Hyperpædia Download
This is where you can download the entire Hyperpædia for offline use, in the form of a compressed .zip file.
Please do not post it anywhere, because it is a work in progress, and remote postings would not benefit from more recent accretions of information.
Like a garden, these pages are constantly being developed, little bits getting tucked in all the time, and little corrections getting made here and there. For that reason, the newest versions will be posted, and you can overwrite the old files with the new ones.
Hyperpædia.ZIP [9.6 MGS]
(MABON ISSUE - Version 7.0 - October, 2002)
Save the .zip file anywhere you want ("Desktop" is preferable, so you can find it easily). It takes about 25 minutes on a 56.6 modem. Click on the icon, then choose "extract" - send its contents to a specific folder of your choosing. (Then you can delete the .zip file from your desktop.) Open and bookmark the file called: "launch.htm" - and there you have it.When you are updating, just save all files over the previous version, replacing the entire site, as minute changes are often made throughout the pages.
To link to the Hyperpædia (and so it will function correctly), please use this URL: