of, II, 337.

Prayer, lxxi.

-- call to, lxxii.

-- enjoined at night, II, 308.

-- incumbent and supererogatory, lxxii.

-- times of, lxxii.

Prophet, 'The Righteous,' I, 147 n 1.

Psalm xxxvii. 29, p. xlviii; II, 55 n 2.

-- cxlviii, II, 52.

Psalms, the, I, 7, 94; II, 55.

Ptolemy, works of, 1, 145 n 2.


Qadr, meaning of word, II, 337 n.

Qâf, Mount, lxx.

Qâinuqâh, Jews of, xxxvii; I, 68 n 1: II, 276 n.

Qarûn, II, 192. See Korah.

(al) Qâsim, Mohammed's son, II, 343 n.

Qiblah, liii; 1, 20, 202.

Qintâr = talent, I, 55 n 2.

Qiyâs, lxvi.

Quails, I, 7.

Qubâ’, Mosque of, 1, 188 n.

Qurâi.dhah, Jews of, xxxviii; II, 274 n.

-- fall of the, xxxix.

Qurâis, xvi, xxvi, xxviii, xxxiii, xlix, liii, lix, lxi; I, 97 n, 165 n 1, 254 n; II, 17 n 1, 62 n 1, 69 n 2, 236, 254, 320 n, 342.

-- compromise with, xxvii.

-- idiom of, lxxvi; II, 75 n 2.

-- territory of, I, 249 n 2.

p. 356

Qur’ân, I, 147 n 1; II, 307, 308.

-- abrupt changes of persons in, I, 195 n 2.

-- Arabic, I, 219.

chronological arrangement of, lix, lxiv.

-- division into Mecca and Medînah, l.

-- divisions of sûrahs, lx, lxv.

-- English translations of, lxxix.

-- language of, lxxvi.

-- meaning of name, lvii.

-- names of, lxv.

-- on what written, lvii.

-- persons supposed to have assisted in the composition of, xlviii.

--recensions of, lix.

-- revelation of, not to be hurried, II, 311.

-- style of, liv, lv, lxxvii.

-- various dialects incorporated in, lix.

-- verses of, annulled, lvii.

Quzai, xvii.


Rabbânîyîn, I, 56 n 1.

Rabbi, I, 177 n 2.

Rabbinic legends, li.

Rabbis, Jewish, I, 68 n 1, 159 n 1.

Rabboni, I, 56 n 1.

Rama.dhân, lxxiii; I, 26, 26 n 2, 27 n 3.

(ar-) Raqîm, II, 14, 14 n 1.

(ar) Rass, II, 86, 86 n 3, 242.

Razwân, keeper of Paradise, lxix.

Red Sea, ix, xxxv.

Reminder, the, I, 53, 245, 254, 255; II, 26, 84, 86.

Remote Mosque, the, xxxiii.

Repetition, the seven of, I, 249, 249 n 6.

Resignation. See Islam.

Retaliation, law of, I, 25.

Rodwell, I, 240 n 1.

Romans, ancient, II, 2 n 2.

Rosary, lxviii.

(ar-) Rû‘h al Amîn, lxix.

(ar-) Rû‘h al Qudus, lxix.

Rukaiyah, xxiii.

Rûm. See Greeks.

Rustam, II, 131 n.


Sa‘ad ibn Waqqâz, xxiii.

Sabæans, I, 8, 107; II, 58.

Sabbath, I, 263.

-- breakers punished, I, 9 n 1, 79.

--Israelites commanded to observe the, I, 93.

Sabbath, legend of breakers of, I, 158.

Sabeanism, xi.

Sab‘h al Mathânî, I, 249 n.

Sacred Mosque, xxxiii.

Sacrifices, lxxiv.

-- human, I, 132 n 2.

Sadaqah, lxxiii.

Sa’hîr (Chapter iv, 11), the Blaze, lxx.

Sahm, tribe of, II, 340 n.

Sâïbah, I, 112, 112 n 1.

Sakhar, a ginn, assumes Solomon's likeness, II, 178 n.

Sale, I, 240 n 1.

