Transformation from worldly form to spiritual
In the same way, thought waves create reality. Repeated thought patterns create our daily reality, as well as genetic, cellular character traits in our souls. Samskaras account for what we call Karma, or Heredity, in the context of reincarnation. Samskaras are at the root of the Jiva's (Tipharet) separating desire from Source, or Keter.
Repeated thought forms in Yoga are called mantras, and are invoked continuously to keep the mind focused on God, and to re-shape the Samskaras in more spiritual directions. There are mantras for every activity. Yoga mantras are in Sanskrit, a language whose every letter is tuned to the harmonies of the human mind/soul. Often, a mantra is given specifically to a student by the Guru, or teacher.
The "Heart Mantra" is one of many mantras, believed to bring healing to all. It is believed the actual creation of the sounds combined with breath brings the soul closer to source, or the infinite bliss of Krishna, the Divine Mother, or whatever aspect of deity the aspirant is focusing on.
"The One God Is Allah," and Mohammed is his Prophet. This is one of the key Muslim prayers, and indeed, every syllable of the Koran is believed to resonate with spiritual potency. Islam, which means "slave of God," believes that Arabic is the language of heaven, and that paradise is closed to non-Arabic speakers.
Forms of Buddhism use prayer in various ways - the Nicheren Shoishus meditating with "nam yoho renge kyo-" or the Zen practitioners using Koans to stump the mind, and confound its accustomed patterns.
Christians have some prayers that are especially sacred and ritualized, using the Passion of Christ for example, to achieve mystical attendance to God, The Holy Ghost, Jesus, or the Virgin Mary.
The Jewish prayer service is a vast, complex and beautiful arrangement of Biblical excerpts, writings of the prophets, and Kabalistic poems and acrostics, that has evolved since deepest antiquity. Hebrew, the "Lashon ha Kodesh" (sacred tongue) has properties in its pronunciation that release the light in the "neshama" or "soul," the same light that is trapped in the Klippot, discussed in Tzimtzum.
In western humanist parlance, this has emerged as "The Power of Positive Thinking," or affirmation meditations, thoughts intentionally repeated to change inner beliefs. Example affirmations are: "I approve of myself," and "I am patient, calm, and healthy."
This also describes the "Manifestation Process," whereby a goal is (sometimes vaguely at first) visualized, refined, defined, made clearer, focused on, urged towards, attended to, and finally made solid and polished in the real world.
The Manifestation Process is mapped on the Tree of Life. Atzilut, the world of Emanation, is the first hints of the idea. Briah, the world of creation from nothing, is the first "sketch on a napkin." Yetzirah is the actual building, "base coat," "blocking in," or construction of foundation. Assiah is the final coat of paint, the polishing, the touch-ups, and the little bow on top. A chart showing the four worlds is on the Overview Page.
The Manifestation Process is not always so orderly. Often the process is
only noticable in retrospect. What may have seemed haphazard while it was
happening can in the end appear to have been well planned. This is like
the story about the guy who "draws the targets around the arrows after
they've landed."
Saturn's placement at birth influences the person's work in life, their obstacles, the challenges that will test them and build character.
Saturn shows how a person will mature, and how they will learn to cope with adversity. Saturn teaches transformation, and initiation. Saturn's rewards are the sweetest, for they are the hardest won. Afflictions to Saturn can create inhibition, timidity, cruelty, violence, melancholy, a knack for trouble, bad work situations, abuse of power, or resentment.
Saturn, and the earth signs it rules, are the arbiters of the highest initiation. Christ, Buddha, and the Virgin Mary are Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo, respectively, in our mythic systems. Initiation is earned, and only when the aspirant can use higher consciousness in the Real World is the initiation authentic.
Saturn is associated with the "Ring Pass Not" - a term normally used when referring to the orb of energetic influence of a planet or body, and can also be applied to other forms of life. The ring-pass-not is the combination of the different energy sheaths that human or cosmic spirits gather around themselves.
"A profoundly mystical and suggestive term signifying the circle or bounds or frontiers within which is contained the consciousness of those who are still under the sway of the delusion of separateness -- and this applies whether the ring be large or small. It does not signify any one especial occasion or condition, but is a general term applicable to any state in which an entity, having reached a certain stage of evolutionary growth of the unfolding of consciousness, finds itself unable to pass into a still higher state because of some delusion under which the consciousness is laboring, be that delusion mental or spiritual." (From The Occult Glossary).
Saturn is the boundary between the inner or "personal" planets, and the outer, "impersonal" planets. The inner planets are about refining our responses; the outer planets are things beyond our conscious control.
Saturn's connection to 'The World,' Key 21, and earthiness, is symbolic of its hard reality. The square and the cross are associated with matter; while we live on this earth, we are like spirits caught in amber, or nailed to a cross. Spirit, coping with material existence, is forced into transformation, and growth.
There is an additional discussion of Saturn on the Glyphs page in the left frame.
Saturn is Exalted in Libra, and Rules Capricorn. Saturn's detriment is Cancer/Leo and its fall is Aries.
The Sepher associated with Saturn is Binah.
Saturn's higher octave is Pluto.