Aleph - Ox - The Fool"> Bet - House - The Magician"> Gimel - Camel - The High Priestess"> Dalet - Door - The Empress"> Heh - Window - The Emporor"> Vav - Nail - The Heirophant"> Zain - Sword - The Lovers"> Chket - Fence - The Chariot"> Tet - Serpent - Strength"> Yod - Hand - The Hermit"> Kaf - Cup - The Wheel of Fortune"> Lamed - Whip - Justice"> Mem - Ocean - The Hanged Man"> Nuun - Fish - Death"> Samech - Support - Temperence"> Ayin - Eye - The Devil"> Peh - Mouth - Lightning Struck Tower"> Tzaddi - Fishhook - The Star"> Qoph - Back of the head - The Moon"> Resh - Head - The Sun"> Shin - Tooth - Judgement"> Tav - Cross - The World">