"Our eyes and ears do not always depend
on our will power,
but our tongues do."
the Zohar
Dark Star crashes, |
At any given moment, there are approximately 2000 thunderstorms occurring on Earth. This results in the planet being struck by lightning an estimated 100 Times a Second.
Mars' placement at birth sets the character for the person's vitality, and urge to accomplish. It represents endurance, the ability to heal, courage, and confidence.
Mars infuences the desire nature and sex drive. Afflictions to Mars create inhibitions, timidity, cruelty, violence, excessive anger, impotence, lack of vigor.
Mars takes 687 days to complete its solar orbit though the zodiac.
Mars adds strength wherever it is placed in the chart. Hard aspects with other planets can 'angry up the blood,' or perhaps impair Mars. Easy aspects can increase strength, or focus Martian energy like a laser.
MARSMars is Exalted in Capricorn, and Rules Scorpio. Mars' detriment is Taurus/Libra and its fall is Cancer.
The Sepher associated with Mars is Gevurah.