Sâleh, prophet, I, 147 n 1.

Salmân al Fârsî, xlviii.

Samaritans, the, II, 40 n 1.

(as) Sâmarîy, II, 40, 41.

Samuel, I, 37 n 3.

1 Samuel iv, v, vi, I, 38 n 3.

Sanaa, II, 341 n.

Saqar (Chapter liv, 58), the Scorching Fire, lxx.

Saracen inhabitants of Sinai, I, 147 n 1.

Satan, I, 23, 30, 50, 65, 67, 78, 81, 82, 83, 110, 120, 134, 139, 140, 159, 161 n 1, 164, 169, 223, 223 n 2, 230, 241, 256, 261; II, 6, 8, 21, 30, 75, 86.

Saul, I, 38 n 1 and 4.

Sawâliheh, I, 147 n 1.

Scriptures, I, 16.

Sebâ, II, 101.

-- chapter of, II, 150, 152, 153 n.

Seil al Arim, xlviii.

Sennacherib, II, 1 n 4.

Seth, xi.

Shâh-nâmeh, II, 131 n.

Shâibân Wâil, I.

Shaqq as Sadr, the, II, 335 n.

Sheba, queen of, II, 101, 102, 103, 103 n.

Shechina, I, 38, 38 n 2, 176, 179; II, 233, 237.

Sheddâd ibn Ad, constructs a terrestrial Paradise, II, 330.

Shiahs, II, 143.

Sho’hâib, I, 149, 150, 214, 215, 249 n 3; II, 97, 121.

Sigdah, lxxii, lxxii n.

Siggîn, II, 324.

(as-) Sigill, II, 55, 55 n 1.

Simon Peter, II, 164 n.

Sinai, inhabitants of, I, 147 n 1.

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Sinai, Mount, I, 57 n 1; II, 66, 336.

--Peninsula of, I, 147 n 1.

Sinaitic Peninsula, II, 152 n 1.

(as) Sirât, lxix.

Sirius, II, 254.

Slaves, II, 127.

Sleepers, Seven, II, 14 n 1, 16 n 2.

Smoke, chapter of, II, 218.

Sodom, I, 183 n 1, 249 n 4, 254; II, 298.

Solomon, I, 14, 14 n 1, 94, 125; II, 52, 52 n 1 and 3, 101, 102, 151.

-- a devil assumes his likeness as a punishment for his allowing idolatry in his house, II, 178 n.

-- ring of, II, 178 n.

-- served by ginns, lxx.

-- slays his horses, II, 178.

-- taught the language of birds, II, 100.

Soul, condition of, after death, lxxi.

Spider, legend of, xxxiii.

-- chapter of, II, 117.

-- similitude of, I, 4 n 3; II, 121.

Spirit, li; II, 317.

-- the Faithful, lxix; II, 98.

-- of God, II, 53.

-- Holy, lxix; I, 12, 39.

Spoils, II, 141 n, 145, 148, 274, 275.

--chapter of, I, 163.

-- distribution of, I, 163.

Statues, I, 110.

Stesichorus, liv.

Strabo, I, 244 n 1.

Suhail ibn ‘Amr concludes truce with Mohammed at ‘Hudâibîyeh, II, 237 n.

Sunnah, lxvi.

Sunnîs, I, 110n 3.

Sûrah, I, 182, 197, 206, 231.

-- meaning of word, lvi.

Suwâ’h, xii; II, 303.

Syria, ix, xli, xliv; I, 164 n 1, 249 n 2; II, 125 n, 153 n.


Tabûk, xliii; I, 184 n 1, 190 n 1.

Tâghût, ancient Arabs, idols, and demons, I, 40, 79, 81, 82, 196, 254; II, 184.

Tâ’if, xii, xlii, xliii, lxx; II, 213, 304 n.

Tal‘ha, xxiii, lxv.

Tal‘h trees, II, 263.

Talmud, liv; I, 5 n 1, 57 n 1, 116 n, 121 n 1, 155 n; II, 52 n 2, 178 n.

Tâlût (Saul), I, 38.

Tamannah, meaning of word, II, 62 n 1.

Tannûr, meaning of word, I, 209 n 1.

Târah, I, 124 n.

Tarwî‘h, lxxiv.

Tasnîm, II, 325.

Tawâf, ceremony of, lxxv.

Terah, I, 124 n.

Thabîr, Mount, xxii.

Thamûd, xlviii; I, 86, 146, 147 n 1, 183, 211, 212, 216, 239, 244 n 1, 249 n 5; 11, 7, 61, 103, 121, 176, 242, 247, 254, 256, 298, 327, 331, 333.

(eTH) THaqalân, lxx; II, 9 n 1.

THaqîf, tribe of, xii, xlii.

THaur, Mount, xxxiii.

Tomb, examination of, lxix.

Tribes, the, I, 19, 57.

Trinity, the, xiv, lii.

Tubbâ’h, kings of the Himyarite Arabs so called, II, 219, 242.

Tuvâ, the holy valley, I, 35; II, 318.


Umm al Kitâb, xlviii; 1,2 n 2; II, 163.

Ummatun, II, 53 n 4.

-- meaning of word, I, 263 n 2.

Umm Gemîl, wife of Abu Laheb, lx.

Ummîyûn, xlvii; I, 482.

Umm Salmâ, one of Mohammed's wives, I, 70 n 2.


Veiled prophet of Khorassan, xlv.

Venus, xii.

Vizîr, meaning of word, II, 36 n 2.


Wadd, xii; II, 303.

Wady, bed of a torrent, I, 191.

Wády as Sheikh, I, 147 n 1.

Walîd ibn ’Hugbâ wrongly accuses the tribe of Mustaleq of insubordination, II, 239 n.

(al) Walîd ibn Mughâirah, II, 295, 309 n, 320 n.

-- bargains with an idolater to be relieved of the sin of apostacy, II, 253 n.

Waqf, lxxiii.

Waraqah, xv, xx, xlix.

(al) Watîyeh, I, 147 n 1.

Wazîlah, I, 112, 112 n 1.

Whisperer, the, II, 345.

Whistling reprimanded, I, 167.

Witches, II, 303.

Women, position of, lxxv.

p. 358

Word, l; I, 51.

Wuzû’h, lxxii.


YaghûTH, xii; II, 303.

gûg, II, 25, 54.

Yâi’as, meaning of word, I, 236 n 2.

Yamâmah, II, 86 n 3.

Y‘arishûn, meaning of word, I, 153 n 1.

Yasîn, II, 173.

YaTHrib, xviii, xxx, xxxi, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxiv, xlviii; II, 140, 140 n 1.

-- Jews of, xxxi.

Ya’ûq, xii; II, 303.

Yefta’h’allah, new phrase, I, 149 n 2.

Yemâmah, lvii.

Yemen, xiv; II, 150 n, 327 n, 341 n.

Yul‘hidûna, meaning of word, I, 160 n 1.


Zachariah, I, 51, 125; II, 27, 27 n 1, 53, 53 n 1.

Zafâ, Mount, near Mecca, xiii; I, 22.

Zafîyah bint ’Huyâi, one of the prophet's wives, II, 240.

Zafwân ibn al Mu’huttal, causes scandal concerning ‘Âyesha, II, 74 n 2.

Zâid, Mohammed's adopted son, xxix, xli, xlix; II, 144, 233 n 1.

Zâid ibn Amr, xv, xx, xxiii.

Zâid ibn THâbit, Mohammed's amanuensis, lvii, lviii, lix.

Zâinab, a widow, afterwards one of Mohammed's wives, xxix.

-- divorced wife of Zâid, xxix; II, 139 n, 144 n, 233.

Zakât, lxxiii.

Zâli‘h, I, 146, 147, 148 n 1, 211, 212, 215; II, 96, 103.

Zamharîr, II, 313.

Zaqqûm, II, 7 n 2, 170, 220, 264.

Zemzem, xvii.

Zingabîl, II, 313.

Zobeir, xxiii, lxv.

Zodiacal signs, II, 326.

Zoroastrianism, lxviii.

Zuhâib ibn Sinân er Rûmî, I, 30 n 1.